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下面列一些下面列一些 CS 的顶级会议和期刊的顶级会议和期刊有些是网上查到的,有些是某些人用 SCI 的 IF 排序做出来的: Computer Vision Conf.:Best:ICCV, Inter. Conf. on Computer VisionCVPR, Inter. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionGood:ECCV, Euro. Conf. on Comp. VisionICIP, Inter. Conf. on Image ProcessingICPR, Inter. Conf. on Pattern RecognitionACCV, Asia Conf. on Comp. Vision Computer Vision Jour.:Best:PAMI, IEEE Trans. on Patt. Analysis and Machine IntelligenceIJCV, Inter. Jour. on Comp. VisionGood:CVIU, Computer Vision and Image Understanding PR, Pattern Reco. Network Conf.:ACM/SigCOMMACM Special Interest Group of CommunicationACM/SigMetric Info Com Globe Com Network Jour.:ToN (ACM/IEEE Transaction on Network) A.I.Conf.:AAAI: American Association for Artificial IntelligenceACM/SigIR IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceNIPS: Neural Information Processing SystemsICML: International Conference on Machine Learning A.I.Jour.:Machine LearningNEURAL COMPUTATIONARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PAMIIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMSIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AI MAGAZINENEURAL NETWORKSPATTERN RECOGNITIONIMAGE AND VISION COMPUTINGIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERINGAPPLIED INTELLIGENCE OS,System Conf.:SOSP: The ACM Symposium on Operating Systems PrinciplesOSDI: USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation Database Conf.:ACM SIGMODVLDB:International Conference on Very Large Data BasesICDE:International Conference on Data Engineering Security Conf.:IEEE Security and PrivacyCCS: ACM Computer and Communications Security NDSS (Network and Distributed Systems Security) Web Conf.:WWW(International World Wide Web Conference) Theory Conf.:STOC FOCS EDA Conf.: Best: DAC: IEEE/ACM Design Automation ConferenceICCAD: IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design Good:ISCAS: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits And SystemsISPD: IEEE International Symposium on Physical DesignICCD: IEEE International Conference on Computer DesignASP-DAC: European Design Automation ConferenceE-DAC: Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference Graphics Conf.:Best:Siggraph: ACM SigGraphGood:Euro Graph Jour.: IEEE(ACM) Trans. on GraphicsIEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics CADJour.: CAD CAGD Softe Engineering: conf.: ICSE The International Conference on Software EngineeringFSE The Foundations of Software Engineering ConferencesICASE IEEE International Conference on Automated Software EngineeringCOMPSAC International Computer Software and Applications ConferencesESEC The European Software Engineering Conferences Jour.:SEN ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering NotesTSE IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringASE Automated Software Engineering SPE Software-Practice and Experience EI 收录的中国期刊:收录的中国期刊: 来自 http:/www.ei.org.cn/twice/coverage.jspISSN期 刊 名相关链接0567-7718Acta Mechanica Sinica1006-7191Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)0253-4827Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)0890-5487China Ocean Engineering1004-5341China Welding1004-9541Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering1022-4653Chinese Journal of Electronics1000-9345Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition)学报网站1671-7694Chinese Optics Letters学报网站1673-7350Frontiers of Computer Science in China期刊网址1006-6748High Technology Letters1674-4799International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials1004-0579Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition)学报编辑部1005-9784Journal of Central South University of Technology学报网站1672-5220Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)1005-9113Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)1001-6058Journal of Hydrodynamics1005-0302Journal of Materials Science and Technology1002-0721Journal of Rare Earths1674-4926Journal of Semiconductors学报编辑部1007-1172Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)1003-7985Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)1004-4132Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics1009-6124Journal of Systems Science and Complexity1003-2169Journal of Thermal Science1000-2413Journal of Wuhan University of Technology -Materials Science Edition1673-565XJournal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A1674-5264Mining Science and Technology1001-0521Rare Metals1006-9291Science in China, Series B: Chemistry1672-1799Science in China, Series G: Physics, Astronomy1005-8885The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications1005-1120Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1003-6326Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 1006-4982Transactions of Tianjin University1007-0214Tsinghua Science and TechnologyEditor Information1001-1455爆炸与冲击0254-0037北京工业大学学报1001-5965北京航空航天大学学报学报编辑部1001-053X北京科技大学学报学报编辑部1001-0645北京理工大学学报学报编辑部1007-5321北京邮电大学学报学报编辑部1000-1093兵工学报1001-4381材料工程1005-0299材料科学与工艺1009-6264材料热处理学报学报网站1005-3093材料研究学报1001-1595 测绘学报学报编辑部1007-7294船舶力学1000-8608大连理工大学学报1004-499X弹道学报1000-2383地球科学学报网站1005-0388电波科学学报1000-6753电工技术学报1007-449X电机与控制学报1000-1026电力系统自动化学报网站1006-6047电力自动化设备1001-0548电子科技大学学
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