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吉林化工学院毕业设计说明书故障状态下电力系统暂态稳定性研究Research for Power System Transient Stability Analysis under Fault Conditions学生学号: 学生姓名: 专业班级: 自动0903 指导教师: 职 称: 助 教 起止日期: 2013.03.042013.06.23吉 林 化 工 学 院Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology故障状态下电力系统暂态稳定性研究- -摘 要本设计利用MATLAB 的动态仿真软件Simulink 搭建了单机无穷大电力系统的仿真模型,能够满足电网在其可能遇到的多种故障方面运行的需要 。电力系统稳定器,就是为抑制震荡而研究的一种励磁控制技术,用于提高电力系统稳定,解决震荡问题,是提高电力系统动态稳定性的重要措施之一。论文以MATLAB 工具箱为平台,通过SimPowerSyetem 搭建了电力系统运行中常见的单机无穷大系统模型,实验得到了在该系统发生各种短路接地故障并由断路器自动跳闸隔离故障的仿真结果 。并利用小波分析具有很强的信号特征提取能力,尤其对暂态突变信号或微弱变化信号的处理变现出明显的优势, 达到了仿真的目的。本文做的主要工作有:(1)Simulink 下单机无穷大仿真系统的搭建;(2)系统故障仿真测试分析 ;(3)基于Haar 小波的故障检测与分析。通过实例说明,若将该方法应用到电力系统短路故障的诊断中,快速实现故障的自动诊断、检测,对于提高电力系统的稳定性具有十分重要的意义。关关键键词词: 单单机机无无穷穷大大系系统统;S Si im mP Po ow we er rS Sy ye et te em m;短短路路故故障障;小小波波变变换换吉林化工学院毕业设计说明书- I -AbstractThis design paper depend on the model of dynamic simulation by MATLAB build software Simulink infinite power system of single - simulation model, the grid in various fault may meet the needs of the running of aspects. Power system stabilizer(pss) is to suppress a low frequency oscillation ofadditional excitation control. Improving power system dynamic ,lowing frequence oscillation problem solving is to improve power system dynamic stability of the important measures.The paper base on platform version of Matlab,According to SimPowerSyetem toolbox to build power operation of common singleinfinite system model, the experiment in the system was obtained by various circuit breaker automatically earthing faults and fault isolation of simulation results trip. Using the wavelet analysis and has strong ability of the signal feature extraction, especially for transient mutations signals or weak signal processing showed obvious advantages, Reaching purpose of the simulation. The main work is :(1) Building this simulation system of single - infinite under Simulink;(2) Fault simulation test analysis of system;(3) Fault detection and analysis based on Haar wavelet.Through examples, if this method to the power system fault diagnosis, fast fault detection and diagnosis, automatic for improving the stability of power system has important significance.keywords:Singleinfinite system;SimPower Syetem;Short circuit faults;Wavelet transform故障状态下电力系统暂态稳定性研究- II -目 录摘 要IAbstractII第1 章 绪论11.1 MATLAB 及SimPowerSystem 简介11.2 配电网的故障现状及分析11.3 暂态稳定仿真流程2第2 章 单机无穷大暂态稳定仿真分析42.1 复杂电力系统暂态稳定性分析 42.2 单机无穷大系统原理42.3 结论5第3 章 电力系统稳定器数学模型及仿真 63.1 电力系统低频振荡的简化模型 (Heffron-Philips 模型)63.2 Power System Stabilizator 的传递函数133.3 电力系统稳定器143.3.1 发电机轴转速信号稳定器143.3.2 速度信号稳定器153.3.3 电功率信号稳定器163.4 MATLAB 仿真模型163.5 各种提高暂态稳定性措施的运行效果仿真 193.6 结论23第4 章 信号特征提取244.1 小波变换的基本理论及应用244.2 小波函数的选择
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