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0室室内内有有毒毒气气体体的的检检测测装装置置设设计计摘摘 要要随着人类的科技进步,人们的生活质量也不断提高,但是随之而来的也有不利的一面。家庭中,煤气、天然气的泄漏将在短时间内产生大量一氧化碳和甲烷,危及人生安全。对一氧化碳等有毒气体检测仪表的研究和开发也一直是人们关注的问题。本系统利用 STC12C5A60S2 单片机做核心控制模块,利用 MQ-7 一氧化碳传感器、MQ-4 天然气传感器和 MQ-2 烟雾传感器,实时监控一氧化碳、甲烷和烟雾的浓度变化,如果某处的有毒气体浓度过高,系统将发出声音报警,提醒人们及时抢险。本系统可用于家庭环境,也适用于工业环境。由于单片机成本低廉,自动控制功能比较强大,运行稳定,环境适应性好,所以本系统采用单片机做控制的核心元件。MQ-7、MQ-4、MQ-2 一氧化碳传感器、天然气传感器、烟雾传感器的灵敏度高;长寿命,低成本;简单的驱动电路即可。因此,很适用于家庭的检测。数码管能清晰的显示该环境下各个气体的浓度,即使在光线较暗时,所以选用液晶屏做显示模块。本文主要叙述了基于单片机的有毒气体检测系统设计的全过程,包括硬件电路设计、软件设计和实物制作。关关键键词词 一氧化碳;甲烷;单片机;检测;报警THE TOXIC GAS DETECTION IN CHAMBER1Student :Li Dong-jie Teacher :Chen xiao-qinAbstract:With the progress of human technology, the quality of life of the people, but the attendant downside.In family, gas, natural gas leak will produce large amounts of carbon monoxide and methane in a short period of time, life-threatening situation. The research and development of carbon monoxide and other toxic gas detection instruments has also been an issue of concern.The system uses STC12C5A60S2 MCU core control module MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor to detect carbon monoxide, MQ-4 gas sensor MQ-2 smoke sensors. Real-time monitoring of changes in the concentration of carbon monoxide, methane and smoke, if somewhere toxic gas concentration is too high, the system will sound alarm to remind people to timely rescue. The system can be used in the home environment, but also for industrial environments.Low-cost single-chip automatic control function is more powerful, stable, good environmental adaptability, the system uses the core components of the microcontroller control.MQ-7, MQ-4, MQ-2 carbon monoxide sensor, gas sensor, smoke sensor sensitivity; long-life, low-cost; simple drive circuit can be. Therefore, it is suitable for the detection of the family.The clear digital tube display gas concentrations in the environment, even in low light, so the selection is done on the LCD display module.This paper describes the toxic gas detection system based on single chip design, including hardware design, software design and physical production.Keywords Carbon monoxide; methane; MCU; detection; alarm2目目次次摘摘 要要.1Abstract.2第第 1 1 章章绪绪论论.41.1 课题研究背景及意义 .41.2 国内外研究现状 .61.3 本文主要内容及章节安排.71.4 本章小结.7第第 2 2 章章 硬硬件件系系统统设设计计.82.1 气体检测的原理 .82.2 硬件总体设计 .122.3 单片机的最小系统 .132.3.1 单片机介绍 .142.4 传感器介绍.162.4.1 气敏传感器的重要性.162.4.2 MQ-7 一氧化碳传感器介绍.182.4.3 线性化、放大输出电路.202.4.4 MQ-7 一氧化碳传感器模块.212.4.5 MQ-2 烟雾传感器模块.232.4.6 MQ-4 天然气传感器介绍.252.5 显示电路.272.6 声音报警电路.292.7 整体硬件原理图及 PCB 图.302.8 本章小结.31第第 3 3 章章 软软件件系系统统设设计计.323.1 软件应用开发平台介绍 .323.2 软件总体设计思想.333.3 比较判断函数.343.4 显示报警函数.3533.5 声音报警函数.353.6 本章小结.36第第 4 4 章章 硬硬件件和和软软件件的的调调试试.
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