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题题 目:目:我国农业劳动力断层现象分析以沙河市白塔镇为例院院 系:系:政法系专专 业:业:思想政治教育班班 级:级:2009 级 1 班姓姓 名:名:曾佳佳学学 号:号:指导教师:指导教师:张昆玲2013年5月22日毕 业 论 文I我国农业劳动力断层现象分析我国农业劳动力断层现象分析以沙河市白塔镇为例以沙河市白塔镇为例【摘要摘要】我国社会主义经济体制改革在层层深入的发展,城乡之间原有的坚固的限制体制开始动摇,城市发展经济建设对相对廉价的农村劳动力形成刚性的需求,农民群体依靠传统的农业种植获得的收益无法满足经济刺激下的物质需要。因此,农村剩余的农业劳动力向城市转移有着必要性和紧迫性。然而,现实中的农村社会存在着剩余劳动力过量转移的问题。农村社会的各项生产建设劳动力是基础和关键要素,没有青壮劳力作为支撑的农业社会面临着系列问题。比如:留守老人和留守儿童、空心村的形成4、农业耕作方式重回粗放、我国粮食安全得不到保障、土地利用率低、闲置土地无法完成承包流转、先进支农技术得不到应用推广、农机换代慢、基层政权建设缺乏合格接班人、农村向城镇化发展的步伐放缓、大量知识型人才外流等等2。因此,研究好“我国农业劳动力断层现象分析”课题有着深远的理论意义和现实意义。我们选取河北省沙河市白塔镇进行了调研,对我国农业劳动力断层现象所产生的问题的就解决方案希望可以为我国处理好“三农问题”提供合理建议。【关键词关键词】农业 剩余劳动力 断层 转移 IIFault phenomena analysis of agricultural labor force in our country- in the white tower of sha-he town as an example【Abstract】in our country the development of socialist economic system reform in layers, the original strong restriction system between rural and urban areas began to shake, urban development and economic construction of the rural labor force to form rigid demand for relatively cheap, the rural population depends on traditional agriculture gains cant meet the material needs of the economic stimulus. As a result, rural surplus agricultural labor force to cities is the necessity and urgency. However, the reality of the rural society there is too much surplus labor force transfer. All of rural social production construction labor is the foundation and key elements, no QingZhuang labor as the support of the agricultural society faces series of problems. Such as: left-behind elderly and left- behind children, back to the formation of the hollow village, agricultural farming is extensive, Chinas food safety is not security, low utilization rate of land, idle land cannot complete contracting, advanced agriculture technology without application promotion, agricultural machinery and upgrading of slow, lack of qualified successor, rural grass- roots political power construction to the slower pace of urbanization development, a large number of knowledge brain drain and so on. So the good “ Fault phenomena analysis of agricultural labor force in our country“ topic has far-reaching theoretical and practical significance. We select sha-he monastery town has carried on the investigation and research, to our country rural labor force fault phenomenon produced by the problem of solution can hope for our country to deal with “three agriculture problems“ to provide reasonable Suggestions.【Key Words】Agricultural Surplus labor force Fault ShifIII目目 录录引言引言 . 1一、农业劳动力断层现象的现状及特征一、农业劳动力断层现象的现状及特征 . 1(一)沙河市白塔镇农业资源简介 1(二)沙河市白塔镇农业劳动力断层现状 . 1(三)沙河市白塔镇农业劳动力断层特征 . 2二、农业劳动力断层现象的原因二、农业劳动力断层现象的原因 . 2(一)农业机械化劳作背景下大量农村剩余劳动力的出现 . 2(二)农业规模化经营的全局化进程滞后,对农业劳动力缺乏吸引力. . 2(三)城市农村间经济收入和居民心理的巨大差异造成农业剩余劳动力过量转 移. . 3(四)城乡之间两种“户籍政策”客观上造成农村高素质劳动力外流 . 3(五)农村城镇化建设系统化完善程度较低 .我国农业劳动力断层现象分析以沙河市白塔镇为例IV3三、农业劳动力断层现象的危害三、农业劳动力断层现象的危害. 4(一)农业劳动力断层对我国粮食安全的影响 . 4(二)农业劳动力断层对实现传统农业向新型农业转化的影响 . 4(三)农业人才外流后备高素质建设力量不足的负面影响 . 4(四)农业劳动力断层造成的社会福利保障、社会治安、公益事业难题 . 5四、解决农业劳动力断层现象的建议四、解决农业劳动力断层现象的建议 . 5(一)完善农村土地流转承包制度,走规模化经营道路,增强土地对农民吸引力 .5(二)不断完善城镇化的体制建设加强城镇化建设的规模化和资金支持 . 5(三)各级政府加强对农村的政策倾斜以完善农村的各项社会事业 . 5(四)在基础设施建设和思想意识上为农村人才回流创造条件 . 6(五)从教育理念、政策宣传切入,树立“热爱家乡、建设家乡”意识 . 6V结论结论 . 7参考文献参考文献 . 8致谢致谢 .
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