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Caozhoutao 2012,1-1,Chapter One,Introduction to Organizations,Caozhoutao 2012,1-2,What is an Organization?,DefinitionImportance of OrganizationsBring together resources to achieve desired goals and outcomesProduce goods and services efficientlyFacilitate innovationUse modern manufacturing and information technologies,Caozhoutao 2012,1-3,Importance of Organizations,Importance of Organizations (contd)Adapt to and influence a changing environmentCreate value for owners, customers and employeesAccommodate ongoing challenges of diversity, ethics, and the motivation and coordination of employees,Caozhoutao 2012,1-4,Five Basic Parts of an Organization,TopManagement,TechnicalSupport,Technical Core,AdministrativeSupport,MiddleManagement,Source: Based on Henry Mintzberg, The Structuring of Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979) 215-297; and Henry Mintzberg, “Organization Design: Fashion or Fit?” Harvard Business Review 59 (Jan. Feb. 1981): 103-116.,Caozhoutao 2012,1-5,Caozhoutao 2012,1-6,Structural Dimensions,Formalization SpecializationHierarchy of authorityCentralizationProfessionalismPersonnel ratios,Caozhoutao 2012,1-7,Two Organization Design Approaches,Organizational Changein the Service ofPerformance,Source: Adapted from David K. Hurst, Crisis and Renewal: Meeting the Challenge of Organizational Change (Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School),效率与效果,效率用来达到组织一定目标的资源量效果组织达到目标的程度利益相关者与组织的绩效有厉害关系的组织内部和组织外部的任何群体。,Cao zhoutao 2012,Chapter Two,The Arrangement of Reporting Relationships,Key Components in the Definition,Cao zhoutao 2012,Cao zhoutao 2012,A Sample Organization Chart,Structural Design Options for Grouping Employees into Departments,Engineering,Marketing,Manufacturing,CEO,FunctionalGrouping,DivisionalGrouping,Cao zhoutao 2012,Structural Design Options for Grouping Employees (Continued),Cao zhoutao 2012,Strengths and Weaknesses of Functional Organization Structure,STRENGTHS:Allows economies of scale within functional departmentsEnables in-depth knowledge and skill developmentEnables organization to accomplish functional goalsIs best with only one or a few products,WEAKNESSES:Slow response time to environmental changesMay cause decisions to pile on top, hierarchy overloadLeads to poor horizontal coordination among departmentsResults in less innovationInvolves restricted view of organizational goals,Cao zhoutao 2012,Strengths and Weaknesses of Divisional Organization Structure,STRENGTHS:Suited to fast change in unstable environmentLeads to client satisfaction because product responsibility and contact points are clearInvolves high coordination across functionsAllows units to adapt to differences in products, regions, clientsBest in large organizations with several productsDecentralizes decision-making,WEAKNESSES:Eliminates economies of scale in functional departmentsLeads to poor coordination across product linesEliminates in-depth competence and technical specializationMakes integration and standardization across product lines difficult,Caozhoutao 2012,Reorganization from Functional Structure to Divisional Structure at Info-Tech,FunctionalStructure,DivisionalStructure,Caozhoutao 2012,Product,Manager A,Product,Manager B,Product,Manager C,Product,Manager D,Director,of Product,Operations,Design,Vice President,Mfg,VicePresident,Marketing,Vice President,Controller,Procure-ment,Manager,President,Dual-Authority Structure in a Matrix Organization,Caozhoutao 2012,STRENGTHS:Achieves coordination necessary to meet dual demands from customersFlexible sharing of human resources across productsSuited to complex decisions and frequent changes in unstable environmentProvides opportunity for both functional and product skill developmentBest in medium-sized organizations with multiple products,WEAKNESSES:Causes participants to experience dual authority, which can be frustrating and confusingMeans participants need good interpersonal skills and extensive trainingIs time consuming; involves frequent meetings and conflict resolution sessionsWill not work unless participants understand it and adopt collegial rather than vertical-type relationshipsRequires great effort to maintain power balance,Strengths and Weaknesses of Matrix Organization Structure,Caozhoutao 2012,Matrix Structure forWorldwide Steel Company,Vertical Functions,Horizontal Product Lines,Chapter Three,Strategy and Environment,Framework for Assessing Environmental Uncertainty,Top Management Role in Organization Direction, Design, and Effectiveness,CEO, TopManagementTeam,External Environment,OpportunitiesThreatsUncertaintyResource Availability,Internal Situation,StrengthsWeaknessesDistinctive CompetenceLeadership StylePast Performance,Strategic Direction,Organization Design,Effectiveness Outcomes,Definemission,officialgoals,Selectoperationalgoals,competitivestrategies,ResourcesEfficiencyGoal attainmentCompeting values,
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