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中南大学本科生毕业设计 摘要I摘摘 要要本设计的任务是设计一个年产 7.5 万 t 的 ISA 法铜电解精炼车间。原料为含铜 99.48%的火法精炼阳极铜,要求电解精炼后使铜的含量达到 99.95%以上的一级铜。通过综合考虑交通、气象、地理、供水、供电、原料供应等多方面的因素,确定了建厂地址。通过查阅文献了解 ISA 法电解铜的诸多优点,并根据已经确定的条件,进行了电解过程的物料平衡、热量平衡和电解液净化的有关计算。并进行了主要设备的计算和选型。然后,由前面得出的结论绘出了车间的设备连接图及车间平面布置图。在对车间生产的污染源作出分析后,给出了三废处理、劳动卫生与安全的具体解决方案。最后,本设计还进行了车间定员和财务分析。关键词:电解精炼;ISA 法铜电解 ;电解槽;极板处理机组中南大学本科生毕业设计 ABSTRACTIIABSTRACTThe task is to design a copper refining plant which can produce 75000t electrolytic copper per year by the way of ISA law. The raw materials containing 99.48 percent of the copper is produced in fire refining process and request for at least 99.95 percent of the copper in the product after electric refining. Consider the adoption of transportation, meteorology, geography, water, electricity, raw materials supply and many other factors to determine the location of the site. According to the established conditions for the electrolysis process to calculate the material balance, heat balance and electrolyte purification. In addition, it have calculated and selected the major equipment. Then, by the conclusion, it has drawn the picture about the connection of each equipment. After an analysis of the sources of pollution, it has given the specific solutions of wastes, industrial health and safety. Finally, the design also had a workshop about the staffing and financial analysisKeywords: copper electrowinning; ISA law; electrobath; electrode process machine中南大学本科生毕业设计 目录III目目 录录摘 要.I ABSTRACT.II 目 录.III 第一章 绪论.1 第二章 文献综述.22.1 铜元素的介绍.22.1.1 铜的物理性质.22.1.2 铜的化学性质.32.1.3 铜矿资源的分布.42.1.4 铜以及其铜合金的应用.52.1.5 铜的产能与消费.62.2 铜的生产方法.92.2.1 火法炼铜.92.2.2 湿法炼铜.212.3 中国铜工业的现状与发展.262.3.1 概述.262.3.2 我国铜资源总体状况.272.3.3 我国铜冶炼工业现状.282.3.4 我国铜资源开发利用的技术现状.292.3.5 我国铜工业入世后之变化.302.4 对于我国铜工业发展的建议 .32 第三章 厂址的选择与论证.333.1 厂址选择的一般原则 .333.2 厂址选择要求 .333.3 厂址的选择与论证.34 第四章 生产工艺、技术经济指标的选择与论证.364.常规法电解铜 .364.1.1 电解液的成分、净化和循环 .364.1.2 添加剂.404.1.3 电解铜的阳极、种板与阴极 .424.1.4 电解温度.434.1.5 电流密度.43中南大学本科生毕业设计 目录IV4.2 永久阴极法电解铜.444.2.1 永久阴极法铜电解概况.444.2.2 工程设计.464.3 周期反向电流法电解.494.4 工艺的选择与技术指标的确定 .504.4.1 工艺的选择 .504.4.2 技术指标的确定.50 第五章 冶金计算.535.1 铜电解精炼物料平衡计算.535.1.1 计算条件.535
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