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摘要地铁对周边环境的影响调查与分析专 业:交通运输 学 号:2012xxxxxxxxx学生姓名:彭 xx 指导教师:范 xx摘要地铁是一种先进的城市快速交通系统,以其快捷安全的优势受到众多城市的青睐,已成为现代化都市的交通命脉,不仅能有效地缓解城市交通,同时更有力地带动区域经济的发展。地铁交通相对于普通公路交通减少了汽车尾气排放,有利于改善城市的大气环境,是一种绿色交通工具,但是其建设和运营期会对周边环境产生一定的影响,应引起我们的足够重视,使其对环境影响减少到最小,成为真正的绿色环保交通。本文先介绍了国内外的地铁发展历程,然后对地铁在规划阶段、建设阶段和运营阶段对周边环境产生的影响进行了深入的研究,针对地铁周边环境的交通、经济以及环境卫生影响因素进行具体分析。并做了地铁对周边环境的影响问卷调查,了解地铁建设状况及市民对地铁周边环境的看法。最后针对地铁项目的建设及运营带来的环境影响因素及程度进行分析,为预防和减少地铁项目的环境影响提供参考。关键词:地铁;周边环境;经济;噪音;振动AbstractThe Influence of the Subway to the Surrounding Environment Investigation and AnalysisAbstractThe subway is a kind of advanced urban rapid transit system, with its advantages and get the favour of many cities, has become a modern city traffic lifeline, not only can effectively alleviate the urban traffic, at the same time more effectively promote the development of regional economy. Subway traffic compared with ordinary highway traffic to reduce vehicle emissions, to improve the atmospheric environment of the city, is a kind of green transportation, but its construction and operation period can have influence on surrounding environment, should cause enough attention, we make it to minimize environmental impact, become the real green traffic. This paper first introduces the development course of subway and the subway in the planning stage, construction stage and operation stage of the influence on surrounding environment carried on the thorough research, on the subway traffic, economic, and environmental health impact from the environment factors for specific analysis. And do the subway, the impact on the surrounding environment questionnaire to understand the status of the subway construction and public opinion of the subway environment. Finally based on the environmental effects of construction and operation of metro project factors and degree of analysis, in order to prevent and reduce the environmental impact of metro project to provide the reference. Key words: the subway, the surrounding environment; economy; noise; vibration.目录III目 录摘要.IAbstract.II1 绪论.1 1.1 国外地铁的发展历史及现状概述.1 1.2 国内地铁的发展历史及现状概述.2 1.3 地铁研究现状.22 地铁规划阶段对周边环境的影响.4 2.1 建设地铁的必要性.4 2.2 规划地铁所带来的影响.42.2.1 明确城市功能分区.42.2.2 预期分散引导人流量.52.2.3 小幅引发沿线地产升值.63 地铁建设阶段对周边环境的影响.7 3.1 地铁施工对交通的影响.7 3.2 地铁施工对水环境的影响.7 3.3 地铁施工对声环境的影响.8 3.4 地铁施工对大气环境的影响.8 3.5 地铁施工固体废弃物.8 3.6 地铁施工带动工业发展.104 地铁运营阶段对周边环境的影响.11 4.1 地铁运营阶段对声环境的影响.11 4.2 地铁运营阶段对大气环境的影响.11 4.3 地铁运营阶段振动对环境的影响.12 4.4 地铁运营阶段对电磁环境的影响.12 4.5 地铁运营阶段对周边经济的影响.134.5.1 可加速城市发展.134.5.2 对保护历史名城功不可没.134.5.3 可提供大量就业岗位.134.5.4 可促进沿线地产升值.145 问卷调查结果分析.15目录总结.
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