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英语口语考试通用语句英语口语考试通用语句(建议让口语考试不开口的学生背诵(建议让口语考试不开口的学生背诵带下划线的基本语句带下划线的基本语句,英语老师务必要求,英语老师务必要求 平时不开口讲英语的学生在正式考试时一定要开口说。平时不开口讲英语的学生在正式考试时一定要开口说。 ) 模板归纳(一):室外突发事件篇 日期或星期,天气,Tom 正在做.,突然,他听到或看到.,他迅速,. 感谢.(或道歉.) It was Sunday. It was fine. Tom was lying on the beach. Suddenly, he heard a boy shouting for help. The boy was in the water. He quickly jumped into the water and saved the boy out of water. The boy was saved. His parents thanked him again and again. Tom is a good boy.模板归纳(二):室外平铺直叙篇: 日期或星期,天气,Tom 在做.,有人在做. 有人 It was Sunday. It was sunny. There are many people in a park. Tom was in the park. He was planting trees with his classmates. Some were digging holes. Others were carrying water. In the afternoon, they went home by bus. They were busy but they were very happy.模板归纳(三):室内突发事件篇 It was Sunday. Tom was sleeping in bed Suddenly, he heard the fire alarm and saw a lot of smoke. There was a fire. He quickly jumped out of bed and dialled 119. The firemen arrived. He helped the firemen put out the fire. Tom was very happy.模板归纳(四):室内平铺直叙篇: 例文 1: It was Sunday. Tom was in a library. He was looking for books. He found some books. He went to the librarian and borrowed them. She said he can keep them for ten days. Tom was happy. 例文 2: It was Sunday. Tom and his parents were at home. He was doing his homework. His father was reading the newspaper. His mother was cooking. Dinner was almost ready. They were all busy but happy. 模板归纳(五):描写人或物 Look at the picture. There are two people in the picture. The boy is Tom. The girl is Mary. Tom is 10 years old. Mary is 11 years old. They are good friends. They are very happy.Look at the picture. There is a room in the picture. Its my bedroom. I love my room.做题步骤:做题步骤: 30 秒准备:秒准备:浏览图画得出逻辑关系得出主题得出与主题相关单词 1 分钟录音:分钟录音:注意开头要点出主题或引出后面内容 beginning-body-end 注意事项:注意事项: 句子简单; 语速稍慢,保持一致; 吐词清晰; 时态一致:一般现在时、现在进行时或一般过去时 困惑:困惑:漫画其实并不难,显得困难的原因是:得不出主题,把图片想的很复杂,理由也想 的很复杂,想的东西往往是自己语言没办法描述的,以及不知道怎么收尾。 解题的技巧:解题的技巧:简单地把图的内容表述出来, “所见即所得”,结尾 Thats all。万能模板: Look at these pictures/According to these picture, we can learn about these pictures describle a story about (谁和谁的,一个什么地方,在哪里)。 时间,天气,什么人做什么事情/哪里有什么人或物(第一幅图) ,描述那些人做什么,或 者发生了什么(第二三幅图,每幅图一句最多两句) ,结果怎么样(第四幅图) 。 感想:I hope /we should .thats all,thank you!
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