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江南大学CG6125 床头箱设计床头箱设计说明书说明书院院 系:系:机械工程学院机械工程学院班班 级:级: 姓姓 名:名: 学学 号:号: 指导老师:指导老师: 日期:日期:2012 年年 9 月月 16 日日1摘要摘要当前的机床制造业中。虽然数控机床正在飞速发展,然而,普通机床由于其具有价廉、质优、万能而可靠的优越性,在相当长时间内不可能被完全取代,还要与数控机床并驾齐驱。问题是如何挖掘潜力,改进性能,提高其竞争能力。本设计利用价值工程原理从结构,材料和工艺等方面对车床的床头箱进行改进设计。所谓的价值工程是为了寻求功能与成本之间的合理匹配,使企业在生产经营活动中能正确处理质量和成本的关系,向社会提供更多的物美价廉的产品,给企业和社会带来更多的经济效益。确定价值工程的对象,一般我们选择对产品影响较大的零部件、设计年代已久或结构复杂需要改进或简化结构的零部件、体积较大或材料利用率低的零部件、设计中间问题较多和改进潜力大的部件。因此利用价值工程作为依据,合理的确定普通床头箱的结构并选择合适的零部件进行设计。关键词:关键词:传动效率 接触疲劳强度 弯曲强度 耐磨性2AbstractAbstract CNC machine tools is the rapid development of the machine manufacturing industry, however, general machine tools because of its low cost, high quality, universal superiority in quite a long time can not be completely replaced, but also with CNC machine tools neck and neck. The problem is how to explore the potential to improve performance, enhance its competitiveness. The design using value engineering principles to improve the design of the lathe headstock from the structure, materials and process. The so-called value engineering is to seek reasonable match between functionality and cost, so that enterprises can correctly handle the relationship between quality and cost in production and business activities, and to provide more affordable products to the community, and bring to the enterprise and social more economic benefits. Determine the value of the object of the project generally affecting large parts, design era has long or complex structure need to improve or simplify the structure of the components we select products, bulky parts or materials, low utilization of design middle multi and improved potential for large parts. Therefore, based on the use of value engineering as a reasonable determination of the structure of the ordinary headstock design and select the appropriate components. Keywords: contact fatigue strength bending strength abrasion resistance transmission efficiency3目目 录录摘要.1Abstract.2 目 录.3 第一章绪论.5 1.1 引言.5 1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势.5 1.3 本课题主要研究内容.6 第二章 机械运动设计.7 2.1 确定转速极速.7 2.2 结构分析式.7 2.2.1 确定结构式.7 2.2.2 绘制传动系图.8 2.3 绘制转速图.8 2.4 选择电动机.9 2.5 估算齿轮齿数.10 第三章 传动件设计.11 3.1 机床带传动设计.11 3.2 各传动件的计算转速.13 3.2.1 主轴的计算转速.13 3.2.2 中间传动轴的计算.13 3.2.3 齿轮模数计算.15 3.2.4 齿轮齿宽确定.18 第四章 强度校核.20 4.1 齿轮强度校核.
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