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题 目 倾斜基座下的寻北仪设计 仪器科学与工程学院(系) 测控技术与仪器 专业学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 起止日期 2010 年 3 月2010 年 6 月 设计地点 中心楼 5 楼 I摘要倾斜基座下的寻北仪设计指导老师: 本文对一种光纤陀螺寻北仪进行了研究。与传统的机械陀螺相比,光纤陀螺具有灵敏度高、预热时间短、重量轻、寿命长、动态范围大、造价低等优点,因此将光纤陀螺应用在寻北仪中将具有以往寻北仪所无法比拟的优势。随着光纤陀螺技术的不断发展,基于光纤陀螺的寻北仪必将得到越来越多的应用。论文围绕着光纤陀螺寻北仪的设计完成如下几部分工作:首先,在分析了光纤陀螺工作原理以及寻北仪工作原理的基础上,提出了北向方位角的测量方法,为寻北仪软件设计提供了相关理论基础。以工程实际为背景,对光纤陀螺寻北仪的工作原理及系统构成相关技术进行详细的讨论与研究。分析了精密机械转台的调平误差对寻北定向精度的影响,采用加速度计对寻北仪转台倾角误差补偿。模块化设计了寻北仪软件的管理软件和数据处理软件。最后,采用了双陀螺四位置寻北方案进行了寻北实验。通过采集的陀螺数据计算出了与正北方向的夹角,并对实验数据进行了分析。关键词:光纤陀螺,寻北仪,系统组成,软件设计,寻北实验IIAbstractDesign of north-finder under tilt basetutor: Cheng XianghongIn this Paper,a new kind of Gyro North-finder is researched. Compared with the traditional mechanical gyroscope, FOG has many advantages, such as high sensitivity, short start-up time, wide dynamic range, low cost, light weight and long life, and the FOG-based north-finder will be better than other scheme. With the continuous development of technology FOG the North-finder based on FOG will be applied more widely. The paper focused on design ways of Gyro North-finder,and the main work was carried out as follows:Firstly,the way of the north azimuth measurements was proposed and the errors that impacted the performance of Gyro North- finder was discussed whilst the operation principle of FOG and north-finder system was introduced . In this way, the relevant theoretical basis is established.Secondly, based on practical project, the principle of FOG north-finding system and the technology of related to system construction is discussed and studied in this paper. The influence of platform tilt on the precision of north-finding is analyzed; an accelerometer is used to compensate deviation caused by the base tilt. The managing and the data-processing software constitute the whole North-finding software which was built block design. Lastly, the North-finder experiments were carried out using four-position method with two gyroscopes. The angle of North-finder was also calculated by the computer using the data which came from the two gyroscopes. And the precision was discussed in the paper.Key words: Fiber optic gyroscope, North-finder, System constitution, Software design, North-finder experimentIII目录摘要.IABSTRACT.II图表索引.V第一章 绪论.11.1 光纤陀螺的发展及应用.11.1.1 光纤陀螺的国内外发展.21.1.2 光纤陀螺的军事领域应用.31.1.3 光纤陀螺的民用领域应用.41.2 陀螺寻北技术的研究.61.2.1 寻北技术的发展与分类.61.2.2 陀螺寻北的工程化关键技术.71.2.3 光纤陀螺寻北技术研究现状与应用前景.7第二章 光纤陀螺的工作原理与寻北方案.92.1 光纤陀螺的工作原理及构成方式.92.1.1 萨格奈克干涉仪.92.1.2 光纤陀螺的工作原理.102.1.3 光纤陀螺仪的检测原理.142.1.4 光纤陀螺仪的结构方案.152.2 光纤陀螺的寻北方案.172.2.1 常用坐标系.172.2.2 光纤陀螺寻北原理.172.2.3 单陀螺寻北方案.182.2.4 双陀螺寻北方案.202.2.5 陀螺水平面倾斜时的寻北方案.212.3 对几种寻北方案的比较.26第三章 光纤陀螺寻北仪系统组成及软件设计.273.1 光纤陀螺寻北仪系统组成.27IV3.1.1 精密机械转台.273.1.2 寻北系统计算机控制系统.
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