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The Interpretation of the Adventure of Tom Sawyer目目 录录Abstract31 Introduction42 About the author 53 Story background 64 Character analyses64.1 Tom Sawyer64.2 Huck belly Finn64.3 Other characters 75 Realism and Ideal Romanticism in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer75.1 The realism85.2 The ideal romanticism 96 Conclusion11The Interpretation of the Adventure of Tom SawyerThe Interpretation of the Adventure of Tom SawyerAbstract: The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is one of the intelligent novels written by Mark Twain. As we know, Mark Twain was born in 1835. It was the time when the society was mirky. People became unsatisfied with the society. As a result, some intellectuals conveyed their disappointment by writing novels, in which they created characters that were totally disobeying the social rules and a world that was absolutely different from the recent one. They were called the critical realist writers. Mark Twain was one of these talented writers. In the Adventure of Tom Sawyer, he pointedly exposed the hypocrisy of American democracy and freedom, and criticized inherent social drawbacks in the capitalist country-the United States, such as racial discrimination, worship of the feudal autocracy, the hypocrisy of the churches, aggression, and expansion and so on. He expressed his yearning for the real democracy and free life. Mark Twain described the young childrens mental world vividly. In addition, he used the humor gimmick flexibly to satirize the society at that time, and thrash on some of the social evils. The authors satire and humorous language characteristic were showed incisively and vividly in this novel.Key words: Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain, realism, romanticismThe Interpretation of the Adventure of Tom SawyerThe Interpretation of the Adventure of Tom Sawyer1. Introduction This story happened in a small town in the Mississippi River bank during the civil war. Tom was a naughty boy, and he was brought up by his aunt, Polly. He was such a smart boy that he could always think out strange ideas to play tricks, which made his aunt unavoidable. One day, he came across a lovely girl, Becky Thatcher. The first sight he saw her, he fell in love with her. He tired his best to presume her, and she finally accepted him. There was a kid called Hark Bely Finn in the town, whose father was an alcoholic. His parents argued so often that he could not bear. So, he escaped from home. Everybody treated him badly except Tom. They were good friends. One night, they went to a graveyard to do an experiment. They wondered if a dead cat could cure of Condyloma. To their surprise, they happened to see a murder. At that time, Doctor Robinson and Indian Joe were having a quarrel. By accident, Joe killed the doctor. He was afraid to be taken into prison. So, he put the blame on Potter, who was comatose when the doctor was killed. Tom and Huck was so frightened that they made a promise that they would never tell the secret. Obviously, Potter was arrested. Later, Tom, Joe and Huck ran away from home for Becky got angry with Tom. They went to an island to be pirates. The villages didnt know where they were and thought they were drowned. When the funeral was held, they appeared. Tom became the hero of the school. Tom and Becky got back together. Before long, the court heard the murder case again. Nearly everybody regarded Potter as the murder. Driven by sense of justice, Tom overcame his fear and stood out to accuse Indian Joe of the murder. However, Joe ran away. Tom was trapped in anxiety. Later on, when Tom and Hark sought for the missing treasure in a haunted house, they happened to know that Indian Joe and his partner had already found parts of treasure, and there was another treasure-storing place. They decided to find that place. A few days later, Becky, Tom and other friends went to a picnic party. They played in the McDougall hole, a labyrinth of caves. Tom and Becky were so addicted to playing that they got lost. They suffered a lot in the cave. Several days past, they didnt find out the way to leave. What was more terrible was that they saw Joe in the cave. Everyone in the town thought they were died. One night, the small town became noisy. To everyones delight, they came back safely. Then Tom told them that he used the kite line which was tied in the stone to find the way, and a kind man sent them back. Owing to this thing, the entrance to the cave was blocked. When Tom heard the thing, he told the judge that Indian Joe was in that cave. After the entrance was opened, they found Joe died in the cave.The Interpretation of the Adventure of Tom SawyerAfter analysis, Tom thought the rest
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