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河南机电高等专科学校毕业设计论文毕业设计论文格兰仕公司与家乐福公司关于微波炉买卖的谈判格兰仕公司与家乐福公司关于微波炉买卖的谈判TheThe CommercialCommercial NegotiationNegotiation betweenbetween GalanzGalanz CompanyCompany andand CarrefourCarrefour aboutabout MicrowaveMicrowave OvenOven 系 部 外语系 专 业 应用英语 班 级 应英 101 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 2012 年 2 月 15 日格兰仕公司与家乐福公司关于微波炉买卖的谈判iAbstract .iii摘要.iv一、引言.1二、谈判公司双方背景.1(一)格兰仕公司.11.简介.12先进的生产理念.13格兰仕的特有功能.14拥有强大的核心竞争力.25宏大的实力和广阔的市场.2(二)家乐福介绍.21.家乐福的历史.32家乐福的企业文化.33.全球采购中国总部简介.34 家乐福的经营理念.4三、谈判团队人员组成和谈判组组长.4四、谈判议题.4五、谈判目标.5(一)战略目标.5(二)最高期望目标.5(三)实际需求目标.5( 四)可接受目标.5河南机电高等专科学校毕业论文ii( 五)最低限度目标.5六、谈判环境分析.5七、双方利益及优劣势分析.7(一)我方优势.7(二)我方劣势.7(三)乙方利益.8(四)乙方优势.8八、谈判程序及具体策略.8(一)开局阶段.81.感情交流式开局策略.82.采取进攻式开局策略.9(二)中期阶段.91.红脸白脸策略.92.层层推进,步步为营的策略.93.把握让步原则.94.突出优势.95.打破僵局.9(三)休局阶段.101.最后谈判阶段.10九、准备谈判资资料.10十、应急预案制定.11(一)对方不同意我方对报价 1000 元表示异议.11格兰仕公司与家乐福公司关于微波炉买卖的谈判iii(二)对方使用权力有限策略,声称金额的限制,拒绝我方的报价.11(三)对方使用借题发挥策略,对我方某一次要问题抓住不放.11(四) 如果出现谈判僵局.11(五)如果对方提出的条件高于我方底线.11参考文献:.12格兰仕公司与家乐福公司关于微波炉买卖的谈判iiiAbstractWith the development of the world economy, especially the deepening of economic globalization, the competition between countries is strengthened increasingly, business negotiation is the problem that an enterprise must face during the process of development. Since the financial crisis 2008, countries between the various enterprises in order to safeguard their own interests, therefore the business negotiation is very important. How to seize the initiative in business negotiations in the bargaining has become a variety of economic business focus. But in China plays an important role in the world economy and also become more closely with other countries increasingly in the business negotiation, how to acquire active right is also very important, business negotiation is a policy top, technical, artistic in one s social and economic activities. While the successful business negotiation is the key to achieving the interests of enterprises and win-win.河南机电高等专科学校毕业论文iv摘要摘要随着世界经济的发展,特别是经济全球化的日益加深,各国之间的竞技联盟
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