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I英语电影片名翻译English Movie Title Translation摘 要电影是一种集艺术性和商业性于一体的艺术形式,是最具有影响力的媒体 之一。随着中国改革开放的成功,中国与英语国家的经济文化交流日益频繁。 近年来,越来越多的英语电影涌入中国电影市场。为满足中国观众日益增长的 需求,英语电影在不断的被译为汉语。电影的翻译既是介绍异域文化的一种简 洁直观的手段,又是传播本国本民族文化的一个重要途径,而电影片名的翻译 又是影片翻译中的重中之重,所以我们通过实例,针对不同的片名采用不同的 译法深入研究电影片名的翻译方法。由于英文电影片名独特的文化内涵,在汉 译时必须要从多方面因素考虑,采用合适的翻译方法。文章从分析英语电影片 名总体情况入手,分析了英文电影片名的特点和功能,研究了英语电影片名汉 译时应遵循的理论原则和翻译方法,然后提出了音译、直译、意译、编译四种 方法。关键词:英文电影片名;特点;翻译方法IIAbstractThe movie, a popular art with both artistic and commercial values, is one of the most influential mass media nowadays. With the success of Chinas Reform and Opening up Policy and the strengthened economic and cultural communication between China and English-speaking countries, recent years we have seen a large flow of English movies into Chinese movie market. English movies are being continuously translated to meet Chinese audiences growing needs. The translation of movies is not only a simple and direct way to introduce the exotic culture, but also is an important channel to transfer our own culture. While the translation of the title of a movie is the top priority in translation movies, therefore, we study the way that the translation of movies deeply, using different ways to translate movies. As the titles of the English movies always carry the special cultural senses, when translated into the Chinese, many factors should be considered and different methods of translation should be taken accordingly. The paper explores the general analysis of English movie titles, discusses the features and the function of the movie titles, and puts forward the relevant theories and methods, then gives the four translation methods: transliteration, literal translation, free translation and adapted translation.Key words: English movie title; feature; translation methodsIIIContents摘 要I AbstractII Chapter One Introduction1 Chapter Two A General Review of English Movie Titles22.1 Categories of English Movies22.1.1 Adventure Movies22.1.2 Fantasy Movies 32.1.3 Comedy Movies 32.1.4 Lyric Movies32.2 Features of English Movie Titles32.2.1 Linguistic Features32.2.2 Aesthetic Features42.2.3 Cultural Features42.2.4 Commercial Features52.3 Functions of English Movie Titles52.3.1 Informative Function52.3.2 Aesthetic Function62.3.3 Commercial Function6Chapter Three Methods of English Movie Title Translation73.1 Principles of English Movie Title Translation73.2 Methods of English Movie Title Translation83.2.1 Transliteration 83.2.2 Literal Translation93.2.3 Free Translation103.2.4 Adapted translation 11Conclusion14 Bibliograph
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