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-cyclodextrin intercalated ferrum-containing hydrotalciteas an adsorbent for removal of malachite green#CHEN Chunxia, ZHANG Kun*51015(College of Science, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040)Abstract: -cyclodextrin (-CD) intercalated ferrum-containing hydrotalcite was fleetly prepared bythe technology of the microwave-crystallization and low saturated state of coprecipitation. Thepurposed sample was characterized by XRD, IR and SEM. The results show that the synthesized-CD-Fe-HTL with the flexible slice have the structure of HT, indicating the preparation is successfulunder microwave irradiation. -CD-Fe-HTL was then applied to the decolorization of malachite green(MG). The effects of adsorbent types, the reaction temperature, pH, MG concentration and cycle life onthe MG decolorization were investigated. It is shown the percentage of decolorization can almost reach100% under the optimum conditions. The kinetics cuvres of adsorption and the first-order kineticsmodels were used to describe the adsorption ability of -CD-Fe-HTL under various conditions. Theadsorption is first-order kinetics model before 40 minutes. The -CD-Fe-HTL was stable even after 5cycles without significant loss in decolourization activity. The results suggest that -CD-Fe-HTL canbe used as a novel and efficient adsorbent for the decolorization of MG.Keywords: Inorganic chemistry; Ferrum-containing hydrotalcite; -cyclodextrin (-CD); Malachitegreen; Kinetics; Adsorbent200 IntroductionHydrotalcite-like compounds (HTLc) are a class of anionic clays that can be represented bythe general formula M 1II x M xIII (OH ) 2 x ( X m ) x m nH 2O , where MII represents the divalentmetal ions, MIII is the trivalent metal ions, Xm- stands for the anions, n is the amount of water in the25303540crystal, and x is the molar ratio of the trivalent metal ions to all metal ions. HTLc have positivelycharged layer board and a wide variety of charge-balancing anionic species have been intercalatedinto the gallery region 1. As a result, HTLc are now well-established as excellentanion-exchange materials, which are involved in diverse applications such as heterogeneouscatalyst, anionic exchanger, adsorbent, additive, etc. 2. The interlayer anions may be exchangedwith anions in external solutions, and HTLc can be applied to the removal of anionic toxins forwater purification, the separation and concentration of anionic trace elements for analysis, thepreparation of composite materials like supported anion catalysts, the recovery of precious anioniccompounds, etc. Anionic substances can be concentrated and purified through the repetitiveintercalation with HTLc followed by the dissolution of intercalates with acids 3.Cyclodextrins (CDs) are toroid-like macrocyclic carbohydrates consisting of glucopyranoseunits linked by 1,4-glucosidic bonds. The most common cyclodextrins include -, - and -CDcontaining six, seven and eight glucopyranose units respectively 4. The common CDs differ notonly in their diameter, which is related to the number of glucopyranose units, but also in theirwater solubility. The least water-soluble within the series is -CD, which for many years has beenthe most easily available and commonly employed. However, many other derivatives have alsobeen prepared and present high water solubility 5. -CD is an excellent “host” component for themicroencapsulation of a wide variety of organic and inorganic guest molecules, forminghostguest inclusion complexes in aqueous solution. The intercalation of -CD in HTLc and itsFoundations: Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No.20120062120012);Foundation for University Key Teacher of Heilongjiang Province of China (No. 1155G07);the Natural ScienceFoundation of Heilongjiang Province of China (No. B201014).Brief author introduction:CHEN Chunxia, (1978-), Female, Associate professor, Main research: the preparationand application of nanometer materials. ccx1759163.com-1-adsorption function for organic compounds are worth investigation.455055Malachite green (MG) is a triphenylmethane dye extensively used for dyeing silk, textiles,paper and leather as well as in manufacturing inks and paints 6. However, MG is a carcinogenicorganic molecule that is difficult to remove from aqueous solutions. The discharged MG affectsthe aquatic life by causing detrimental effects in gill, liver, kidney, intestine, gonads and pituitarygonadotropic cells 7, 8. Therefore, there are both environmental and health concerns regardingthe use and proper disposal of MG. Moreover, the removal of MG from wastewater is especiallyimportant. Adsorption is the most versatile technique among the many methods available forremoving MG from aqueous solutions 9. Many adsorbents such as activated carbon 10, 11, peat12, 13, chitin14, silica 15, etc. 16 have been tested for their potential to eliminate MG fromaqueous solutions. However, using -cyclodextrin intercalated
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