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CONTENTSA Career StrategyEstablish Strong FoundationsStep 1: Self-assessmentStep 2: Consider the OptionsStep 3: Decide on Your GoalsStep 4: Develop and Implement Your Career StrategyStep 5: Review and Adjust Your PlanCenter Address职业生涯策略打下坚实基础第一步:自我评价第二步:通盘考虑第三步:确定目标第四步:制定并实施职业生涯策略第五步:评估并调整计划华尔街英语各中心地址The form of your career strategy will depend on the kind of person you are. It may be very structured, or you may just need a few notes in each area - such as knowledge, skills and qualities, what you like doing and the type of jobs that interest you.Establish Strong Foundations 打下坚实基础A Career Strategy 职业生涯策略Having a career strategy is important. It can help you manage the direction you want your career to take, the job skills and knowledge you will need, and how you can get them.制定职业生涯策略非常重要,它可以帮 助你管理职业发展方向,通晓必需的工 作技能和知识以及获取它们的方法。Do you need help developing or reviewing your career strategy? We have developed a simple, five- step plan to help you head in the right direction.你需要有人帮你制定或评估职业生涯策 略吗?我们拟出了一个简单的五步计 划,帮助你找到正确的方向。Step 2: Consider your career options and identify which available roles fit your interests and abilities.第二步:考虑你的职业选择,并找出与个人兴趣和能力契合的角色。Step 3: Decide on your career goals.第三步:根据自己的职业目标做出 选择。Step 4: Develop and implement a career strategy.第四步:制定并实施职业生涯策略。Step 5: Review and adjust your career strategy.第五步:检讨并调整你的职业生涯 策略。职业生涯策略的形式取决于你是什么样 的人。你的策略有可能结构严密,也可 以是每个领域的寥寥数语比如知 识、技能和素质,以及你喜欢和感兴趣的工作。 You can follow 5 steps to map out your own career strategy:你可以通过以下五个步骤设计自己的职业生涯策略:Step 1: Self-assessment helps you understand your personal and career goals, your interests, preferences, strengths and weaknesses.第一步:自我评价有助于你了解自己的个人及职业目标、兴趣爱好和优缺点。Step 1: Self- assessment 第一步:自我评价Life Values人生价值Consider what is important to you. We all have different values, needs and motivations. Our work takes up a significant part of our day - usually a third or more - and has a significant impact on other aspects of our life, including our sense of self-worth and well being. This is why it is very important to carefully consider your values and needs when planning your career direction and developing your career strategy.思考一下,你所看重的是什么。每个人 的价值观、需求和动机都有所不同,我 们的工作会占用一天中很大一部分时 间通常是三分之一以上这对我 们生活的其它方面会产生显著的影响, 包括我们的自我价值认定和幸福感。因 此,在规划职业生涯方向和策略时,仔 细考虑自己的价值观和需求非常重要。Use these tools to help you establish your life values:下面这些工具可以帮你树立你的生活价值观: career planning chart职业生涯规划图 examining life values生活价值观检查 career/life planning timeline职业/人生规划时间表 general requirements of a job总体工作需求These exercises will help you decide your essential and preferred job requirements:以下练习能帮你决定最重要和最优先的 工作需求: where am I right now目前的自我定位 motivated ability patterns激励能力模式测试 career questions职业问题测试Skills, Knowledge and Personal Qualities技能、知识和个人素质It is important to understand your skills, knowledge and personal qualities, so you can match them to jobs you would like to do. This will also help you identify the knowledge and skills you might need to acquire, or the personal qualities you might need, to achieve your career goals. An accurate and realistic assessment of these things is vital to an achievable career strategy.了解自己的技能、知识和个人素质,并 把它们与你想从事的工作进行对照。这 样做可以帮助你找出自己所需的知识和 技能,以及实现职业目标所需的个人素 质。对技能、知识和个人素质真实准确 的评估,对制定可以实现的职业生涯策 略至关重要。This kind of understanding is a powerful aid when selling yourself for potential jobs. It will also boost your self-esteem and confidence.面对潜在就业机会进行自我推销时,对 自身技能、知识和个人素质的了解会为 你带来强有力的帮助,同时也能增强你 的自尊心和自信心。Try to think of your skills in terms of those that are transferable and those that are specialised. Think about how the skills you use in one job could be used or adapted elsewhere. A smart career strategy needs to be flexible and adaptable. So describe your skills in a way that makes them applicable to the widest range of situations.试着回想一下自己有哪些通用的和专业 的技能,想想你在一份工作中使用的技 能是否适用于另一份工作。一份聪明的 职业生涯策略需要灵活性和适应性,所 以你在描述自己的技能时,要尽可能使 它们适用于最广的范围。To assess your skills, knowledge and personal qualities, use these exercises:你可以用以下练习评估自己的技能、知 识和个人素质:Step 3: Decide on Your Goals 第三步:确定目标Step 2: Consider the Options 第二步:通盘考虑Now it is time to make some decisions. Carefully consider the information you have gathered. If you have completed the career/ life planning timeline, you might have already decided on your career goals (the cornerstone of career strategy) and be ready to enter them on your career planning chart.现在应该做出决定了。仔细考虑你收集 到的信息。如果你已经完成了“职业/人 生规划时间表”,你也许已经确立了自己的职业目标(这也是职业生涯策略的 基石),并准备好把这些目标应用到自己的职业生涯规划图中。If you are yet to decide on your career goals, or you want to revise them, start by considering your career goals for the next two years. What do you want to be doing in two years time? What about five and ten years time? This kind of thinking helps breaking down big picture career strategy and planning into manageable pieces.如果你还没有确立职业目标,或是想进 行一些修改,不妨从考虑今后两年的职 业目标开始。近两年你想做什么?五年 和十年之内呢?这种
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