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冀教版五年级英语下册第四单元复习资料1.动词的过去式 一般过去时态表示过去发生的动作或事情,在一般过去时态的句子中动词要用过去式。注意:句子中出现 yesterday 时,动词要变成过去式。规则的动词过去式:词尾直接+ed例如:help-helped jump-jumped look-looked play-played talk-talked walk-walked miss-missed want-wanted 以不发音 e 结尾+d 例如:like-liked不规则的动词过去式例如:do-did see-saw go-went have-had am/is-was are-were hurt-hurt break-broke buy-boughtshop-shopped fall-fell happen-happened2.单词,短语gift 礼物 everyone 大家,每一个人for 给 例如:a gift for you This is for you .fly a kite 放风筝 by bus 乘公共汽车 from 来自 at the train station 在火车站 on the train 在火车上 puton 穿上,戴上3 重点句子What did you do ?你做了些什么事情?Thanks/Thank you. Youre welcome.What happened? 发生了什么事情?(回答时用一般过去时态)This is (人)at the (地点) (Lesson28)例如:This is Li Ming at Tiananmen Square.This is Jenny,Li Ming and me at our hotel.How did you go to Tiananmen Saquare ? We went by bus.Do you? Yes, I do./No, I dont .May I ? Yes, you may./ No, you may not./ Sure.Its too small for me. (too for 对于我来说太)练习:写出下列词的过去式walk_ went_ happen_ laugh_ worked_ do_写出下列词的原形shopped_ saw_ liked_ played_ ate_ bought_选择( ) What did you do yesterday? I _to school. A.went B.go C.goes( ) _ did you go there? We went there _bus. .A.What ,on B. How, by C. Who, at( ) Here is an apple _ you . A.to B. for C.of( ) Thanks,Li Ming. _.A. Yes, you are right. B.Sure. C.Youre welcome.( ) Your shirt is very nice. Please put it _. A.on B.to C.for( ) Its _big for me. A.great B.to C.too( ) This is Danny _ Tiananmen Square. A.at B.on C.in( ) _ happened? A.Who B. What C.Which选择合适的答语( )What did you do?A.No, I dont.( )Did you have a nice trip?B.Sure!( )Do you like it?C.I wanted to fly a kite.( )What happened, Danny?DYes, I did.( )May I help you?E.I hurt my nose用动词的适当形式填空。I _to library on Sundays.I _to library yesterday. (go)I _ a sandwich today.I _ a sandwich yesterday. (eat)I _ my homework everyday.I _ my homework yesterday. (do)
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