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高二英语导学案班级: _ 姓名: _ Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (词汇导学案 ) 一、学习目标 1. 掌握本单元 51 个课标单词及 7 个课标短语,达到听说读写的基本要求。 2. 能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 二、学习重点 能够熟练掌握并正确运用词汇表中黑体的12 个重点单词及 7 个重点短语。 三、学习难点 学会自我分类, 根据词性归纳整理本单元的重点单词,并利用词汇的派生扩 展夯实词汇,能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 四、学习过程 【自主预习】 1词汇 先根据读音规则试读,再听录音纠正发音、大声朗读,然后通过音形义 相结合的方式记忆本单元单词。你记住了吗?写一写,试试吧! 名词( n.):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 形容词 (adj.) :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 动词(v.):_ _ _ _ _ 2短语 合上课本,试着写出以下几个短语的中文意思。 1)test out_ 2) ring up_ 3) leave alone_ 4) set aside_ 5) be bound to_ 6) turn around_ 7) in all_ 【小组合作】 1. 词形变化判断下列后缀的词性,并根据要求为所给单词选择相应的后缀并给 出相应的词类转换形式。你可以吗?试试看吧! -ion/ation_; -ing_; -ed_; -er_; -ce_; -ment_; -cal_. 1)satisfy_(n.) 满意,令人满意的事物 _(adj.) 令人 满意的 _(adj.) 满足的, (感到)满意的 2)alarm _(adj.) 担心的 3)elegant_(n.) 优雅,高雅 4)declare_(n.) 宣言,声明 5)count_(n.) 柜台,计数器 6)state _(n.) 陈述 7)talent_(adj.) 天才的,有才能的 8)imagine _(n.) 想象力 9)theory_(adj.) 理论上的 10)divorce _(adj.) 离婚的 11)assess _(n.) 评价,评定 12)affect _(n.) 喜爱,感情 13 )think _(n.) 思考,思想 14)transfuse _(n.) 输血 15)bed_(n.) 寝具,铺盖2. 复合词 合上课本,根据汉语意思试着拼写出下列复合词,试一试吧! 1) 超重的 _ 2) 手指甲 _ 3) 理发_ 4) 项链_ 5) 扶手椅 _ 6) 邮筒_ 7) 框架_ 8) 兼职的 _ 9)化妆品 _ 10)生物化学 _ 3.单词拼写根据所给提示拼写单词并翻译下列句子。 1)Could you please do me a _( 帮忙)and turn off the radio? 2) The president appeared and was _(陪伴)by six strong bodyguards. 3) I wish he d show me a little more _( 同情). 4) Jack has always _( 忌妒)me my good looks. 5) After graduation from a j_middle school, he entered a senior middle school. 6) I have arranged that one of my _( 员工) will meet you at the airport. 7) His brother has never come back since he joined the _(海军)during the war. 8 ) It seemed that the children were not affected emotionally by their parents _(离婚). 【随堂检测】 1. The engineers have rejected the employers proposals to end the strike and the other workers have come out in_. A. opposition B. return C. sympathy D. readiness 2. After a whole afternoon s heated discussion, they finally _to us what had been decided. A. told B. declared C. desired D. made 3. I am really thankful that Tom _me in seeing the film on the stormy night. A. frightened B. conveyed C. accompanied D. protected 4. As he stood up and _, he saw the waiter standing behind him and giving him an understanding smile. A. turned off B. turned around C. turned over D. turned up 5. Do you know that everyone here_ you your freedom to do or say what you want? A. envy B. admire C. appreciated D. enjoy 6. She became_ when she could not waken her husband. A. lost B. delighted C. alarmed D. interested 7. We d better _ when he is thinking, as he prefers to solve problems on his own. A. wake him up B. keep him away C. leave him alone D. call him up 8. Nearly every teacher likes students who _ and save a lot of trouble, although he knows that such students may lack the creative potentiality. A. fight B. refuse C. resist D. obey 9. After _ the quality of this new machine, we are ready to go into production. A. carrying out B. making out C. squeezing out D. testing out 10. When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside_ younger men. A. in terms of B. in need of C. in favor of D. in praise of 大成中学高二英语导学案班级: _ 姓名: _ 学号: _ Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (阅读导学案 ) 一、学习目标 语言目标:掌握本篇文章中的重点词汇短语,能够理解文章内容。 能力目标:让学生学会运用各种阅读技巧阅读和机器人有关的科幻故事。 情感目标:使学生能够感受到科幻小说所反映出的科学思想(A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured. ) 二、学习重点 1. 教会学生欣赏科幻小说。 2. 使学生理解作者通过哪些事情反映出自己所要表达的科学思想。 三、学习难点 学生能够理解 Claire 对 Tony 的情绪变化。 四、学习过程 【知识链接 】A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by human. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. Science fiction is often based on scientific principles and technology. Science fiction may make predictions about life in the future. 【自主预习】 1. Find the characters in the story. Larry Belmont: worked for a company that _. Claire: Larry s_ Tony: the _ Gladys Claffern: one of the _ that Claire envies. 2. Finish the multiple choices about the story. 1)Larry Belmont brought a robot back home in order to _. A. help his wife B. accompany his wife C. test out the robot D. entertain his wife 2) Why did Claire feel alarmed at the sight of Tony? A. Because he was a robot.
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