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数学毕业论文-什么样的连续函数能由整系数多项式逼近什么样的连续函数能由整系数多项式逼近摘要:本文主要译自1,它系统地讨论了什么样的连续函数能由整系数多项式逼近,有 以下两种情形: (1)区间长度大于等于 4 的区间上,能由整系数多项式逼近的连续函数是这些整系数多 项式本身;(2)在区间长度严格小于 4 的区间 上,连续函数 能被整系数多项式 1 致逼近当且仅当 在 插值多项式为整系数多项式.关键词:逼近;整系数多项式;插值多项式;代数整数.What Can Be Approximated by Polynomials with Integer CoefficientsAbstract: This article is mainly translated from 1.What can be approximated by polynomials with integer coefficients is given in the following two aspects:(1)If the interval has length four or more than the only functions that are approximable on the interval by polynomials with integer coefficients are these polynomials themselves. (2) If is a continuous function on an interval I of length strictly less then 4,then is approximable on the interval by polynomials with integer coefficients if and only if its interpolating polynomial on has integer coefficients.Keywords: approximation; polynomial with integer coefficients; interpolating polynomial; algebraic integer.目 录中文摘要 1英文摘要 1前言 21 1 些符号与专用术语 22 区间长度大于等于 4 时整系数多项式逼近问题 2 3 区间 与 上的整系数多项式逼近问题 44 区间长度小于 4 时的整系数多项式逼近问题 94.1 代数整数及其相关概念104.2 插值多项式 105 结束语 156 参考文献 16 【包括:毕业论文、开题报告、任务书】【说明:论文中有些数学符号是编辑器编辑而成,网页上无法显示或者显示格式错误, 给您带来不便请谅解。 】
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