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http:/school.chinaedu.com 1冀教版初中七上期末复习 Unit 3 Body and Feeling 测试题.词汇 (15分)A)英汉互译1.1.6 米高 2.头痛 3.两只小脚 4. feel sad 5. stand on your feet B)选出下列不同类的一项6. A. mouth B. nose C. eye D. leg7. A. happy B. sad C. tired D. big8. A. long B. short C. tall D. very9. A. happy B. cool C. cold D. hot10. A. head B. body C. leg D. armC)根据括号中的汉语意思完成句子。 11.His hands are big, but his (脚) are small.12.My sister (有) a beautiful sweater.13.It is very (热) in summer(在夏天).14.Danny has three (头发).15.Is your brother tall or (矮)?.单项选择(15 分)A) Choose the best answer.(选出最佳答案。)1. is your pencil-box?Its blond.A. What colour B. Where C. Which D. What2. I his name.A. not know B. know not C. dont know D. do know not3.Are those your pants? .A. Yes, theyre B. Yes, they are C. Yes, those are D. They are4. Is he tall short?A. or B. and C. but D. /5.Whats this? .A. Its elbow B. Its an elbow C. Theyre elbow D. Theyre elbowshttp:/school.chinaedu.com 26. We often listen to music(听音乐) with our .A. eyes B. ear C. mouth D. ears7. Jenny and I in classes.A. are, different B. am, different C. are, the same D. am, same8.How many do you have?FiveA. hair B. apples C. eyes D. feet 9. Please look at , dont look at the blackboard. A. me B. I C my D. mine10. is the matter?I cut my knee.A. How B. What C. Where D. What colourB) 选出与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。11. Im very sick , I have a cold(感冒).A. sad B. not happy C. wrong D. ill 12. My mother isnt in. A. is out B. be in C. at home D. be away 13. Lets go to school.A. Let is B. Let us C. Let ours D. Let does14. My books and your books are not different.A. same B. the same C. different D. the different15.Whats the matter with you?A. wrong B. matter C. trouble D. happen.改错(10 分)1.How do you feel now? I feel happily.A B C D2. I have short, black hairs.A B C D3.There is (有) a book to his hand.A B C D4. We eat in our mouths.A B C D5. The teacher stands in my right.A B C D.交际用语 (10 分)1.在日常中见到别人身体或气色不好,出于关心你应该说“ ”http:/school.chinaedu.com 3A. How do you do? B. Whats the matter? C. How is your body? D. Whats trouble?2.当别人向你询问某事,但你不知道时,出于礼貌你应说“ ”A. You ask the other people. B. No, I dont know. C. Sorry, I dont know. D. your question is too hard.3.当别人夸奖你时,你会说“ ”A. No, dont say that. B.OK. C. Thanks. D. Yes, you are right.4.如果有人摔到了,出于关心你应问候“ ”A. Are you okay? B. Are you fine? C. You are careful (小心的) next time. D. How are you?5.如果你想要知道对方的职业,你要说“ ”A. What job are you? B. How do you do? C. How is your job? D. What do you do?.根据所给汉语完成句子(10 分)1.你感觉高兴吗?you ?2.他的眼睛是什么颜色?his eyes?3.她有一头长长的黑发。She has , hair.4.他弟弟是高还是矮?his brother tall short?5.我母亲头疼。My mother .完形填空(10 分)TeacherT StudentST: Hello, 1 is your name?S: My name 2 Zhang Jian.T: 3 are you, Zhang Jian?S: Im fine, thanks. And you?T: Im fine, 4 . Its too 5 today. How do you 6 ?S: Im not cold, because(因为) Im 7 my new down wear(羽绒服).T: Who is it 8 ?S: My mum.T: Its 9 beautiful.S: 10 .1. A. What B. How C. Whats D. Howshttp:/school.chinaedu.com 42. A. am B. is C. are D. has3. A. How B. Where C. How old D. What4. A. also B. either C. please D. too5. A. hot B. cool C. cold D. warm6. A. look B. feel C. put D. have7. A. wearing B. wear C. wears D. wore8. A. in B. with C. from D. of9. A. much B. very much C. very D. a little10. A. Thanks B. OK C. Youre welcome D. Thank.阅读理解(20 分)(A)Im Li Hong. Im in Class2, Grade 7(七年级二班). Today Miss Liu asks(请) me to look after two new students. They are Jenny and Danny. They are from Canada. They look the same. They are white. Their hair is blond. Their eyes are blue. They are very nice. They are in the same coats. They have the same bikes. I cant know who(谁) is who, but I like them. They are my new friends.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1. Li Hong is .A. like Jenny B. a teacher C. a student (学生) D. a doctor2. Jenny and Danny come from .A. China B. America C. Canada D. Japan3.Whats “blond” in Chinese(汉语)?A. 金黄色的 B. 黄色的 C. 褐色的 D. 黑色的4. Danny is .A. a new teacher of Class 7 B. Li Hongs new friendC. Jennys younger sister (妹妹) D. Jennys elder sister (姐姐)(B)My brother has five bags(包). Two are big. Three are small. He has some(一些) oranges and apples. He puts(放) three oranges in each(每) small bag, and he puts two apples in each big bag and one apple in each small bag. The number of apples is his age(年龄).5. He has oranges.A. nine B. seven C. five D. three6. He has apples.A. six. B. eight. C. nine D. seven7. Wha
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