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1UnitUnit 1414 HaveHave youyou packedpacked yetyet ? ?TheThe fourthfourth periodperiod(Section(Section B B 1a-2c)1a-2c)LearningLearning GoalsGoalsUse the present perfect to talk about favorite band. Learn to talk about music、singers and bands. Let the students comment on them. The students can talk about bands, singers and their music, experience the charm of music. (目标引领,用一段话表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。目标引领,用一段话表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。 )PreviewPreview一、Look at p113, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text. 1.最喜欢的乐队 2.写原创歌曲 3.获奖 4.制作音乐光盘 5.举办音乐会 6.上电视 7.的数量 二、Put the following into Chinese.1. What is your favorite band? 2. Have you written any original songs yet? 3. Have you ever been on TV? 4. Youve had your own concert. ( (预习体现了以学生为主体,培养学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流的能力。预习体现了以学生为主体,培养学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流的能力。) )TeachingTeaching stepssteps ( (教学步骤教学步骤) )StepStep 1 1:WarmingWarming upup andand leadingleading inin 热身导入热身导入Play different kinds of music and ask the students to answer the questions below: What kind of music do you like? and why? Ask Ss to work in groups. Then let some groups to report.(通过对熟悉的问题讨论引出要学习句型,使学生自然而然地进入新课的学习。(通过对熟悉的问题讨论引出要学习句型,使学生自然而然地进入新课的学习。 )Then show Ss some pictures like these:2BackstreetBackstreet boyboy S S H H E ETwinsTwins FlowersFlowers Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the following questions:WhatsWhats youryour favoritefavorite band?band? _ HaveHave youyou seenseen themthem inin concertconcert yet?yet? _ WhenWhen diddid youyou firstfirst hearhear them?them? _ WhoWho isis youryour favoritefavorite bandband member?member? _Check the answers.(通过图片和视频引起话题,刺激学生的视觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的说教通过图片和视频引起话题,刺激学生的视觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的说教,激发学生的激发学生的兴趣。利用学生喜欢话题引入新课。兴趣。利用学生喜欢话题引入新课。 )Step2Step2:PresentationPresentation1.1. LookLook atat thethe picturepicture inin 2a2a andand guessguess thethe thingsthings aboutabout thethe band.band. 2.2. ListenListen andand fillfill inin thethe informationinformation aboutabout thethe band.band.Bands name:How long theyve been together:3Number of concerts theyve doneCheck the answers. Step3Step3 ListenListen andand complete1bcomplete1b ListenListen againagain andand checkcheck ( () ) thethe thingsthings thethe bandband hashas alreadyalready done.done._ written original songs _ made a music video _ won an award _ been on TV _ had concertsAsk Ss to listen again and check the answers Step4Step4 PairworkPairwork Show the following chart to the students and do a survey about favorite music、singer and band.NamemusicsingerbandThen work in pairs like this: A:A: HaveHave youyou beenbeen onon TVTV yet?yet? B:B: Yes,Yes, theyvetheyve beenbeen onon TVTV lotslots ofof times.times. Ask some pairs to present their conversations. Step5Step5 testtestI. 用所给词的适当形式填空。I. I have _ (feed) my cat, so it is full now. 2. He used his car _ (most) for sightseeing.3. He hasnt _ (finish) _ (read) Harry Potter yet. 4. We neednt go in such a hurry. We still have thirty minutes _ (leave). 5. I need to _ (clean) my cupboard. I never use the things in for hours. II根据首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。1. They are going to a_ on TV next month. 2. I like music, so I often go to a c_ with my family. 3. Whats your f _ band? 4. Who is your favorite band m _?5. 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 (横线处不限词数)你给花浇水了吗? _?
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