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2014 届本科毕业设计届本科毕业设计某基坑复合土钉墙支护设计某基坑复合土钉墙支护设计学学 院院 土木工程学院土木工程学院 专业班级专业班级 学学 号号 学生姓名学生姓名 指导老师指导老师 提交日期提交日期 20142014 年年 6 6 月月 5 5 日日 安徽建筑大学本科毕业设计I摘 要基坑工程是指在地表以下开挖的一个地下空间及其配套的支护体系。而基坑支护就是为保证基坑开挖,基础施工的顺利进行及基坑周边环境的安全,对基坑侧壁以及周边环境采用的支挡,加固与保护措施。基坑支护体系是临时结构,安全储备较小,具有较大风险,基坑工程具有很强的区域性。不同水文,工程地质环境条件下基坑工程的差异很大。基坑工程环境效应复杂,基坑开挖不仅要保证基坑本身的安全稳定,而且要有效的控制基坑周边地层移动以及保护周围环境。本文介绍了安徽裕鹏房地产开发公司拟建金云国际小区,其中高层建筑 5 幢,2328 层,框剪结构;6 层建筑 5 幢,框架结构;以及地下车库(地下一层) ,埋深在现地面下约 34 米。总建筑面积约 12.1 万。本设计主要对此基坑支护方案论证选择和支护设计计算。拟建建筑场地基坑长约 270m,宽约 150m,开挖深度为 8m。根据场地工程地质条件,可以采用水泥土重力式挡墙、钻孔灌注桩、地下连续墙、复合土钉墙等支护设计。由于土钉墙支护作为一种较常用的支护形式,凭借其工期短、造价低的优势异军突起,因此为了满足基坑的安全、经济、合理等问题,本设计最终确定采用复合土钉墙支护设计,即土钉墙与有限放坡有机组合成的复合支护体系。关键词:基坑支护;方案选择;设计计算;复合土钉墙安徽建筑大学本科毕业设计IIABSTRACTExcavation means below the surface of an excavation of underground space and supporting the supporting system. The excavation is to ensure the excavation, smooth and safe surroundings foundation pit construction, excavation sidewalls for retaining and using the surrounding environment, reinforcement and protection measures. Foundation Bracing System is a temporary structure, a smaller safety margin; with a greater risk of excavation has a strong culture. Different hydrological, geological differences in the environmental conditions under excavation works great. Environmental effects of complex excavation, excavation pit itself not only to ensure security and stability, but also to effectively control the pit surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment. This article describes the real estate development company in Anhui Yu Peng Jin Yun proposed international community , including five high-rise buildings , 23 to 28 floors , wall structure ; five six -storey building , the frame structure ; and underground garage ( basement ) , buried deep in the current of about 3 to 4 meters under the ground . The total construction area of about 121,000 square meters. The design of the main arguments in this excavation program selection and support design calculations. The proposed construction site excavation length 270m, width 150m, excavation depth of 8m. According to the site engineering geological conditions, soil cement can be used gravity retaining wall, bored piles, diaphragm walls, walls and other composite soil nailing support design. Because of soil nailing wall is more commonly used as a support form, by virtue of its short duration, the sudden emergence of low cost advantage, so in order to meet the security pit, economic, rational and other issues, finalize the design of composite soil nailing walls support design, namely soil nail wall units with limited grading have synthesized composite support system.Keywords:excavation; select program; design calculations; composite soil nailing walls安徽建筑大学本科毕业设计III目 录摘摘 要要.IABSTRACT.II第第 1 1 章章 绪论绪论.11.1 基坑工程的特点及发展意义.11.1.1 基坑工程的特点 .11.1.2 基坑工程的发展意义 .21.2 复合土钉墙支护技术理论.21.2.1 极限平衡法 .21.2.2 有限元法 .31.2.3 工程简化分析法 .31.2.4 试验研究分析法 .41.3 复合土钉墙支护技术现状.51.4 复合土钉墙支护类型.51.4.1 土钉与桩锚复合支护 .61.4.2 土钉与预应力锚杆复合支护 .61.4.3 土钉与止水帷幕复合支护 .71.4.4 土钉与止水帷幕、预应力锚杆复合支护 .71.4.5 土钉与微型桩复合支护 .71.5 本设计的主要内容.91.5.1 收集资料 .91.5.2 方案选型 .91.5.3 支护技术计算.10第第 2 2 章章 基坑支护方案选型基坑支护方案选型.112.1 工程概况.112.2 工程地质条件.112.2.1 场地位置及地形地貌.112.2.2 地基岩土构成及岩性特征.112.2.3 地下水.122.3 场地及地基条件综合评价.122.3.1 场地的稳定性.122.3.2 场地和地基的地震效应.122.3.3 天然地基设计参数.
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