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职场双语职场双语 办公室抱怨英语办公室抱怨英语下面是一些例句,你或许会从中学会怎样用英语发牢骚:1. Yech.it is a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck (受骗,被接纳)inside the office with all this paper work.(哎,外面天气那么好,我却得守在办公室内处理这些文件。) stick :2. How am I to know what Im supposed to do if theres no organization around here?(如果这里那么没有条理,我怎么晓得该做些什么好呢?)3.The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencils until theyre down to little stubs(残端,铅笔头,烟蒂;票根)like this.(公司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短。)4.Now where did my eraser go this time? Dont take things off other peoples desks without asking them,O.K.?(这回我的橡皮又到哪里去了?不要不说一声就拿别人桌子上的东西,好吗?)5.I want you to stop hogging my desk space, all right?(你不要再占用我的桌子,好吗?)6.Turn the other way when you smoke, so I wont have to breathe it, all right?(你抽烟时转向那一边,免得我吸到,行不行?)7.Dont talk to me while Im in the middle of calculating(贬 精明的,有心计的).(我在计算时,别跟我说话。)8.Ah, heck! Another mistake.The staff here cant even use their calculators right!(真见鬼!又错了。这里的职员连计算器都不能正确使用。) 9.Oh,why did he have to give me this rush job now that its almost time for my lunch break!(哎,快到午餐休息时间了,他为什么非给我这个急件不可!)10.I know I made a mistake. I just wish he wouldnt keep hammering away at(不断的做) it.(我知道我犯错误了。我真希望他不要一直骂个不停。)11.Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.(整天做这种不用动脑筋的工作,会使我发疯的。)12.Why do I have to do all these extra needless little jobs anyway?(不管怎样,为什么我得做所有这些多余的、不必要的琐碎工作?)13.How come(怎么会那样?) everyone in our company is middle-aged stuffy(陈腐的,呆板的;闷的,通风不好的)?(为什么我们公司都是一些古板的中年人?)14.Everytime he gets drunk,he goes into lousy(极坏的;大量的) preaching(讲道) routine(n. 惯例,例行公事/ adj.例行的,常规的).(每次喝醉,他就开始他那令人讨厌的说教。)15.I dont understand whats going on inside these young peoples heads.(我不了解这些年轻人的脑子里想的是什么。)16.Say, dont you think Miss Black is using the phone too much for personal calls?(喂,你不觉得布莱克小姐的私人电话打得太多吗?)职场双语职场双语 时髦职场沟通工具时髦职场沟通工具 TWITTERA few days ago, Adam Brown, the head of digital communications at Coca-Cola, got his car washed and the sun shone down on him in Atlanta. Meanwhile, Bart Cas, his opposite number (对等的人)at Pepsi, went for a run on the Brooklyn Bridge.几天前,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)数字沟通主管亚当布朗(Adam Brown)在亚特兰大把车洗了,浑身沐浴着阳光。与此同时,百事可乐(Pepsi)的数字沟通主管巴特卡斯(Bart Cas)在布鲁克林大桥上跑步。I happen to know these details because last week I stumbled upon Exec Tweets, a collection of about 100 executives who like to express themselves in chunks of up to 140 characters on Twitter.我碰巧知道这些细节,是因为上周我偶然发现了 Exec Tweets,上面收集了大约 100 名高管的 tweet 信息,他们喜欢在 Twitter 上用不超过 140 个字符来展示自己。Thus I have come to be a disciple of Bart and Adam, but I like Bart best. His latest tweet goes like this: “Worked late, woke up feeling tired but driven forward by the many exciting possibilities a new day brings seize the day!” An earlier one says: “Or Got home my son told me he loved me my daughter was as precious as ever . suddenly the wind was at my back again . ”于是我成了巴特和亚当的追随者,但我更喜欢巴特。巴特在最新的 tweet 消息上写道:“工作到很晚,醒来时感觉疲倦,但想到新一天带来的许多令人激动的可能性,我又继续前进了珍惜每一天!”更早的一条写道:“或者回家儿子说他爱我女儿和以前一样令人珍爱突然之间,一切的不顺都过去了”In The New York Times last week Maureen Dowd made fans of Twitter very cross by suggesting that this craze, which has now afflicted 10m people, is a waste of time.莫琳多德(Maureen Dowd)两周前在纽约时报(New York Times)上激怒了 Twitter 爱好者。她说这种目前影响了上千万人的时尚纯属浪费时间。She may be right for most of us, but for business people, I dont agree. I think it is potentially the best communication tool there is; the trouble is that most executives are making a complete hash of using it. Either they fill it with mundane personal detail, or they fill it with mundane professional detail which is possibly worse. The first scores higher on embarrassment; the second on tedium.对我们大多数人来说,她可能是对的。但对于商业人士,我认为她是错的。我认为,Twitter 可能是最好的交流工具;麻烦在于,大多数高管对它的使用极其糟糕。他们或者写些平淡的个人细节,或者写上乏味的职业细节这可能更加糟糕。前者会令人尴尬,后者则令人生厌。Jeffrey Hayzlett, chief marketing officer of Kodak, is a tireless twitterer who reports hour by hour on just how he is spending his day at work. Here is a typical tweet: “Now meeting with the Kodak marketing team for lunch to talk about general items and get to meet the team.” To meet the team in order to meet the team doesnt seem like something that the 3,453 people who follow him will really need to know.柯达(Kodak)首席营销官杰弗里海兹勒特(Jeffrey Hayzlett)是一个不知疲倦的 Twitter 用户。他每过一小时就报告一下自己的工作。以下是一个典型的 tweet:“现在与柯达营销团队会面并共进午餐,讨论日常项目和与团队见面。”为了与团队见面而与团队见面似乎不是 3453 名追随者真正需要知道的事情。An even more tiresome category of businessman uses Twitter to boast. Sir Richard Branson is a leader here. “Honoured my blog has been nominated for a prestigious Webby Award for business blog. Check it out,” he says in a recent post.还有一类商界人士利用 Twitter 自夸,这更令人生厌。理查德布兰森(Richard Branson)是这方面的佼佼者。他最近在帖子中写道:“很荣幸,我的博客获得声名显赫的商业博客威比奖(Webby Award)的提名。去看看吧。”Despite the dismal use to which executives are putting Twitter, more and more are signing up for fear of being left behind. Last week I met a British business leader who told me that he had just joined, but complained that he was now so focused on turning the details of his day into pithy tweets that he was finding it hard
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