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Principles of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011RBA - 1线阵列扬声器原理线阵列扬声器原理 Principles of Line ArraysR Bob Adams International Director rbobSLSaudio.com www.rbobadams.comSLS AUDIO Ozark, Missouri www.SLSaudio.comPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011线阵列是一种扬声器单元的阵线阵列是一种扬声器单元的阵 列方式,它可以对声音进行良列方式,它可以对声音进行良 好的控制,并在产生反馈之前好的控制,并在产生反馈之前 提供适当的增益。提供适当的增益。Line Arrays have been recognized as a loudspeaker design that can provide excellent control and gain before feedback.Principles of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011为了合理得当地使用线阵列扬声为了合理得当地使用线阵列扬声 器,设计者必须明确扬声器设计器,设计者必须明确扬声器设计 和操作的一些基本原理。和操作的一些基本原理。To properly use Line Arrays, the designer must understand some basic principals of loudspeaker design and operation.Principles of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011为了合理得当地使用线阵列扬声为了合理得当地使用线阵列扬声 器,设计者必须明确扬声器设计器,设计者必须明确扬声器设计 和操作的一些基本原理。和操作的一些基本原理。To properly use Line Arrays, the designer must understand some basic principals of loudspeaker design and operation.Principles of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011线阵列扬声器Line ArraysPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011早期的线阵列扬声器Early Line ArrayPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011标准的扬声器结构 Standard Loudspeaker ConstructionPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011标准的扬声器是点声源标准的扬声器是点声源 Standard Loudspeakers are POINT SOURCE devices标准的扬声器结构 Standard Loudspeaker ConstructionPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011点声源的声学特性点声源的声学特性 POINT SOURCE characteristics 球面波辐射球面波辐射Spherical wave propagationSpherical = 球状球状 声波传播以三维的方式进行声波传播以三维的方式进行Waves spread in 3 dimensions标准的扬声器结构 Standard Loudspeaker ConstructionPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011球面波的辐射特性 Spherical Wave PropagationPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011点声源的声学特性点声源的声学特性 POINT SOURCE characteristics 声波以三维的方传播声波以三维的方传播Waves spread in 3 dimensions 当距离增加一倍时,因为距离产生的损耗当距离增加一倍时,因为距离产生的损耗 = -6 dB Loss over Distance = -6 dB per doubling of distance 这就是所谓的平方反比定律这就是所谓的平方反比定律 Know as the Inverse Square Law损耗损耗dB = 20*LOG Dft/3.28 LossdB= 20*LOG Dft/3.28标准的扬声器结构 Standard Loudspeaker ConstructionPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011数学的基本原理 The Mathematic Fundamentals理论上的点声源:理论上的点声源:A theoretical point source:2 X 半径半径 R = 4 X 面积面积2 X the radius R = 4 X the area4 X 面积面积 = 能量能量, 或或 6 dB 声压级损失声压级损失4 X the area = power, or a 6 dB loss of level因此,平方反比定律为:距离每增加一倍损失因此,平方反比定律为:距离每增加一倍损失6dBThus the inverse-square law: 6dB per doubling of distanceCourtesy of Ulysses Line Array ResearchPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011平方反比定律 Inverse Square Law普通系统ConventionalSystems标准的扬声器结构 Standard Loudspeaker Construction普通系统 声压级以dB计 Conventional System SPL in dB100941248测量点 Measurement Points8288Principles of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011线阵列的特性 Line Array Characteristics 柱面波辐射柱面波辐射Cylindrical wave propagation 柱体柱体Cylinder =纵向的纵向的Strait forward projection 声波以二维的方式传播声波以二维的方式传播Waves spread in only 2 dimensions线阵列利用声波干涉原理(增强或减弱)来限制声线阵列利用声波干涉原理(增强或减弱)来限制声 波的辐射角度波的辐射角度Line Arrays use the physics of interference effects (summation and cancellation) to restrict wave spreadingPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011线阵列Line Array柱面波cylindrical wavePrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011线阵列的特性 Line Array Characteristics 柱面波辐射柱面波辐射Cylindrical wave propagation 当距离每增加一倍时,距离所造成的损耗当距离每增加一倍时,距离所造成的损耗=-3dB Less Loss over Distance =-3 dB per doubling of distance只适用于近场只适用于近场Near Field onlyPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011数学的基本原理 The Mathematic Fundamentals理论上的无限线声源理论上的无限线声源A theoretical infinite line-source:2 X 半径半径 R = 2 X 面积面积2 X the radius R = 2 X the area2 X 面积面积 = 能量能量, 或或 3dB 的声压级损失的声压级损失2 X the area = power, or a 3dB loss of level因此,无限点声源在距离增加一倍时,只损耗因此,无限点声源在距离增加一倍时,只损耗3dB Thus infinite line sources loose only 3dB per doubling of distanceCourtesy of Ulysses Line Array ResearchPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011平方反比定律Inverse Square Law 线阵列系统Line Array Systems线阵列系统 声压级以dB计 Line Array System SPL in dB测量点 Measurement Points1248100979491Principles of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011线阵列系统 声压级以dB计 Line Array System SPL in dB1248100979491普通系统 声级以dB计 Conventional System SPL in dB100888294平方反比定律Inverse Square Law比较ComparisonPrinciples of Line Arrays High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd. February 2011线阵列的特征 Line Array Characteristics距离每增加一倍,距离引起的损耗距离每增加一倍,距离引起的损耗=-3dB Less Loss over Distance =-3 dB per doubling of distance只适用于近场只适用于近场 Near Field only一个设计者如何决定线阵列的近场或远端场呢?一个设计者如何决定线阵列的近场或远端场呢? How does
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