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1CNN 视频精选 51-55CNN 视频精选 51. Underpaid Teacher 教师的烦恼1. HOPKINS-For some of our nations most important workers, there is a major disconnect between pay and priorities. Many teachers and firefighters are struggling just to make a living. While there may be a renewerenewed sense of heroism for the nations firefighters, they are not compensated for the potential risks that they face daily. And teaching is one of the lowest paying among white-collar professionals. Fred Katayama has more on Americas most underpaid. 00:00-00:29霍普金斯-对于我们国家某些最重要的劳动者来说,薪水和优先政策脱节很严重。许多教师和救火队员的辛劳仅能糊口。虽然人们对于国家的消防员有了一种全新的英雄主义情结,但是消防员并没有因为每天要面对的潜在的危险而受到补偿。教学是白领从业者中薪水最低的一个职业。佛瑞德片山将详细报道美国报酬最低的劳动者的情况。2. FRED KATAYAMA, CNN CORRESPONDENTTeaching is no 9-to-5 job. Don ONeil leaves the house he shares with his sisters family and arrives at Weaver High in Hartford by 7. To connect with inner-city students, the science teacher helps coach the football team and he advises students, meets with parents and grades paper. 佛瑞德片山,CNN 特派记者教学不是朝九晚五式的工作。唐奥尼尔早上离开与其姐姐合住的家,他 7 点钟就要赶到哈特福德的韦弗中学。为了同来自城里低收2入家庭的学生密切联系,这位理科教师不仅辅导橄榄球,还要为学生提供咨询,同学生家长会面,阅卷打分。3. DONALD ONEIL, SCIENCE TEACHERWhen the bell goes on, youre on stage. Your actor, psychologist, instructor, parent, social worker, and youve to do it five or six periods a day, five days a week, regardless of how you feel. 唐纳德 奥尼尔,理科教师铃声一响,你就站在讲台。不管你感受如何,你是演员、心理学家、导师、父母和社会工作者,你必须每天上 5 至 6 堂课,每周工作 5天。4. KATAYAMA-For all of this, the 50-year-old, six-year veteran gets paid just $36,000, even though his state ranks third highest in teacher pay. His paycheck shrank by a third when he switched careers from managing a paint store to managing students. To make ends meet, he teaches night and summer school as well. Teachers just dont make the grade when it comes to pay. The average teacher earns roughly $43,000 a year. Adjusted for inflation, their salaries have risen less than a 1/3 of a percent per year during the last decade, despite the economic boom. And the pay gap between teachers and other professions keeps growing. For example, accountants make 22 percent more than teachers today, double the gap nine years ago. 片山-对于这位年过半百、有 6 年经验的老教师来说,这一切的报酬是年薪 3.6 万美元,虽然他所在的州在教师报酬方面排名第三。3当他从管理一个油漆店转行管学生,他的薪水缩水 1/3。为了维持生计,他还在夜校和暑期班教课。在薪水方面教师被打入了另类。教师平均每年赚 4.3 万美元。虽然在过去的 10 年中经济繁荣,但排除通货膨胀的因素,教师的薪水每年增加不到 0.3。教师和其他职业的报酬差距还在不断增加。例如,会计目前比教师多拿 22的工资,是 9 年前差距的两倍。5. DOUGLAS HARRIS, ECONOMIC POLICY INST. Education spending has grown somewhat over the years, although not as quickly as most people think it has. A lot of the new money is going into special education, which tend to have smaller class sizes, which means you end up hiring more teachers instead of paying the teachers you have more. 道格拉斯哈里斯,经济政策研究院教育拨款增长虽然不如大多数人所认为的那么快,但在过去几年中的确有所增加。许多新增钱款投入到特殊教育中,这种趋势是班级人数较少,这意味着必须雇用更多的教师,而不是给现有的教师更多的工资。6. KATAYAMA:Last year, more than 200 teachers in New Jersey broke state law by striking over pay and benefits. That landed them in jail. 片山:去年有 200 多名教师在新泽西违法游行抗议工资和待遇。结果他们被关进监牢。7. ONEIL:(INAUDIBLE) .go no where, thats the whole point of this. 奥尼尔:何去何从,这是关键所在。48. KATAYAMA:Teaching is an emotionally demanding job and teachers often get little respect. 片山:教学是需要全心投入的工作,但教师却经常没有得到应有的尊重。9. ONEIL :Dont forget this, too. 奥尼尔:这一点也不该被忘掉。 10.KATAYAMA:Yet, ONeil wont give up the chalk talk for anything else. 片山:但是奥尼尔不会放弃他的粉笔生涯,去改做任何其他事情。11.ONEIL:I get a lot more back, thats what it is, I think. Ill be teaching a class and a kid will pop in and go, hey, you know, I really miss you. 奥尼尔:我认为,事实上我获得了更多的回报。我教一个班的学生,孩子进来又走了。嗨,我真的会想念你们。12.KATAYAMA:His colleague, who teaches health, could earn six figures with his medical degree, but finds joy in teaching kids. 片山:他有一个教保健卫生的同事,本来可以凭着医学学位拿 6 位数的年薪,但是他更喜欢教孩子。13.DR. KELSON, HEALTH TEACHERThe way medicine is being practiced now, being so managed, I found out that through education, Im getting a lot done. 克尔森医生,健康学教师现今行医受到许多约束,但是教学上我可以完成很多工作。14.KATAYAMA:Theyll have to keep banking on emotional rewards, not financial, given the slow economy, their paychecks 5arent likely to get fatter any time soon.片山:由于经济增长缓慢,他们不得不相信精神的回报,而不是物质的,他们的工资不会很快有所增长。CNN 视频精选 52 Wildlife Woes IN the Drought 大旱威胁野生动物1. ANN KELLANIn the western United States, authorities have been struggling with record drought and heat. Well now theyre also confronting drought related problems facing wildlife. Kimberly has more from Frisco, Colorado. 安凯兰在美国西部,政府部门一直在与史无前例的干旱和炎热作斗争。现在,他们又面临着干旱带来的种种野生动物问题。下面是金伯莉来自科罗拉多州弗里斯科的报道。2. KIMBERLYThe sound of flowing water, one not often heard these days since the precious commodity is becoming more scarce.scarce. 金伯莉潺潺的流水声,我们现在已很难经常听到了,因为这一珍贵的声音越来越少了。63. JEFF BUTLER, COLORADO DIVISION OF WILDLIFEWe keep up with no rain and the heat and what not, theres going to be all sorts of problems. 杰夫巴特勒,科罗拉多野生动物保护区我们这里干旱、酷热等恶劣天气不断,会出现各种各样的问题。4. KIMBERLYCreating a trickle-down effect throughout the entire food chain. 金伯莉在整个食物链中形成了连锁反应。5. JEFFWere running into problems with our fi
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