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返回首页 孟菲斯国际机场演习评估报告 III.POST-CRASH SURVIVABILITY 坠机后的存活可能性III.POST-CRASH SURVIVABILITY 坠机后的存活可能性Post crash survivability now becomes a major issue because response times to aircraft accidents are critical to initiating an effective rescue effort. The aluminum construction of aircraft may provide protection to passengers and crew from exterior flames for up to three minutes. However, complete burn through of the aircraft body may occur in as little as 60 seconds, depending on damage done to the aircraft during the accident and the nature of the fire and that will be looked at in the next section. 坠机后存活可能性目前已成为一个重要课题,因为反应时间对救援效果有重要影响。飞机的铝质结 构可能能保护乘客与机组人员在三分钟内不受外部火灾的伤害。然而,飞机全身的完全燃烧也许就 发生在60秒以内,取决于在事故中对飞机造成损害和火势。这些将再下一部份讨论。Post-Crash Survivability Issues 坠机后的存活可能性问题Post-Crash Survivability Issues 坠机后的存活可能性问题6.5 % of all aircraft accidents have post crash fires. 6.5%的飞机事故在坠机后会引起火灾。 70 % of all deaths in aircrafts are fire related. 70%的飞机事故中的死亡与火灾有关。Post crash fires are the number one threat to survivability. 坠机后的火灾是对存活可能性的头号威胁。Post crash survivability issues become a little easier to understand if a systematic approach is taken, breaking a complicated series of events into smaller, more digestible bits of information. There are five factors that control the chances of crew and passenger survival during a crash. The mnemonic for these factors is CREEP. 坠机后的存活可能性问题若从一个有系统的途径来着手,将一个复杂的系列性事件,分解成更小、 更易消化的小型信息就将更加易于理解。在坠机事故中,掌控着机组人员与乘客生死的机会有五个 因素。这些因素可简称为CREEP. CONTAINER C 封闭空间 RESTRAINT R 固定物 ENERGY ABSORPTION E 能量吸收 ENVIRONMENT E 环境 POST CRASH FACTORS P 坠机后因素Container 封闭空间Container 封闭空间In order to survive a crash, it is first necessary to provide a “living space” for the occupants during the dynamic portion of the crash. If this space is crushed or punctured, the chance of survival falls drastically. In the case of the full-scale exercise, the simulate aircraft incurred a low impact crash, yet the aircraft broke into 2 sections, the nose section and the tail section. The on impact fatality rate for this exercise was only 5%. A large percentage (estimated to be over 50%) of the rest of the victims, had this been an actual emergency, would have expired from the severity of their injuries and from exposure. 为了在坠机事件中求生,首先就需要在坠机动态的过程中,为求生者提供一个“生存空间”。如果 这个空间被打破或刺穿的话,那存活的机率就大幅度降低。在全面演习的情况下,模拟飞机出现低 空坠机的情况,但飞机还是摔成了两截,机头部分与机尾部分。此次演习的坠机灾祸率只有5%。若 发生真正的紧急情况的话,一大部分(大约50%以上)的受难者,将丧命于重伤或是灾难中的暴 露。孟菲斯国际机场演习评估报告http:/www.uniworldchina.com/arff/date/date-3.asp1 of 39/2/2008 3:19 AMRestraint 固定物Restraint 固定物The occupants of any moving vehicle must be protected from injuring collisions within the vehicle; being thrown against the side of the living space or having objects such as luggage or equipment at them. The strength of all restraints should be sufficient to prevent injury at the force levels, which can be expected during the most, severe, but survivable, crash. It can be assumed that all occupants of the exercise aircraft did have restraints that could prevent them from being thrown around the aircraft. 任何移动交通工具中的人员必须在交通工具中免于碰撞伤害的发生;被抛向机体的另一端;或是与 行李和设备发生撞击。所有固定设施都应足以防止任何力量级别的拉扯,尤其是在最严重而又可存 活的坠机事件中。可以假设在此次演习中的所有机内人员都被系上了安全带,得以能够不在飞机内 被抛起。Energy Absorption 能量吸收Energy Absorption 能量吸收Energy absorption requires evaluation of the deceleration forces created during this crash to ascertain if they were high enough to cause fatal or serious injuries. Since the crew and passengers bodies are not rigidly attached to the airframe of the aircraft, the design of the aircraft structure and the seat may cause the acceleration forces experienced by the crew and passengers to be amplified or attenuated. Boeing has always allowed space for crushability in the design of all their aircraft. 能量吸收需要对发生坠机时所产生的减速力的评估,确定是否会足以造成致命或严重的伤害。因为 机组人员和乘客的身体并非死死地固定在飞机的机身上,飞机结构与座位的设计也许会造成对机组 人员和乘客所经历的加速力的增加或减少。波音公司在其所有飞机的设计中加入了坠机撞击所需的 空间。The situation of this crash must be considered to better understand what happens. The aircraft was configured for take-off with a nose up attitude. Most aircraft can survive an off airport landing as long as it lands on flat and level terrain. The treed, uneven terrain of McKellar Park is where the G forces are generated, which are attributive to energy absorption. The highest percentage of victim injuries was from blunt trauma and burns. 坠机的情况必须加以考虑,以便进一步了解发生的状况。这架飞机设计了在起飞时机头拉升的姿 态。大多数飞机可以在飞机场外的平地或较为平坦的地形上降落而不解体。有着树木和不平坦的地 面的McKellar公园正是重力产生,以及出现能量吸收的地方。受难者受伤的最高机率就是硬物外伤 和烧伤。Environment 环境Environment 环境Evaluation of the environment requires the consideration of the previous three factors and the effect they have had on the occupants thus far. If the container fairs well, if the restraints have preformed their job, and if there is the ability to absorb the acceleration forces, then the environment should be in pretty good shape. The failure of any one of the afore mentioned criteria can have a devastating effect on the environment and contribute to serious or fatal injuries in an otherwise survivable environment. 环境评估要
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