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济南大学毕业设计- 1 -5000t5000t水泥厂设计说明书水泥厂设计说明书设计总说明设计总说明水泥是建筑工业三大基本材料之一,使用广、用量大,素有“建筑工业的粮食”之称。自水泥投入工业生产以来,水泥窑的发展经历了立窑、干法中空窑、湿法窑、悬浮预热器窑、预分解窑五个阶段。世界上用回转窑煅烧水泥是在1884年,我国于1996年建成第一台回转窑。20世纪70年代初,国际上出现了窑外分解新技术,使入窑生料碳酸盐的分解率从悬浮预热器窑的30%左右提高到90%左右,减轻窑内煅烧带的热负荷,缩小了窑的规格,减少了单位建设投资,窑衬寿命延长,减少了大气污染。20世纪90年代国际上以预分解烧成技术为主,进一步优化系统内各项装备技术,提高产量和质量,降低热耗和电耗,以提高劳动生产率,降低产品成本,增加经济效益,同时扩大原燃料的适用范围和减少粉尘及有害气体的排放,保持可持续发展。我国新型干法水泥生产技术和装备水平已与国际先进水平相接近,但整体水平还存在较大差距。一方面,目前我国水泥熟料生产线的平均规模较小,水泥熟料生产工艺多样,各种生产工艺与技术装备水平之间差异较大。另一方面,新型干法水泥熟料的生产工艺中,技术与装备水平参差不齐,既有达到世界先进水平的生产线,也有一批规模较小的熟料生产线。这些规模较小的生产线的技术装备水平仍然不高,各项技术经济指标也比较落后。因此,从突破性转变到实现根本性转变,还要付出长期艰苦的努力。根据国家制定的“十一五”计划及 2010 年远景目标,今后我国水泥工业的发展方针是控制总量、调整结构、提高效益和注重环保。新增大中型新型干法窑生产能力 5000 万吨,逐步淘汰年生产能力在 4. 4 万吨及以下的立窑水泥厂,原则上不再建立窑生产线,鼓励支持有实力的大水泥企业通过股份制及吸收外资等形式组建和发展大型企业集团,积极消化吸收引进的水泥技术装各。大力支持发展 2000t/d 以上的(特别是 4000t/d 及以上)新型干法生产线。而 5000 t/d 熟料预分解生产线在我国各设计院技术已达成熟,很适合我国水泥工业发展现状。目前,5000t/d 熟料生产线已成为我国具普遍意义的设计课题之一。设计要求依据建厂资料设定目标水泥产品,经过配料计算、物料平衡计算、主机设备选型和平衡计算、主要车间工艺设计、全厂工艺平面布置及绘图等环节,重点进行窑尾烧成车间的工艺设计。本设计的指导思想是:在给定建厂条件下,按照生产要求选用合理的生产工艺,通过合理的设备选型及较优的配方,配合采用先进合理的水泥工艺外加剂技术,以期生产出质量优良的水泥产品。同时量力采用先进的设计、新工艺、新技术与新设备,采用清洁的能源和原燃料,节省能源,提高资源的利用率,达到设备运行顺畅,济南大学毕业设计- 2 -优质高效生产的目的。本设计内容分为两大部分:一是设计说明书,二是设计图纸。前者的主要内容有:(1) 前言,主要概括国内外水泥生产技术的发展,着重介绍预分解窑技术;(2) 原始资料及建厂条件;(3) 全厂工艺流程规划; (4)全厂平衡计算,包括配料计算、物料平衡计算、主机设备选型和计算、储库容量计算等;(5) 重点车间工艺计算,包括烧成车间基本流程、窑尾系统三大平衡(物料平衡、热量平衡、烟气平衡)计算、窑尾系统及附属设备选型、烧成车间劳动定员编制等;(6)致谢;(7) 参考文献。后者主要包括设计图纸五张,其中全厂平面总图一张,重点车间工艺图四张。在本设计中,笔者查阅了大量中英文文献,并前往潍坊山水水泥有限公司参观实习,从理论和实践上加深了对水泥工业生产的认识,同时锻炼了工厂工艺设计能力,强化了正确的设计理念,为以后从事相关工作和进行理论研究奠定了基础。摘要的页码不对济南大学毕业设计- 3 -Brief Introduction to the DesignCement materials is one of three fundamental building industry materials, it is widely used in the construction industry. Cement kilns has experienced five stages for development ,they are kiln, dry kiln, wet process kiln, suspension preheater kiln and precalcining kiln. Rotary kiln has been used from 1884 and appeared in 1996 in our country. In early 1970s, new precalcining technology appeared, which increased the efficiency of decomposition of the carbonate suspension preheater kiln from about 30% to 90%. It reduced the burning kiln with a heat load, reduced the specifications and the unit capital investment of the kiln, increased the kiln lining life expectancy, and reduced air pollution. In 1990s, pre-firing technology further developed to optimize the system decomposition of the various equipment and technology, increase productivity and quality, reduce heat consumption and power consumption, to increase labor productivity, lower costs, increase economic benefits, while expanded the application of the original fuel range and reduced dust and harmful gas emissions, to maintain sustainable development.Chinas new dry cement production technology and equipment level is close to international advanced level, but there is still a wide gap between the overall levels. On the one hand, there are many disadvantages with the current cement clinker production line in China. On the other hand, new dry process cement clinker production process, technology and equipment level are uneven. Therefore, we should pay a long and arduous effort to achieve a breakthrough to a fundamental change.According to the development of the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan“ and the 2010 vision for the future development, Chinas cement industry policy is to control the volume, adjust the structure, increase efficiency and focus on environmental protection. The government phases out the the shaft kiln cement plant whose annual production capacity at 44,000 tons and below, then in principle stop the establishment of shaft kiln production lines, encourage and support strong and large cement enterprises through joint-stock form of foreign capital formation and development of large enterprise groups, active absorption of technology equipment imported cement. Chinas cement industry policy strongly supports the development of above 2000t/d (especially 4000t/d and above) dry process production line. The 5000 t/d clinker production line of pre-decomposition of the design institutes in China has reached a mature technology, it is suitable for the development of Chinas cement industry status.Currently, 5000t/d clinker production line has become one of universal design topics. Design requirements set targets based on cement plant information products. Then it includes burden calculation, the material balance calculation, the host equipment selection 济南大学毕业设计- 4 -and balance calculation, the main plant process design, the whole plant layout and graphics technology and other sectors, concentrating on the design process kiln firing workshop. The design guidelines are: under the conditions of a given plant, select an appropriate production process in accordance with production requirements, through the rational and optimum equipment selection formula, with the use of advanced technology and reasonable cement additive process to produce good quality of cement products. At the same time as more as possi
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