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课程名称: 数据分析实验 题 目: 基于因子分析、聚类分析、典型分析 对湖南省 06-14 年县域经济的实证 2016 年 1 月 15 日中文摘要I摘 要县域经济作为国民经济的基本单元,处于承上启下、连接城乡的关键地位。湖南省依山傍湖,土地肥沃,物产丰富,是我国的经济大省,综合经济实力处于全国领先地位。然而,由于历史、区位、政策、人文环境差异等原因,导致湖南省县域经济发展不平衡。因而,科学地评价县域经济,研究县域间的经济差异对湖南省的持续发展有重要的现实意义。本文综合考虑湖南省省情分别从经济发展水平、农业发展水平、工业发展水平和发展潜力四个传统角度以及经济总量、人均均量、经济运行质量三方向选取了评价指标。在实证分析中,选取湖南省统计年鉴2006 年到 2014 年的统计数据,应用因子分析、聚类分析和典型相关分析方法,建立数学模型,并运用 SPSS 统计软件对数据进行处理,获得湖南省各县域的经济综合实力排名情况。最后,结合实际情况根据综合实力排名结果将县域水平及其分布情况分湖南东部和湖南中西部两大区域,对两大区域的发展提出相应的对策建议。关键词:关键词:湖南省;县域经济;数学模型;因子分析;聚类分析;典型分析英文摘要IIABSTRACTCounty economy as the basic unit of the national economy, in the nexus, connecting urban and rural areas a key position. Hunan Province near the mountain lakes, fertile land, rich products, is Chinas major economic province, the comprehensive economic strength in the leading position. However, due to historical, geographical, policy, human environmental differences and other reasons, resulting in Hunan Province, the countys economic development is uneven. Thus, the scientific evaluation of the county economy, the county economic differences between the study of the sustainable development of Hunan Province has important practical significance.In this paper, considering the situation in Hunan Province, respectively, from the level of economic development, the level of agricultural development, the level and development potential of the four traditional industrial development point of view as well as the total economy, both the amount per capita, economic operation quality evaluation in three directions chosen. In the empirical analysis, choose “Hunan Statistical Yearbook“ 2006 to 2014 statistics, factor analysis, cluster analysis and canonical correlation analysis, mathematical models, and the use of SPSS statistical software for data processing, obtained Hunan Counties province comprehensive economic strength rankings.Finally, with the actual situation according to the results of the comprehensive strength ranks the county level and distribution of the two sub-regions in eastern and western Hunan Hunan, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the two regions.Keywords: Hunan; county economy; mathematical model; factor analysis; cluster analysis; typical analysis目录III目 录 1 绪论.1 1.1研究背景.11.1.1湖南省概况.11.1.2县域经济的内涵.21.1.3研究县域经济的必要性.21.1.4研究现状.2 1.2研究的目的及意义.41.2.1研究的目的.41.2.2研究的意义.4 1.3研究的基本内容.5 2 因子分析的数学模型.6 2.1因子分析的基本概念.62.1.1因子分析的基本思想.62.1.2因子分析的数学模型.62.1.3因子的特点.72.1.4因子分析相关概念解释及意义.7 2.2因子分析的分析步骤.8 3 聚类分析数学模型.10 3.1聚类分析的基本思想.10 3.2聚类分析的数学模型.10 3.3聚类分析的分析步骤.13 4 典型相关分析数学模型.14 4.1典型相关分析的基本概念.14 4.2典型相关分析的数学模型.14 4.3典型相关分析步骤.
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