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内蒙古科技大学内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计(论文)本科生毕业设计(论文)题题 目:宝丰煤矿目:宝丰煤矿 6-2 中号煤层开采设计中号煤层开采设计姓姓 名:李彦鹏名:李彦鹏学学 号:号:专专 业:采矿工程业:采矿工程班班 级:采矿级:采矿 10-3 班班指导教师:吴国良指导教师:吴国良 郑文翔郑文翔I摘摘 要要本次毕业设计的题目是宝丰煤矿 6-2 中号煤层的开采设计,该矿位于鄂尔多斯高原东部,井田面积为 4.089km2,煤层平均厚度为 2.15m,倾角 13 度,属于近水平煤层。该矿的地质储量为 1178.05 万吨,可采储量为 991.49 万吨,设计年产量为 60 万吨,矿井的服务年限为 12 年。在该矿井的西南方向布置工业场地,采用斜井单水平开拓方式,并设置主斜井、副斜井和专用的回风斜井来负责运输及通风。井下主运输系统采用胶带运输机运输,辅助运输采用轨道运输机运输。对于该矿选用单一长壁走向采煤法,井田内共划分七个带区,由南向北依次开采,采用综合机械化采煤工艺,设置一个回采工作面,一个掘进工作面。采空区采用全部垮落法来处理,本矿采用抽出式的通风方式,中央并列式的通风系统,掘进工作面采用局部通风机通风,整个系统满足该矿井的生产需求。关键词:关键词:斜井开拓,单一走向长壁采煤法,综合机械化采煤,抽出式。IIAbstractThe topic of this graduation design is # 6-2 baofeng coal mine coal seam mining design, the mine is located in the eastern ordos plateau, field area of 4.089 km2, average thickness of coal seam is 2.15 m, 1-3 degrees Angle, belongs to the nearly horizontal coal seams. The mines geological reserves of 11.7805 million tons, the recoverable reserves of 9.9149 million tons, design the annual output of tons, the mines length of service for 12 years. Decorate in the southwest of the mine industrial site, using inclined single level development way, and set up the main slope, slope and special return air inclined to responsible for the transportation and ventilation. Main transportation system using belt conveyor, underground auxiliary transportation by rail transport. For the mine choose single to longwall mining method, were divided into seven area, within the field from south to north in turn, USES the comprehensive mechanized coal mining technology, set up a working face, a tunneling faces. Mined-out area all caving method is used to deal with, drawer-type ventilation mode is applied in this mine, the ventilation system of the central side-by-side, tunneling faces by local fan ventilation, the system can meet the production demands of the mine.Keywords: Inclined to develop、A single to longwall mining method 、Comprehensive mechanized coal mining、Draw out type .目录第一章 井田概况与地质特征.1 1.1 井田概况.1 1.2 地 质 特 征.2 第二章 井田开拓.6 2.1 井田境界及储量.6 2.2 矿井设计生产能力及服务年限.8 2.3 井田开拓.9 2.4 井筒.12 2.5 井底车场及硐室.14 第三章 井巷运输及设备.14 3.1 运输方式的选择.14 3.2 运输设备.16 第四章 采区(盘区、带区)布置及装备.17 4.1 采煤方法.17 4.2 采区(盘区、带区)布置.23 4.3 巷道掘进.24 第五章 通风与安全.28 5.1 概 况.28 5.2 矿井通风.28 5.3 通风设备.35 5.4 灾害预防及安全装备.36 5.5 井下消防、洒水及防灭火.39 第六章 职业安全卫生.
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