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基于单片机函数发生器系统设计系 别信息工程系专 业自动化/测控技术与仪器2015 年 6 月I摘摘 要要函数信号发生器是各种测试和实验过程中不可缺少的工具,在通信、测量、雷达、控制、教学等领域应用十分广泛。为了实验、研究方便,研制一种灵活适用、功能齐全、使用方便的信号源是十分必要的。当今是科技以及仪表设备高度智能化飞速发展的信息社会,电子技术的发展进步,给人们的生活带来了根本性的转变。单片机构成的仪器具有高可靠性,高性价比,在智能仪表系统和办公自动化中得到广泛应用,因此,基于单片机的函数信号发生器的普及是一种趋势。本系统是基于 AT89C52 单片机的函数信号发生器。采用 AT89C52 单片机作为控制核心,外围采用数字/模拟转换电路(DAC0832)、运放电路(LM324)、按键等。利用单片机设计的函数信号发生器具有编程灵活,功能更加多样等实际的优点。利用单片机设计的函数信号发生器能够产生正弦波,锯齿波,三角波,方波,并实现对频率的调节,以及液晶屏 12864 显示波形名称和波形频率,波形的切换和频率的调节都可以用按键实现,其设计简单、性能优好,可用于多种需要函数信号的场所,具有一定的实用性。关键词:单片机;DAC0832;液晶 16824;LM324IIAbstractFunction signal generator is an indispensable tool in the process of testing and experiment, the communication, measurement, are widely used in fields such as radar, control, teaching.For convenient experiment, research and develop a flexible to apply, complete function, easy to use the signal source is very necessary.Todays technology and instrument equipment highly intelligent the rapid development of information society, the development and progress of electronic technology, has brought the fundamental change to peoples life.Single chip instrument has high reliability, high cost performance, the intelligent instrument system and is widely used in office automation, as a result, the popularity of function signal generator based on single chip microcomputer is a kind of trend.This system is based on AT89C52 MCU function signal generator.USES AT89C52 single chip microcomputer as control core, periphery adopts digital/analog conversion circuit (DAC0832), the op-amp circuit (LM324), buttons, etc.Using single-chip design of function signal generator with flexible programming, function more diverse practical advantages.Microcontroller design of function signal generator can produce sine wave, sawtooth wave, triangle wave, square wave, and to realize to adjust the frequency, and 12864 LCD display name of waveform and waveform frequency and waveform of the switching frequency and adjust the implementation can use buttons, its design is simple and good performance advantages, can be used for a variety of places that need function signal, has a certain practicality.Keywords: Single chip microcomputer;DAC0832;LCD 16824;LM324III目 录1 绪 论.11.1 课题背景和研究的意义 .11.2 函数发生器的分类 .11.3 国内外发展状况 .21.3.1 国内发展现状.21.3.2 国外发展现状.21.4 课题任务及要求 .41.4.1 主要内容:.41.4.2 技术指标:.42 系统方案的设计.52.1 方案论证 .52.1.1 方案 方案 方案比较.62.2 系统总体设计 .63 硬件设计.73.1 主控单片机电路 .73.1.1 AT89C52 单片机介绍.73.1.2 AT89C52 单片机的标准功能.73.1.3 单片机的复位电路.93.1.4 单片机的时钟振荡电路.103.2 波形产生模块设计 .103.3 显示模块的设计 .113.6 键盘显示模块的设计 .
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