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2 、三年级英语上册第二单元测试题(三年级英语上册第二单元测试题(2 2)Class: Name:_ No._ Mark: 听力部分 一、听音判断,对的打“”错的打“” (12 分)1、 ( ) ( ) ( )4、( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音选择。 (18 分) ( )1. This is my A. head B. face C. mouth D. finger ( )2. Touch your A. nose B. eye C. ear D. face ( )3. Look at my A. finger B. arm C. nose D. eye ( )4. I have 2 A. ears B. eyes C. fingers D. legs ( )5. Where is your A. face B. foot C. hand D. head ( )6、Nice meet you.A. to B. too C. two D. at三、听录音选择你所听到的那个选项.(30 分) ( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. pencil-case D. eraser ( )2. A. head B. hand C. finger D. face ( )3. A. crayon B. ruler C. book D. eraser ( )4. A. body B. eye C. ear D. foot ( )5. A. arm B. leg C. nose D. mouth ( )6. A. bag B. sharpener C. foot D.pencil ( )7. A. I have a book. B. I have a body. C. I have a pencil-case. D. I have a pencil. ( )8. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Good bye. D. See you. ( )9. A. Open your book. B. Close your book. C. Open your mouth. D. Close your mouth 6、3 、5 、6 、学校: 班级: 考场: 姓名: 学号: 姓名: ( )10. A. Shake your body. B. Snap your fingers. C. Stamp your foot. D. Clap your hands. 笔试部分 四、将下列单词的序号填入正确的图形下。 (18 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) mouthmouth eyeeye handhand faceface nosenose armarm legleg footfoot earear五、从 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出最恰当的一项,将其字母填入题前括号内。 (12 分) 1.Sarah: Nice to meet you, Wu Yifan.Wu Yifan: A. Good bye, Sarah B. See you, Sarah. C. My name is Wu Yifan. D. Nice to meet you,too. 2.Mrs White: Whats your name?Mike: A. My name is Mike B. Nice to meet you,too C. See you. D.This is Chen jie. 3.Sarah: Good morning, Mr. Black!Mr. Black: A. Hello, Sarah B. Good morning, Sarah. C. Im Mr. Black D.Good afternoon, Sarah. 4.Mike: Good afternoon, Mrs. White!Mrs. White: A. This is Mrs. White B. Nice to meet you, Mike. C. Good morning, Mike. D.Good afternoon, Mike. 六、情景选择。 (10 分) ( )1.在早晨,你想跟别人打招呼时,说: A. Good afternoon. B. Bye! C. Good morning. D. Good afternoon. ( )2.当你想表达认识对方的高兴心情时,说: A. Nice to meet your. B. Nice to meet you. C. Its nice. D. See you. ( )3.向别人介绍你的朋友时,说: A. My name is Jim. B. Im Jim. C. This is Jim. D. Bye bye, Jim. ( )4.当你想知道对方的姓名时,说: A. Good afternoon. B. Whats your name. C. My names Jim. D. Nice to meet you. ( )5.当你在下午向别人问好时,说:A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good bye. D. See you.三年级英语上册第二单元测试卷三年级英语上册第二单元测试卷姓名姓名_ 分数分数_一、找出不同类的一个单词(一、找出不同类的一个单词(10 分)分) ( )1、A、am B、is C、are D、your ( )2、A、pen B、bag C、pencil D、name ( )3、A、eye B、nose C、 ear D、body ( )4、A、hello B、bye C、 hi D、good ( )5、A、school B、hand C、finger D、foot2、请将下列单词的序号填入相应的位置。请将下列单词的序号填入相应的位置。 (10 分分)1.This is my_. 4.This is my_.2.This is my_. 5.This is my_.3.This is my_.三、三、 给下列单词选择恰当的汉语意思给下列单词选择恰当的汉语意思, ,写在题前括号内。(写在题前括号内。(1010 分)分)A.钢笔 B.书 C.橡皮 D.尺子 E.书包( )bag ( )ruler ( )pen ( )eraser ( )book 四、连一连(四、连一连(20 分)分)Close your eyes. 摸摸你的耳朵。 Touch the ear. 张开你的嘴。 Snap your fingers. 拍拍你的手。 Open your mouth. 打响你的手指。 Clap your hands. 闭上你的眼睛。 Stamp your foot. 交叉你的腿。Shake your body. 挥挥你的手臂。Cross your legs. 抖动你的身体。Wave your arms. 跺跺你的脚。Open your book. 打开你的书。A.foot B.eye C.arm D.hand E.mouth 五、情境反应(五、情境反应(20 分)( ) 1、下午见到你的老师,你会这样问候他:A、Nice to meet you ! B、Welcome! C、Good afternoon, teacher!( )2、你这样向你妈妈介绍你的朋友 Jim:A、Mom, this is Jim. B、Mom, he is Jim. C、Mom, it is Jim.( )3、别人问你的铅笔在哪儿,你说在这儿。用英语表达为:A、Good idea. B、Here it is C、Where is.( )4、别人帮
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