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1. a bar code label is attached on the centigrade thermometer. 摄氏温度计上系着一枚条形码标签。2. A compass, an album and a stack of pads are carelessly put near the calendar.指南针,相册和一沓便笺本被随意地搁置在日历旁边。3. There is a stack of hay and a leaky barrel in the discarded barn.在废弃的牲口棚里有一堆干草和一个漏的水桶。4. The gardener is trimming a peculiar pine trees limbs with a saw.园丁正在用锯子修建一棵造型独特的松树。5. Spiders spin webs amid the bush to capture insects as their food. 蜘蛛在灌木丛中结网并以捕捉昆虫为食。6. The capacity of that plastic container is 10 gallons, namely 80 pints, and the height is approximately 60 centimeters. 那个塑料容器的容积式10 加仑即 80 品脱, 高度大约为60 厘米。7. A gym locates besides the erect portrait and monuments of suburb with blooms around.在市郊笔直的雕像和纪念碑附近,坐落着一座体育馆,周围花团锦簇。8. The brave cowboy is herding a flock of sheep to descend a slope.那位勇敢的牧童把一群羊赶下山坡。9. The whistle of subway weakened and vanished away in the dim tunnel.地铁方向传来的汽笛声音在昏暗的地道里变弱消失了。10. The bamboos and honey peaches dot the bright and spectacular view on the mountain peak.竹林和水蜜桃树点缀着山顶亮丽壮观的风景。11. The flour-roller clinging to the wall is stirring the mixture of flour and water with a constant rhythm. 紧靠墙角的面粉搅拌机正在有节奏地搅动着面水混合物。12. The shallow smelly draining ditch outside the inn annoyed the civilians.客栈外面那条浅浅的发臭的排水沟使周围的民众很烦恼。13. The purple purse made of genuine leather for auction arouse our attention.那个待拍卖的真皮姿色钱包引起了我们的注意。14. There is a stack of grain and some textiles on the saddle of donkey.驴鞍上驮着一麻袋谷物和一些纺织品。15. There was a bottle of brandy(whisky),some stale toast and a bowl of bacon with ants in the cupboard(closet) of the bachelor. 那个单身汉的食橱里放着一瓶白兰地酒(威士忌酒),一些不新鲜的靠面包和一碗爬满蚂蚁的咸肉。16. Under the command of its master, the loyal hunting dog is wandering in the bundles of weeds, waiting for prey. 在主人的指挥下,那只忠实的猎狗在野草丛中徘徊着等待猎物的出现。17. The crude hut concealed by bunches of weeds, hedges and oaks refreshed my memory of childhood.被杂草、篱笆和橡树遮掩的那个简陋的小屋唤起了我对童年的回忆。18. We can see a queue of saints(pilgrims),some solemn isolated temples and bare summits in distance from the windows of our sightseeing bus. 从旅行车窗中我们看到一队圣徒(朝圣者),一些庄严孤立的庙宇和远处光秃秃的山峰。19. The machine consists of cylinder, piston, rotary, shaft, gears, bearings, bolts, screws and stainless steel crusts.那台机器由气缸、活塞、旋转轴、齿轮、轴承、螺栓、螺丝钉和不锈钢外壳组成。20. Through the mist, the stream that stretched for miles was barely visible and authentic.透过薄雾,那条绵延数里的河隐约可见,却更感真实。2.科学技术21. The attempt to develop atomic energy will undoubtedly revolutionize the lives of the coming generation.开发原子能的尝试必将使未来人类的生活发生革命性的变化。22. The only resource of petroleum products is crude oil, which is pumped up from the interior of the earth.原油由地下抽出,它是石油产品的唯一原料。23. Alcohol molecule is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 酒精分子式由碳、氢、氧三种元素构成。24. After analyzing the ancient housing estate, the historical expert reached a conclusion that the Indians were the original inhabitants in North America.经过对古代住宅区的分析,历史学家得出一个结论:印第安人是北美地区最早的居民。25. Most of the telecommunication networks are accurately controlled by electronic robots.大多数远程通讯网络由电子自动装置精确地控制。26. You should read the handy booklet for reference before commencing using the delicate scale.在用这台精密天平之前,你应该读一下那参考手册。27. Some species of bacteria and virus thrive in simple compounds such as alcohol.一些细菌和病毒活跃于简单的化合物诸如酒精中。28. Laser light beaming onto glass fibers casts a characteristic pattern. 射在玻璃纤维上的激光放射出一种特有的图像。29. Through the microscope lens I can clearly observe the worm egg that is not apparent to the naked eye.透过显微镜片,我清楚地看到了肉眼无法看到的蠕虫卵。30. He is amazed that through triangle mirror, the torch lights ref lection spectrum turns to a colorful ribbon image. 令他感到惊奇的是:通过三棱镜的反射后,手电光的反射光谱变成了多彩的带状图像。31. The study demonstrates that the quality of reaction accelerator can influence the density of refined copper.研究表明,反应催化剂的质量影响精炼铜的密度。32. It s estimated that the claw hook of the cargo crane cant heave the heavy lumber up.据估计,该货物起重机爪形钩吊不起那些沉重的木材。33. It s inevitable that horrible earthquakes will happen in the margin of shifting earth layers.移动着的地层边缘将不可避免地发生重大的地震灾害。34. Steel rods that could reinforce concrete structures are indispensable in constructing. 钢筋可以加固混凝土结构,在建造过程中必不可少。35. A scholar predicted that such festival decoration would be a typical feature (trait) of next magnificent ceremony. 一位学者预测,这种节日的装饰是下次盛大庆典的典型特征。36. The earth s axis is an imaginative lin e between the north and south polar and the equator divides the north and south hemisphere. 地球的轴心是介于南北极之间的那条假想的线;赤道是南北半球的分界线。37. Sulfur dioxide is a toxic gas. 二氧化硫是有毒气体。38. It is absolute that the string of a piano vibrates when the keys are struck.钢琴的琴键一弹琴弦就想,这是再自然不过的事情了。39. Emergence of the Internet is a grand symbol that mankind has access to a network era.因特网的出现时人类进入网络时代的重大标志。40. The philosopher said that human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct. 那位哲学家说人类的行为主要是认知的产物,而动物的行为时本能的使然。人物素描41. Although working on a white-collar job, Mister Li is skilled at maintaining the gasoline tur
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