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The notion of the narrowly focused life is highly romanticized in our culture. Its this idea of destiny or the one true calling, the idea that we each have one great thing we are meant to do during our time on this earth, and you need to figure out what that thing is and devote your life to it. 一生都心无旁骛的这一观念,在我们的文化中被过分浪漫化了。这种命运论或者说“ 命中注定的职业” 的概念,意思是我们每个人都有一份命中注定的伟大事业,我们需要找到它, 并为之奋斗一生。But what if youre someone who isnt wired this way? What if there are a lot of different subjects that youre curious about, and many different things you want to do? Well, there is no room for someone like you in this framework. And so you might feel alone. You might feel like you dont have a purpose. And you might feel like theres something wrong with you. Theres nothing wrong with you. What you are is a multipotentialite.但如果你不是这样的人呢?如果你对很多事都有好奇心,想去尝试各种各样的职业呢?那么在现有体系中, 你很难有容身之处。你也许会感到孤独。你也许会觉得自己没有目标。你也许会觉得自己是不是有问题。你没有问题。你是一名 “ 多重潜力者 ” 。Multipotentialite:多重潜力者Here are three multipotentialite super powers. 多重潜力者拥有三种 “ 超能力 ” 。One: idea synthesis . That is, combining two or more fields and creating something new at the intersection. Sha Hwang and Rachel Binxdrew from their shared interests in cartography , data visualization , travel, mathematics and design, when they founded Meshu . Innovation happens at the intersections. Thats where the new ideas come from. And multipotentialites, with all of their backgrounds, are able to access a lot of these points of intersection. 第一是产生创意。就是说,结合两个或两个以上领域从结合处寻求创新。黄沙和瑞秋 宾克斯找到了共同的兴趣爱好,像制图,数据可视化,旅行,数学和设计,之后他们创办了 Meshu 。 创新来源于交叉处。新创意(大都)来源于此。而多重潜力者,拥有丰富的(知识)背景,能够在各领域交叉处找到突破点。synthesis 美 s?n? s?s n. 综合,化学 合成;综合体 复数 syntheses cartography 美 k rt r?fin. 地图制作,制图;制图学,绘图法visualization美,v ?l?ze ?nn. 形象化;清楚地呈现在心The second multipotentialite superpower is rapid learning. When multipotentialites become interested in something, we go hard. We observe everything we can get our hands on. Were also used to being beginners, because weve been beginners so many times in the past, and this means that were less afraid of trying new things and stepping out of our comfort zones. Whats more, many skills are transferable across disciplines, and we bring everything weve learned to every new area we pursue, so were rarely starting from scratch . Nora Dunn is a full-time traveler and freelance writer. As a child concert pianist, she honedan incredible ability to develop muscle memory. Now, shes the fastest typist she knows. 多重潜力者的第二种超能力是快速学习。当多重潜力者对某件事产生兴趣时,我们会全身心投入。 我们仔细观察,勤于实践。我们已经习惯于当初学者,因为我们过去曾当过无数次初学者,我们不怕尝试新事物,勇于走出舒适区。除此以外,很多能力在各个学科都是通用的, 我们将之前所学用于新领域,而不用从零开始。诺拉 邓恩是一位全职旅行家和自由作家。作为一名儿童钢琴演奏家,她磨练出了非凡的能力来发展肌肉记忆。因此,她是她所有认识的人中打字最快的。scratch美 skr? t?n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛Nora Dunn 诺拉 邓恩freelance美fril?nsn. 自由作家;自由记者adj. 自由投稿的hone 美 hon n. 磨刀石;想念;抱怨。 vt. 用磨刀石磨The third multipotentialite superpower is adaptability; that is, the ability to morphinto whatever you need to be in a given situation. Abe Cajudo is sometimes a video director, sometimes a web designer,sometimes a Kickstarter consultant, sometimes a teacher, and sometimes, apparently, James Bond. 第三种 “ 超能力 ” 是适应性。也就是说, 如果有需要,你能变成任何角色,以适应不同的情况。 艾比 卡胡多有时候是视频导演,有时候是网站设计师,有时候是众筹顾问,有时候是老师,有时候,很明显,是詹姆斯 邦德。morph 美 m ?rf n. 词态;语素;变体vt. 在屏幕上变换图像;改变So with that said, if there is one thing you take away from this talk, I hope that it is this: embrace your inner wiring, whatever that may be. If youre a specialist at heart, then by all means, specialize. That is where youll do your best work. But to the multipotentialites in the room, including those of you who may have just realized in the last 12 minutes that you are one. 所以, 如果你从今天的演讲中学到了一件事的话,我希望会是: 接受你内心的真实想法。如果你是专家型的人,那就用尽一切办法,成为专家。你会干得非常不错。但对于在座的多重潜力者们,包括那些在过去的12 分钟里 刚刚意识到自己是多重潜力者的人,to you I say: embrace your many passions. Follow your curiosity down those rabbit holes. Explore your intersections. Embracing our inner wiring leads to a happier, more authentic life. And perhaps more importantly - multipotentialites, the world needs us. 我要对你们说:接受你的众多爱好。保持你的好奇心。探索(不同领域的)交叉地带。让真实的自我引领我们去过更快乐、更真实的人生。也许更重要的是,(我们是)多重潜力者,这个世界需要我们。Thank you. 谢谢大家。
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