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The Reasons and the Strategies for Junior Middle School Students Poor Listening Ability初中生英语听力薄弱的原因及对策初中生英语听力薄弱的原因及对策Outline:Introduction1. The reasons for students poor listening ability1.1 Inadequate English learning environment1.2 Old teaching beliefs and methods1.3 Barriers of listening comprehension1.3.1 Barriers of phonetics and phonology1.3.2 Barriers of tempo1.3.3 Barriers of lexicology and grammar1.3.4 Barriers of listening habits1.3.5 Barriers of cultural background1.3.6 Barriers of psychological factors2. The strategies for improving students listening ability2.1 Pre-listening activities2.2 While-listening activities2.3 Post-listening activities Conclusion:摘要:摘要:现代语言教育理论高度重视“听”在语言学习和语言使用中的作用。听 力教学既是一种语言教学,也是一种能力的培养。在听、说、读、写四个技能 中,听是最基础的,也是初中英语教学的一个重要组成部分。它不仅是获取语 言信息的主要途径,还是提高其他技能的基础。因此,许多初中生认为听力能 力的测试是所有测试中最难的部分。本篇论文介绍了现在初中英语听力教学的 情况,并分析了初中生英语听力薄弱的原因,同时作者对如何提高初中生英语 听力能力提出了自己的见解。 关键词:关键词:初中生 听力 原因 策略 Abstract:In modern world, language teaching theories highly emphasize the effect of “listening” on the learning and the use of language. The teaching of English listening is a teaching of language, as well as a training of ability. Of the four skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing, listening is the basic, and a most important part of English teaching in junior middle schools. It is not only the main way of acquiring language information, but the basis of improving other four skills. Therefore, junior middle school students regard the listening test as the most difficult part of a whole test. In this paper, the author starts with the conditions of junior middle schools listening teaching, analyzes the reasons for junior middle school students poor listening ability and tries to suggest the effective ways of improving their listening ability.Abstract: junior middle school students listening ability reasons strategiesThe Reasons and the Strategies for Junior Middle School Students Poor Listening AbilityIntroductionListening is essential for developing other skills and provides a basis for language learning. It is also the most difficult of all the learning skills for learners to master. When listening, listeners follow the speaker, thinking about what the speaker is saying and what is going on in the mind of the speaker, guessing the speakers opinions and attitudes and catching the true meaning of the speakers words. Listening itself accounts for almost half of the commutative activities in ones daily life. In addition, learners should have the knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. So many learners are afraid of listening, looking on it as more difficult than any other skills. Instead, they pay more attention to training their abilities to speak, read and write. Therefore, in this paper, the author aims to analyze the reasons for junior middle school students poor listening ability and tries to suggest some effective solutions with the hope of improving their listening ability in future English teaching.1 The reasons for students poor listening ability As one of the most significant ways in English language communication, listening is very important for language study. But a lot of students regard listening comprehension as the most difficult part among all kinds of examinations due to the following reasons.1.1 Inadequate English learning environmentEnglish teaching and learning ask for quite some challenges. The challenges are the short of adequate linguistic environment, the strong interference from their mother tongue, the overcrowded classrooms and the lack of sufficient time for English study on the students side. In junior middle schools, it is true that Chinese students are not so influenced as those in Western countries mainly because they are lack of self-confidence and they are afraid of making mistakes. In China, English is a foreign language (EFL), not a second language (ESL). Both students and teachers are doing their jobs under this condition which is quite different from that English speaking countries. For example, Chinese immigrant students in Canada can learn English more quickly than those in China. Why? Because English in Canada is regarded as its second language. They have a much better English environment and higher motivations. A better English learning environment is also needed in China. What students in China need is just an authentic language learning environment.1.2 Old teaching beliefs and methodsWhat most teachers do in class is merely to play the recorder and check answers to listening exercises. As a result, most students can hardly learn anything in class, and listening comprehension gives much headache. Whats more, teachers of English in China are placed under a serious disadvantage. It is usually difficult for to go to study or work in the countries where English is spoken them. Even worse most of them have no opportunities to go abroad to make further English study. They have learned English only in China. So, we can say that th
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