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4 级作文 第一段1、There is a prevalent phenomenon that _ There is a universal acknowlegement that_ A standpoint which is frequently mentioned not only by_but by_as well is that_.2、 And there is no consensus of opinions among all the individuals as to the view of the case.3、some individuals would maintian the tentativeness that_, while others cant find their agreement to it.4、the following pasages will show the arguements with the tentativeness of mine.第二段主题句:For those who lend their support to the positive trend, their reasons are in varied forms.1、To begin with, _ is of extreme significance in the whole view. A prominent example is that_.2、Additionally, _ is so indispensable that most individuals would consider it as the major cause of the issue. we can easily notice the fact that_ . 第三段 主题句:For those who tend to terminate the issue, they come up with some novel ideas to counter the discussion above.1、first of all, _ is always top of their arguments list. Take myself as an example, _.2、furthurmore, _provides adequet justifications for the continuence of the issue.For instance, _ 结论段As can be concluded from the arguments above. Personally, facing with this conflict matter, what we must insure is that the essence must be absorbed. I sincerely wish that some combinations should be suggested. If it could be realized, our life would be flooded with harmony.一、大学英语四六级听力部分段落题的十大主题及关键考法思路1. 故事叙述题 【幽默故事或奇闻逸事灾难及逃生通过学习提高成熟谋生故事】开篇句引出故事背景及主人公遇到的困境 主人公作出的计划、决定及其原因主人公采取的非同寻常的步骤和行为 故事以生动的结局收尾通常是主人公所提到的一句意味深长的话(推测言外之义)2. 著名人物介绍题【政治家、总统艺术家商人、企业家科学家运动员在某行业有影响的人物】开篇句对人物进行简明扼要的介绍,有时带出生卒年代 人物的重大成就及历史地位评价社会环境的局限性及人物面临的问题 历史人物的活动、历史事件及相关年代3. 学校教育介绍题【美国中小学教育特点美国私立学校及宗教学校某大学的特殊教育体制方法】开篇句带出某类教育(学校)的基本特点及开办原因学校的教育地位、管理方法及资金来源学校生源、师资、课程设置、校舍、图书馆或课外活动介绍经常提到数字统计学校最独特的一两个方面及相关原因4. 科普知识题【某个自然现象动物生活习性科学家的理论某项发明的过程某项工具的历史演变】现象类:开篇句点明现象的发生时间、环境现象的主要特点人类对现象的研究及初步结论现象对人类生活可能带来的好处或危害动物类:开篇句引出动物的某种特性、优势特性的生成原因(适应自然、躲避危险、便于捕食)一类动物中的一个独特代表:其活动速度、生理节奏、身体部位及功能、食物吸取量对人类的启发(相关典故谚语)理论类:自然界中的某个神秘现象发生科学家理论内容用理论阐释现象的成因或规律发明类:人类生活中的局限发明家进行的努力发明成功的年代发明的工作原理、操作步骤或功能效果工具类:某类(项)工具的起源时间(原始阶段)工具的不足及人类的多次改进某阶段工具的独特之处工具的完善时间(现代阶段)工具的地位和意义5 个词拿下快速阅读Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular, when older patients _47_ of pain, they were told it was a natural part of aging and they would have to learn to live with it.Times have changed. Today, we take pain _48_. Indeed, pain is now considered the fifth vital sign, as important as blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and pulse in _49_ a persons well-being. We know that chronic (慢性的) pain can disrupt (扰乱) a persons life, causing problems that _50_ from missed work to depression.Thats why a growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who _51_ in pain medicine. Not only do we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat the pain better, but we also help provide comprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social _52_ related to chronic pain. Such comprehensive therapy often _53_ the work of social workers, psychiatrists (心理医生) and psychologists, as well as specialists in pain medicine. This modern _54_ for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative treatments which are more effective and with fewer side effects than ever before. Decades ago, there were only a _55_ number of drugs available, and many of them caused _56_ side effects in older people, including dizziness and fatigue. This created a double-edged sword: the medications helped relieve the pain but caused other problems that could be worse than the pain itself.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答A) result I) determining B) involves J) limitedC) significant K) gravely D) range L) complainedE) relieved M) respect F) issues N) promptingG) seriously O) specialize H) magnificent第一步是每位学生都要去做的,就是把 15 个单词通过后缀进行词性分类,但是通常我的习惯是遇到动词进行二次分类:确定时态,确定单三还是非单三;遇到名词确定单数还是复数;先把 4 级历年真题选词填空中出现频率最高的后缀全部列举出来:名词后缀:tion/sion/ness/ment/er/or/ist/ism 形容词后缀:able/al/ant/ent/tive/sive/ous/less/ed/ing动词后缀:ate/lize/ing/ed 副词后缀:ly/ward/wise在历年真题中只要出现 ly 一定为副词,这是频率好,我们开始分类:名词单数:A) result 结果 M) respect(尊重)可能的名词复数:F) issues B) involves 动词原形: O)specialize M)respect(尊重)动词进行时:I) determining 决定,确定 N) prompting动词过去式:J) limited 限制 L)complained 抱怨 E) relieved可能的动词单三:B)involves F)issues 形容词:C) significant H)magnificent J) limited 有限的副词:G) seriously 严肃的 K) gravely 不能确定的:D)range
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