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编编 号号本本科科生生毕毕业业设设计计( 论论文文 )题目:题目: 风机电参数测量 控制系统 物联网工程 学院 电气工程及其自动化 专业学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 工程师 二一三年六月摘要I摘摘 要要电力机车通常由强迫通风方式降温,因而通风机在通风冷却系统中有着重要作用,风机的工作状态、控制和减少功率消耗成为主要问题。论文对风机的监控技术进行了研究,旨在实现风机的智能调控。在分析国内外风机监控系统基础上,设计了一种基于 Modbus 通讯协议和 PLC 为主控制器的测量控制方案,该方案中风机采用变频调速,PLC 采用通讯方式控制变频器,简化了硬件设计。为了使风机发挥更强的调节功能和更好的节能效果,方案中使用温度传感器检测冷却液温度,并反馈给 PLC,温度在触摸屏上显示,与目标温度对照,此时可以手动调频,进行粗略的经验控制;由于 PLC 带有 PID 控制的功能,且工业上已经积累了大量经验,又设计了以冷却液温度为控制量的温度闭环控制系统,通过 PID 控制环节给出变频器的频率,实现温度的自动控制。风机调速完成后,进一步对风机的运行状态进行监测。方案通过电参数测量仪测量和风机有关的各相电压、各相电流、功率等电参数,经过 PLC 的采集和运算,在触摸屏上可视化的监视风机的工作状态,并能给出报警信号,方便工作人员及时处理和避免事故。关键词:关键词:风机;电参数; PLC;变频器;Modbus;PIDAbstractIIABSTRACTElectric Locomotive is usually cooled by forced ventilation, so ventilation fan plays an important role in the ventilation cooling system Working condition, control of the fan and a reduction of power consumption has become a major problem This research for control system of fan is aimed at intelligent control of fanBased on analyzing the monitor system of fan at home and abroad, this paper designs a kind of measurement and control scheme on the basis of Modbus protocol and PLC,he fan adopts frequency control and PLC controls Frequency Converter by means of communication to simplify the hardware design in this scheme In order to make the fan save energy better and get smarter contol, this system check coolant temperature using the temperature sensor and give feedback to the PLC, then the temperature is displayed on the touch screen Compared with the target temperature, it can be manually regulating frequency with rough experience; As PLC has PID control functions and the industry has accumulated a lot of experience, this system also includes a closed loop control system where coolant temperature is control object and Frequency Converter is given frequency by PID algorithm to realize the automatic control of temperature After frequency control ,the system need to control working condition of the fan in addition this system measures the voltage of each phase, the phase current, power and other electrical parameters on the fan Then allow the visualization of the working station on the touch screen though collection and operation of PLC and can give alarm signal,which is convenient for workers to avoid accident timelyKeywords: Fan;Electrical parameters; PLC; Frequency Converter;Modbus; PID目录i目目 录录第 1 章 绪论.11 .1 论文背景 .11.1.1 课题研究的背景.11.1.2 课题研究的目的和意义.21.1.3 国内外研究现状.21.2 主要研究内容和任务.31.2.1 课题研究内容.31.2.2 课题研究任务.3第 2 章 风机测量控制方案的选择与确定.52.1 风机工作状态的监控.52.2 风机调速方式的选择.52.3 控制系统的选择.52.4 变频器控制方式的选择.62.5 温度控制系统的确定.62.6 监控设备的选择.62.7 系统整体方案.6第 3 章 系统硬件设计.93.1 执行部分.93.1.1 变频器的选型.93.1.2 空气断路器选型.
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