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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福独立写作开头段观点类表达方法托福独立写作的题型相信对于国内考生来说,一点也不陌生。文章 的开头段就是要求先就文章的话题进行一定的现象描述,及关于此话题 各方的论点,最重要的就是要清晰地阐明自己对于此话题的观点。 由于托福独立写作的两个题型分别是个人喜欢类(personal preference: 如Some people prefer to work at home, while others prefer to work at office, which one do you prefer? )或者是同意类(agreement or disagreement: 如Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers of their children?),所以作者总结了一些关于这两类话题的 观点类表达方法,以摆脱大部分国内学生常用的“I think”, “I prefer”的句式表达,做到在开头段让考官眼前一亮。 一个人喜好类观点表达 1. I prefer A to B 2. Given the choice between A and B, I would choose. 3. Between A and B, my preference is/goes to. 4. A is preferable to B 例句展示: 1. 待在家里比在游乐园排一整天队更好.Staying at home is preferable to standing in line for a whole day at an amusement park. 2. 持乐观态度的人与持悲观态度的人之间,我更喜欢乐观的人。 Between a person with an optimistic attitude and a person with a pessimistic attitude, my preference is the optimistic person. 二同意类观点表达 1. I agree/disagree with./that 2. I am in favor of the idea of ./ that. 3. I support the idea that 4. I firmly believe that. 5. I am against the opinion that6. I question/doubt whether . 例句展示: 1. 我支持学生可以通过读小说培养想象力的观点。 I support the idea that students can develop their imaginations by reading novels. 2. 我怀疑人们是否承认道德教育的重要性。 I question whether people acknowledge the importance of moral education or not. 3. 我坚持水污染是我们面临的最严重的问题之一。 I firmly believe that water pollution is one of the most serious problems we have. 4. 我同意我们的祖先比我们更会享受生活的观点。 I go along with the opinion that our ancestors enjoyed life more than we do. 智课外语南京分校秋季班火热招生啦 智课南京外语学校秋季班增值服务: 1. 开课前的详细诊断,量身制定课前,课中,课后学习计划 2. 全天候教师面批作文,一对一详细讲解 3. 一对一口语对练辅导 4. 课程中的周度定期回访或者面谈5. 结课考试,详细的结课诊断报告,家长面谈会 6. 数次仿真模考以及模考讲解
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