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前不久去美国探亲访友,应邀到一个北京的“发小”家做客(发小在北京话里是指儿时一起 长大的朋友)。Shortly before the relatives to go to the United States, was invited to Beijing, a “small“ home (small in Beijing dialect, refers to a childhood grew up together friends).“发小”在美国定居多年,如今已经退休,也许是一辈子忙碌惯了,无缘享受清福, 再加上喜欢孩子,所以他就找了份开校车的工作。我们的话题自然就渐渐转到了美国的校 车上。“Small“ settled in the United States for many years, now retired, perhaps is always busy for life, not enjoy the retired life, and love children, so he found a job on the school bus. Our topic is gradually turned to the United States on the school bus.我问他在美国是不是把旧公共汽车涂成黄色,再在侧面加上一个大大的“停”字就可 以做校车了?听完我的问题,他一脸的茫然,似乎不知该如何回答才好。他转而问我国内现 在的校车情况如何?我告诉他国内现在挺重视校车安全,正在讨论和制定一些相关的法规, 有人还提议校车应该享有特权 ,一切车辆甚至消防车和警车都应该给校车让路,还有人 说为了孩子的安全,应该给他们的座椅上加装安全带等等,而且引经据典,说是外国 都是这样的,还特别提到美国就是这样。I asked him whether the old bus in America painted yellow, and then in the side with a large “stop“ word can work as a school bus? After listening to my problem, he gave me a face of vacant, seems dont know how to answer. He turned to ask how are the school bus Im at home now? I told him that the domestic now stand attaches great importance to the school bus safety, are discussed and some relevant regulations, someone also proposed the school bus should enjoy the “privilege“, all vehicles and even fire trucks and police cars should be to give way to the school bus, others say for child safety, should give their seat equipped with seat belts, and so on. And allusions, say foreign is such, also notes that the United States is like that.发小听后对我说:“这样吧,明天我就带你到校车公司实地看一看。俗话说百闻不 如一见 ,这样我们之间的讨论也许会更有一些针对性,你看如何?”这自然是个求之不得 的好机会,我立刻表示赞同。Boy after listen to say to me: “so, tomorrow I will take you to the bus company in the field have a look. As the saying goes,“ seeing is believing “, such discussion between us may have some more specific, how do you think?“ This nature is a good chance for you to have, I immediately agreed.第二天,我们一起去了他供职的校车公司,顺便介绍一下,我的发小现居住在美国中 西部的一个小城市里,小城总人口 7 万多人,因为城里有个大学,所以近一半是大学生, 真正的居民也就是 4 万人。介绍 “发小”说,除了大学,城市里还有 3 个高中、两个初中、 10 个小学,学生总数接近一万人,乘用校车的基本就是这部分中小学生。个别的教会学校 和私立学校因为有自己的交通工具,不使用公共校车,所以不计算在内。Together the next day, we went to the bus company he works for, to introduce, by the way, my boy who is now living in a small city in the Midwest city, town population of more than 70000 people, because the city has a university, so nearly half are college students, the real people or 40000 people. Introduced said “boy“, in addition to the university, the city also has three high schools, two junior middle school, 10 primary schools, a total of nearly ten thousand people, students take school bus is the essential part of primary and middle school students. Individual church schools and private schools because of their means of transportation, do not use the public bus, so dont count.走进校车停车场,里面显得十分安静,这也许是到了假期的缘故吧。发小先去办公室 里打了个招呼,随后拿了两件浅绿色带反光格的坎肩、两个证件牌子和一把车钥匙出来, 他告诉我,进停车场需要和值班的管理人员打个招呼,并说明我们是来看校车安全设计的。Walked into the school parking lot, appear very quiet inside, perhaps this is the holiday. Send small said good morning to the office first, then took two pieces of pale green with reflective waistcoat, two documents brand and a car keys out, he told me, into the parking lot needs and on duty manager say hello, and we are to see the school bus safety design.因为发小是他们的资深雇员,所以公司很是通融。我们穿上安全坎肩,挂上证件牌, 发小的证件牌为绿色,上带照片,我的则是红色,上面的英文印的是访问者。一个安全坎 肩,一个证件牌已使大鼻子校车价格我隐隐感觉到了一种细致入微的管理观念和安全观念。Because hair small is their senior employees, so the company is very accommodating. We put on our safety waistcoat, hang ZhengJianPai, send small ZhengJianPai is green, with photos, I is red, the above is a visitor in English. A safety waistcoat, a ZhengJianPai has make me faint feel a nuanced management concept and the concept of safety.宽阔平整的柏油停车场上整齐地排列着一排排黄色的校车,即醒目又美观。我数了数, 校车一共有四排,每排 30 辆,外观像是国内比较大型的公交车那样,多数车头上印有“BULEBIRD”和“INTERNATIONAL”两种型号。A wide flat asphalt parking lot neatly lined with rows of yellow school buses, as bold and beautiful. I counted the school bus has a total of four rows, each row of 30 units, looks like a domestic relatively large buses, most of the “BULEBIRD“ and “INTERNATIONAL“ are printed on the front two kind of models.发小告诉我,美国各州的校车公司多隶属于几家私人运输公司,这些公司都是历史悠 久、财力雄厚的大型跨国公司,比如他们这家校车公司就是美国数一数二的卡车运输公司 的子公司,公司的真正老板是一家英国公司。而校车公司和地方教育主管部门之间则是合 同关系,合同每年一签,根据双方的意愿可以修改合同内容,教育局方面侧重的是安全和 服务质量,而校车公司除了安全以外主要是根据车辆、燃油及维护方面的费用来核算经济 效益,有钱赚就继续做,亏损则不再续约。各校车公司之间的竞争也很激烈,这个小城市的校车公司就曾几易其手。Boy told me that the U.S. state of school bus companies belonging to private transport companies, these companies are a long history and deep pockets of large multinational companies, such as the school bus company is one of the best trucking companies in the United States, a subsidiary of the company the real boss is a British company. And school bus companies and local education departments, is a contractual relationship between the contract signed a year, according to the intention to modify the contract content, education is focused on safety and service q
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