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1Three States of Reading读书的状态大致分为三种:一是为别人而读,二是为有用而读,三是为兴趣而读。There are three states of reading: reading for others, reading for practice and reading for interest.处在第一种状态是最痛苦的,自己本不想读,但迫于外界压力却不得不读。好多中小学生就属于这种情形。在这样的状态下,读书真是苦不堪言。有不少学生曾咬牙切齿地发誓:毕业考试一结束,一定把书烧掉。The first kind of state is the most painful, in which one has to read under the external pressure, against his own will. Many primary and secondary school students are in this case. In such situation, reading is exactly a kind of torment. Some students used to swear that they must burn these books as soon as they graduate.一些为了拿文凭,评职称而读书的亦在此列,对于他们而言,读书实在是件苦差事。Others who want to get diploma and professional tittles are also included. For them, reading is really drudgery.第二种是为有用而读书。处在此列的人已知书中自有黄金屋和颜如玉,已经能从烟波浩渺的书海中有所取舍,读书很有目的性,或为提高专业技术水平,或为丰富知识,学电脑的看电脑书籍,学文学的看小说,当老师的读教育心理,做生意的看经济,搞行政的读政治、管理。为获得某方面的知识而读书,以具备养家糊口的基本技能,凭真才实学立足于社会。The second is reading for practice. People in this state aware that they can find everything they want in books. They are able to search what they need from books and read them with an intention to improve their professional level or enrich their knowledge. Computer learners read computer books; literature learners read novels; teachers read educational psychology; 2businessmen read economy; politicians read political management and so on. They acquire some kind of knowledge from reading in order to have the basic skills to support their family and make their way in the world with their true talent.第三种是为兴趣而读书。这是读书的自觉状态,更是一种境界。不为有用,只因喜欢。这些读者把读书当做生存的基本需要,读书已和吃饭睡觉一样必不可少。三日不读书,则自觉面目可憎,心里就空虚、失落、不踏实。The last is reading for interest. This is not only a consciousness, but also a kind of realm that reading is not for practice but for pleasure. Reading has become a kind of necessaries of life, which is as important as eating and sleeping. Several days without reading will make themselves feel disgusted, vacuous and ungrounded.
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