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Comment y1: condense kndens vi. 浓缩;凝结 vt. 使浓缩;使压缩Comment y2: contract kntrkt, kntrkt vi. 感染;订约;收缩 vt. 感染;订约;使缩短 n. 合同;婚约Comment y3: refute rifju:t, ri:- vt. 反驳,驳斥;驳倒Comment y4: irrational irnl adj. 无理性的;不合理的;荒谬的 n. 无理数Comment y5: coarse k:s adj. 粗糙的;下等的;粗俗的.精华文档.1. The atmosphere _of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. a. composes b. comprises c. consists d. constitutes 2.While he was in the office he _doing something to doing nothing. a. preferred b. liked c. favored d. approved 3.Metals_ when cooled and expand when heated. a. decrease b. reduce c. condense d. contract 4.Take your raincoat with you_ it rains. a. by chance b. in case c. at large d. on occasion 5. He was afraid he would have to _her invitation to the party. a. refute b. refuse c. reject d. decline 6.At the Committee last Saturday the following proposal was agreed _ by those present. a. to b. with c. over d. at 7.We went to see the exhibition _ the storm. a. but for b. in spite of c. for the sake of d. instead of 8.To my surprise, at yesterdays meeting he again brought _ the plan that had been . disapproved a week before. a .about b out c. back d. up 9.The doctor took X-rays to _ the chance of broken bones. a. make sure b. rule out c. break down d. knock out 10.He felt it rather difficult to take a stand _ the opinion of the majority. a. for b. against c. to d. by 11.He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I cant _his behaving like that at all. a. look into b. break through c. account for d. get over 12.How did it come _ that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework? a. about b. along c. around d. by 13.He could produce no evidence _ his argument. a. in respect of b. in view of c. in support of d. on account of 14.The government should _ with the irrational regulations restricting drinking hours. a. break away b. come up c. get away d. do away. 15. I know him well enough to accept his explanation _. a. without question b. by all means c. at any cost d. in any case 16. It was a small country house, but it was large _ urban standards. a. at b. for c. by d. from 17. The travelers sought shelter _the rain and happened to find a road-side inn. a. from b. against c. for d. with 18.All our attempts to _the child from drowning were in vain. a. regain b. recover c. reserve d. rescue 19.This is the first draft of the book. Please feel perfectly free to _ it. a. deal with b. comment on c. cope with d. dwell on 20.I was always taught that it was _ to interrupt . a. rude b. coarse c .rough d. crude 21.Except on official _such as formal receptions, American society has a certain amount of informality.a. cases b. situations c. events d. occasions 22.The final document was, of course, supposed to mend the damage _upon the world by the war. a. imposed b. impressed c .compelled d. compressed 23.While walking along the icy river banks, we could see cracks in the ice _ in all directions. ,a. radiating b. dividing c. splitting d. tearing 24.Tibet, the second largest province of China, is _ in uranium (铀) and underground thermal power(地热). a. wealthy b. abundant c .adequate d. sufficient 25.The young couple were quite excited by the _of having their first child. a. perspective b. prospect c. future d foresight 26.So many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of _. a. stuff b. material c. stock d. staff 27.She was always in perfect sympathy with me _ my love of nature.Comment y6: assembly sembli n. 装配;集会,集合Comment y7: verify verifai vt. 核实;查证Comment y8: prevalent prevlnt adj. 流行的;普遍的,广传的Comment y9: accusing adj. 指责的;非难的;归咎的 v. 指责;指控(accuse 的 ing 形式)Comment y10: poke puk vi. 刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡 vt. 刺,捅;戳;拨开 n. 戳;刺;袋子;懒汉Comment y11: prolonged pruld, - l:- adj. 延长的;拖延的;持续很久的Comment y12: molecules n. 分子,微粒;摩尔(molecule 的复 数)Comment y13: approximate vt. 使接近;近似;粗略估计 vi. 接近于;近似于 adj. 大概的;近似的Comment y14: furious fju:ris adj. 狂怒的;激烈的;热烈兴奋的; 喧闹的.精华文档.a. with regard to b. in contrast to c. in case of d. in the event of 28.There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has _ poverty. a. fallen into b. consisted in c .resulted in d. amounted to 129.This is the _ to an improvement of their living conditions. a. key b. decision c. essence d. alternative 30.It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it _ as well as we had expected. a. went off
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