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汇汇 票票No. ExchangeExchange forfor At sight of this FirstFirst of Exchange(SecondSecond of the same tenor and date unpaid).pay to the Order of the sum ofDrawnDrawn underunder To:To: (SignatureSignature)(出票人签章)汇汇 票票No. EX99008 ExchangeExchange forfor USD11000.00USD11000.00 CHENGDU At sight of this FirstFirst of Exchange(SecondSecond of the same tenor and date unpaid).pay to the Order of BANK OF CHINA the sum ofUSUS DOLLARSDOLLARS ELEVENELEVEN THOUSANDTHOUSAND ONLYONLY DrawnDrawn underunder ISSUING BANK: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA L/C NO:306M062682 DATE OF ISSUE:FEB.25,1999 To:To: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA,N.A.MONTEREY PARK,CA(SignatureSignature)(出票人签章)被背书人:被背书人:被背书人:被背书人:被背书人:背书人 (签字)背书人 (签字)背书人 (签字)背书人 (签字)背书人 (签字) 被背书人:被背书人:被背书人:被背书人:被背书人:背书人 (签字)背书人 (签字)背书人 (签字)背书人 (签字)背书人 (签字)汇汇 票票No. EX99008 ExchangeExchange forfor USD11000.00USD11000.00 CHENGDU At sight of this FirstFirst of Exchange(SecondSecond of the same tenor and date unpaid).pay to the Order of BANK OF CHINA the sum ofUSUS DOLLARSDOLLARS ELEVENELEVEN THOUSANDTHOUSAND ONLYONLY DrawnDrawn underunder ISSUING BANK: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA L/C NO:306M062682 DATE OF ISSUE:FEB.25,1999 GUARANTEEGUARANTEE FORFOR (被保证人)保证人签章保证人签章To:To: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA,N.A.MONTEREY PARK,CA(SignatureSignature)(出票人签章)汇汇 票票No. EX99008 ExchangeExchange forfor USD11000.00USD11000.00 CHENGDU At sight of this FirstFirst of Exchange(SecondSecond of the same tenor and date unpaid).pay to the Order of BANK OF CHINA the sum ofUSUS DOLLARSDOLLARS ELEVENELEVEN THOUSANDTHOUSAND ONLYONLY DrawnDrawn underunder ISSUING BANK: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA L/C NO:306M062682 DATE OF ISSUE:FEB.25,1999 ACCEPTANCEACCEPTANCE承兑人签章承兑人签章To:To: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA,N.A.MONTEREY PARK,CA(SignatureSignature)(出票人签章)
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