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高二英语书面表达训练(一)一、某英语报社在你校组织了一场讨论. 讨论的主题是:中学生是否可以在校园使用手机. 请你根据下列表格提供的信息,给报社写一封信,客观介绍讨论的情况,让后发表你的观点.一部分同学 同意另一部分同学反对1.方便和父母或同学联系 2.一种时尚1.分散精力,影响学习 2.有辐射,有害健康你的观点:1. 2. 3.Dear editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion we carried out on whether the middle school students should be forbidden to use mobile phones at campus.二、漫画作文训练题:漫画作文训练题:注意: 1.仔细品味图中文字的幽默、无奈,要适当发挥想象,不要做简单描述。 2.词数 150 左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 To most of the parents, its no easy job to keep their children away from the PC monitor. underwear 本意为内衣,此处为 :non-technical way of prevent students from surfing the internet, such as setting rules for children to control their Internet activities.Some of the students think that it is reasonable for them to bring mobile phones with them to school. On the one hand, they can contact their parents anytime, especially when dealing with an emergency and in great need of the adults. On the other hand, it is a fashion to be equipped with a mobile phone. However, others hold different opinions. According to them, using mobile phones in school will distract(分散) their attention from lessons so that they cant focus on their study, which will have a bad effect on them. Whats worse, they will be exposed to radiation when using mobile phones, thus their health will be harmed.As far as I am concerned, Im strongly against bringing mobile phones to school. Many of students cant control themselves and misuse cell phone. Since the major task of students is study, they should focus on the teachers and textbooks in class and anyone using his or her cell phones in class should be punished. (168 words)As is described in the picture, the monitor of a computer is wearing underwear(内衣). An expert is giving advice to the worried parent, saying” There are three ways to make the internet safer for your children-hardware, software, and underwear.” Worried about their childrens safety on the Internet, some parents cut off access (切断)to the internet-the hardware solution. Some parents turn to some filter programmes(过滤程序) for help- the software solution, to block unhealthy websites. Some others set rules for their children to guide them on how to use the Internet safely-the underwear solution. In my opinion, this problem calls for the attention of the whole society. The government , schools and parents should unite(联合) together to guide the children on how to make proper use of the Internet. They can put in soft wares to block unhealthy websites, and help the children to be aware of the harm of unhealthy websites. (156 words)
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