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期中复习专练期中复习专练 动词填空动词填空 1._ you _ (read) this story book before ? 2.My mother _ (go) out .She s doing shopping in town. 3.The car doesnt move. What _ I _ (do)? 4.Lets run and seen who _ (get) to the finishing line first. 5.Little Tom _(draw) every evening after supper but he _ (not draw ) at the moment. 6.“Listen! Who_ (sing) in the next room?“ “Maybe it is Wang Lin. She likes _ (sing) a lot .“ 7.Lucy _ (not finish) her work yet. She _ (do) it now. I _ (be) sure she _ (finish) it soon. After she _ (finish) it ,we _ (go) swimming together. 8.The story_ (happen) many years ago. 9.At night we can always see him _ (study) in the room . 10. Mr. Brown _ (be) a soldier since 1984. 11. Nobody _ (finish) the homework yet. 12. How long _ you _ (study) in this school? 13. Every time I _ (want) to sleep, he _ (make) some noise and I _ (be) angry at that. 14. I _ (forget) to bring my ruler, so I _ (have) to borrow one. 15. If anybody _ (break) the model plane, he _ (have) to pay for it. 16. Michael _ (be) to the zoo twice this month. 17. I _ never _ (see) a zebra before. 18. He usually _ (get) up early, but he _ (get) up very late this morning. 19. Tom says he _ (leave) for Beijing next week if it _ (not rain). 20. I was doing my homework when the light _ (go) out. 21. Mr. Smith isnt in at the moment. He _ (leave) a moment ago. 22. The students all _ (stop) talking when the teacher _ (come) in. 23. He _ (lose) his pen when he _ (take) a walk in the park. 24. _ you _ (see) a horse with one eye? 25. Li Ping _ (be) to Taiwan twice. 26. She _ (lend) them some money several weeks ago. But they _ (not give) it back. 27. How often _ Lucy _ (help) Granny Wang to clean the house? 28. How many times _ you _ (see) the film? Not even once. But I _ (see) it sometime next month. Would you please _ (go) with me? 29. I _ (lose) the library book. Fortunately(幸运的是), I _ (find) it already. But it _ (be) dirty. 30. Everything _ (go) well so far. 31. It _ (take) me a lot of time to do the job. But I _ (not finish) it yet. 32. Stop _ (laugh). I _ (can not hear) what the teacher _ (say). 33. _ you _ (hear) from your cousin? Not yet. 34. Its the most _ (frighten) story I _ ever _ (hear). 35. Though chocolate _ (taste) good, my doctor _ (not allow) me _ (eat) too much. 36. They _(go) to the shopping center already. 37. -_ you _(enjoy) it? - Yes, I did. 38. Mr Green _(not come) back to China yet. 39. Where is my pen? How strange! It _(be) here just a moment ago.40. They _(not see) the film yet. 41. Look! The children _(plant) flowers in the garden. 42. My brother _(be) to England twice. 43. I _(know) the boy since 1993. 44. I _ ( not see) you for a long time. 45. Look! The children _ (plant) flowers in the garden. 46. I _ (know) the place for many years. 47. Where is my pen? How strange! It _ (be) here just a moment ago. 48. He _ (give) the book back to you if he _ (finish) reading it tomorrow. 49. Mr Dong often _ (meet) up with his friends in the new park. 50. How long _ you _ (live) in Nanjing since you were _ (bear)? 51. It (rain)for a week. 52. I dont know this woman. I (meet, never)her. 53.Lets go to the cinema.No, I (see, already)the film. 54. We (finish, not)our homework yet. Will you wait a minute? 55. John (come, not)yet. He will be back in a minute. 56. Mr. Green often goes to America. In fact, he (be)there ten times. 57. Wheres John? He just (go)to the teachers office. 58. She (study)English since she was ten. She (begin)to study English when she was ten. 59. Jim isnt here. He (go)to the library. He (go)there an hour ago. 60. He (travel, never)on a train in her life. 61. I (buy)the bike two weeks ago. I (have)this bike since the beginning of this month. I (have)it for two weeks. 62. Great changes (take place)in those villages in the last ten years, 63. How many times you (phone)me these days? You_ (phone)me this morning? 64. Tom cant get into the room because he (lost)the key to the door. 65. I (look)for the dictionary, but I (find not)it yet. 67. We (live)in Shanghai from 1989 to 1999. We (live)for 10 years.68I think you never (hear) such a thing. 69 you (know) where your sister has (go)? 70
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