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摘 要近年来我国正在进行大规模的基本建设,期间有很多桥梁已经开始建设。在建设的同时,我国逐渐加大了安全生产工作的力度,尽量通过管理和技术方面的研究来预防安全事故的发生。由于拱桥施工工艺复杂、技术含量高、施工难度大、施工队伍安全意识薄弱等因素的影响,拱桥施工事故发生率一直居高不下。可见对拱桥施工的安全进行研究对减少事故的发生率和人员的伤亡率具有重要意义。本文通过查阅国内外拱桥施工安全方面的相关文献,了解拱桥施工方法和特点、常见施工事故及其预防措施等方面的内容,运用安全检查表法对拱桥施工进行安全分析评价。本文首先根据拱桥施工工程的具体情况选择合适的安全检查表,运用法律法规逐条对检查项目进行检查分析,然后根据结果分析,提出改进措施及建议,从而预防事故的发生。关键词:拱桥施工 安全检查表分析 安全 ABSTRACTIn recent years, many bridges have started building when China is in large-scale infrastructure.As the construction our country gradually raises the power of safety produce work,as far as possible preventing safety accident by manage and technique.Because of the complexity of arch bridge construction technology, high technology, difficulty of construction, harsh environment, the weak consciousness of safety construction teams and other factors, the frequency of arch bridge accidents has been high. So researches on the arch bridge construction safety is very important ,which not only can reduce the frequency of accidents, but also can reduce the casualty rate.Through searching for domestic and abroad arch bridge construction safety literature, understanding the construction method and construction feature of arch bridge, the common accidents and preventing measure of them, safety check analysis was be used in arch bridge construction of safety analyse evaluation. Firstly, according to the situation of the arch bridge construction project choosed the appropriate safety checklist,using legal regulations analysed the examination items oen by one,and then according to the situation of the arch bridge construction project,the safety index system structure was established, finally, according to the results of the analysis, corrective measures and suggestions were proposed to prevent accidents.Key words:arch bridge construction safety check analysis safety目 录第一章第一章 绪论绪论.11.1 课题来源及意义.11.2 国内外发展现状.11.2.1 国内发展现状.21.2.2 国外发展现状.21.3 研究内容及目的.3第二章第二章 拱桥的类型和特点拱桥的类型和特点.42.1 拱桥的主要类型和组成.42.1.1 主要类型.42.1.2 拱桥组成.62.2 拱桥的力学特点.72.3 拱桥的优缺点.7第三章第三章 拱桥的施工方法拱桥的施工方法.83.1 有支架法.83.2 转体施工法.83.2.1.平面转体.93.2.2.竖向转体.93.2.3.平竖结合转体.93.3 缆索吊装施工法.93.4 悬臂浇筑施工.10第四章第四章 拱桥施工危险源辨识、风险评价及控制拱桥施工危险源辨识、风险评价及控制.114.1 拱桥施工危险源辨识.114.1.1 危险源辨识原则.114.1.2 危险源辨识方法.114.1.3 拱桥施工危险源.124.2 拱桥施工危险源控制.
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