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江西理工大学应用科学学院毕业设计视频会议管理系统摘要为了适应全球经济一体化的迅速发展,各大企业纷纷在世界各地建立企业的分支机 构,以扩大企业在经济领域中的影响力。企业规模的不断扩大,给企业管理出现了新的 管理要求,为了让各地分支机构能够及时的对企业决策作出迅速的反应,各企业都积极 采用高科技技术视频会议,对各分支机构进行统一的通知、调整等,使各地的分支 机构能够同一时间,同时按照企业的整体规化和按排开始行动。 具有关研究表明,人脑所接受的信息中 55%来自于面对面的视觉效果,38%依赖于说 话者的语音,而只有 7%依赖于内容。随着计算机网络通信技术发展和电信基础运营成本 的降低,新一代视频会议系统在各企业中得到广泛的应用。2004 年和 2005 年,中国视频 会议市场增长率将保持在 32以上,在年度 IT 业界热点技术中,视频会议技术位居前列, 显示了这一市场的潜力确实值得期待。 视频会议管理系统通过录像对会议的全程跟踪和记录,把会议记录的图像信息存储 到数据库中,通过管理系统对数据库中记录进行管理,实现了通过管理系统对会议的全 程图像信息进行管理。 本系统为单机版视频管理系统,通过摄像头进行图像的摄录,以记录形式保存在数 据库中。通过对数据库中的记录的管理实现对会议信息的管理。 【关键词】:会议视频管理系统江西理工大学应用科学学院毕业设计 I Video conference management systemAbstractIn order to adapt to the rapid development of global economic integration, major companies around the world have set up branch offices of enterprises, in order to expand business in the economic sphere of influence. The continuous expansion of enterprise scale, enterprise management to the emergence of the new regulatory requirements, in order to make the local branch of business decisions to make rapid response, the company is actively using technology - video conferencing, unified the various branches of the notice of adjustment, so all over the branches to the same time at the same time, in accordance with the overall planning and action by the platoon. The research shows that, the information of 55% accepted from face-to-face visual effect,38% speech depends on the speaker, and only 7% is dependent on the content of. With the development of computer network communication technology and telecommunications infrastructure to reduce the operating costs, a new generation of video conference system in the enterprise is widely used. In 2004and 2005, China video conference market growth rate will be maintained at more than 32%, in the annual IT industry technology, video conference technology forefront, demonstrating the potential of this market is worth looking forward to. Video conference management system by video tracking and recording of the meeting, the meeting recorded image information stored in the database, the management system of database records management, realize the management system through the meeting of the entire image information management. This system is the single plane version video management system, through the camera image video, to record forms are stored in the database. According to the records in the database to achieve the management of information of conference management.【 key words 】 meeting video management system周浩文:视频会议管理系统II目录摘要.IABSTRACT.II第一章 绪论.11.1 系统需求分析.11.2 视频会议的意义.11.3 视频会议的发展阶段.11.4 国内外现状.21.5 VC+平台简介.31.6 开发工具的选择.3第二章 系统设计.52.1 项目规划.52.2 系统功能结构.52.3 设计目标.62.4 数据库设计.62.4.1 开发及运行环境.62.4.2 数据库概要说明.72.4.3 主要数据表的结构.7第三章 系统实现.83.1 构建应用程序框架.83.2 主窗口设计.9江西理工大学应用科学学院毕业设计 III 3.2.1 菜单设计.93.2.2 工具栏设计.153.2.3 客户区设计.
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