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I偃师顾县至黄蟒崖段公路施工图设计摘 要偃师顾县至黄蟒崖段公路路线起点连接 G310、省道 S320 顾龙线,是洛阳至偃师的主要交通要道。它的建成对全国公路网络结构的完善,对加快城市与城市之间经济社会发展具有极其重要的意义。拟建的偃师顾县至黄蟒崖段公路,经过区域地貌为伊南洪积冲积坡地、伊洛河冲积平原、洛河川区、洛阳中部黄土丘陵区,整个地形起伏不大,全长 3.949km。根据规范要求,结合当地实际情况,全线采用双向四车道一级公路标准,沥青路面,设计速度 80km/h,路基宽度 24.5m。本设计研究的内容包括:首先,根据交通量确定车道数,并在地形图上选线、定线,然后进行道路平面设计,纵断面设计,横断面设计,桥涵设置等。此外还对该路段的路基、路面等进行了设计。关键词:一级公路,选线,路基,沥青路面,涵洞IIThe design of highway construction from Yanshi Guxian to HuangmangyaABSTRACTThe highway route from Yanshi Guxian to Huangmangya which starting point is connected with the G310 highway and provincial highway S320 Gulong line, is the main traffic routes from Luoyang to Yanshi. Its built has an extremely important significance to improve the network structure of national highway and to speed up the economic and social development among cities. The proposed highway of Yanshi Guxian to Huangmangya through the regional landscape which conclude Einon flood alluvial slope, Yiluo River alluvial plain, plain area, Luohe central Loess Hilly Area of Luoyang. The landform is little ups and downs and its full-length is 3.949km.According to the standard requirements, combined with the local actual situation, all use the two-way and four lane highway, asphalt pavement. The design speed is 80km/hand the roadbed width is 24.5m.The design of the study contents include: firstly, considering traffic volume to determine the number of the toll lanes, and select lines and decide on the topographic map and then road design, design and vertical section design, cross section, bridge and culvert settings. In addition, the roadbed and pavement of this section are also designed.KEY WORDS:the arterial road,line selection,the roadbed, asphalt pavement, culvertIII目 录前 言.1第 1 章 绪论.21.1 沿线地理条件.21.2 沿线气象资料.21.3 设计任务.21.4 设计成果.21.5 本项目建设的意义.3第 2 章 总体设计.42.1 设计资料及设计依据.42.1.1 设计资料.42.1.2 设计依据.52.2 设计任务及主要内容.52.2.1 设计任务.52.2.2 主要内容.62.3 基本技术指标.62.4 车道数的确定.6第 3 章 路线设计.83.1 公路方案的比选.83.1.1 影响路线方案选择的因素.83.1.2 方案比选.83.2 道路平面设计.103.2.1 平面设计的要求.103.2.2 平面曲线要素计算.103.3 道路纵断面设计.173.3.1 纵断面设计的要求.173.3.2 纵坡设计.173.3.3 竖曲线设计及要素计算.18第 4 章 道路横断面设计和路基结构设计.21IV4.1 道路横断面设计.214.1.1 道路横断面组成.214.1.2 路基宽度的确定.214.1.3 超高设计与计算.214.1.4 路基横断面设计.234.1.5 土石方数量计算及调配.244.2 路基结构设计.254.2.1 路基设计的主要内容.254.2.2 路基坡度确定.254.3 道路排水设计.26第五章 路面结构设
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