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VOA 慢速讲解 2011-6-23 第 714 期QIHUI 制作可可英语:www.kekenet.com1VOAVOAVOAVOA慢速讲解附字幕慢速讲解附字幕: : : :健康问题影响美国人寿命健康问题影响美国人寿命查看原文查看原文第一部分:原文中英对照第一部分:原文中英对照This is the VOA Special English Health Report.Americans spend more on health care than most other people. Yet a new study shows that life expectancyinthe United States is fallingfallingfallingfalling behindbehindbehindbehindother developed countries.In two thousand seven an American man could expect to live about seventy-five and a half years. That wasless thaninthirty-six other countries.Lifeexpectancy for American women was almostalmostalmostalmost eighty-oneyears. They were alsointhirty-seventh placeamong almost two hundred countries and territories.TheInstitute forHealth Metrics and Evaluation at theUniversity of Washington studied the numbers. Professor Ali Mokdad says increasesinlife expectancy have slowedinthe United States compared to other countries.ALI MOKDAD: “Weve seen an improvement almost everywhereinthe world. Andin countries that are developed, were seeing a higher improvement, a faster improvement rate, than weare seeingintheUnited States.“ProfessorMokdad says the reason is Americans have made less progressin reducing problems like obesity and high blood pressure.Thereport also identifiesidentifiesidentifiesidentifies wide differencesinlife expectancy rates within the United States.Theresearchers created maps of life expectancyineach of the morethan three thousand counties.这里是 VOA 特别英语健康报道。美国人在医疗保健方面的花费超过大部分 人。然而,一项新的研究显示,美国的人均 寿命已经落后于其他发达国家。2007 年,美国男性的寿命大概是 75.5 岁, 低于其他 36 个国家。美国女性的寿命是接 近 81 岁,在全世界 200 个国家和地区中也 排在第 37 位。华盛顿大学健康指标与评估研究所对这些 数字进行了研究。Ali Mokdad 教授表示, 与 其他国家相比, 美国人均寿命的增长速度已 经减缓。ALI MOKDAD:“我们看到世界上几乎所有 国家的人均寿命都出现增长。 而其他发达国 家人均寿命增长的速度超过美国。”Mokdad 教授表示,出现这种现象的原因是 美国人在减少肥胖和高血压等问题方面取 得的进展较小。 这份报告还显示美国国内因 地区不同,人均寿命也存在很大的差异。 研 究人员制定了 3,000 多个郡的人均寿命地 图。VOA 慢速讲解 2011-6-23 第 714 期QIHUI 制作可可英语:www.kekenet.com2Areas with theshortest expected life spans are largelylargelylargelylargelyinthe South.Ali Mokdad says researchersknow someof the reasons.ALI MOKDAD: “Less education, less incomeinsomeof theserural counties, more likely to be smokers,more likely to be obese. They dont have health insurance, or they dont have adequateadequateadequateadequate accessto health care, and the quality of medical careis not as good asasasas wellwellwellwell.“In the United States, many public health matters arelocal responsibilities. RestrictionRestrictionRestrictionRestrictions on public smoking, for example, differ from community to community. Some communities have morebicycle paths and other chances for physical activity, or more places to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.ALI MOKDAD:“Along-term investmentin their community to increasephysical activity and improve diet are neededinthis country.“Thestudy appearsinthejournal Population Health Metrics. Journal editor Chris Murray says at least one finding wasunexpected.CHRIS MURRAY:“Itsa real surprise to usin the study that women arefaring so much worsethan men.“Around the country, American women still live longer than men by five to eight years. But their international rankingrankingrankingrankinghas been falling sincethe nineteen nineties. Dr. Murray says women are increasingly taking risks with their health.人均寿命最短的地区基本上都在南方。Ali Mokdad 表示,研究人员了解其中一部分原 因。Ali Mokdad:“其中一些农村地区的人们教 育程度和收入水平较低, 吸烟和肥胖的可能 性更大。他们没有健康保险,也不能享受足 够的医疗保健, 医疗保健的质量也不是那么 好。”在美国,许多公共健康事务都是当地的责 任。例如,每个地区关于禁止公共场合吸烟 的政策都有所不同。 一些地方的自行车道和 进行体育活动的机会, 以及购买新鲜蔬菜和 水果的场所都超过其他地方。ALI MOKDAD:“美国需要在增加体育活动 和改善饮食方面进行长期投资。”这份研究发表在人口健康标准期刊上。 期刊编辑 Chris Murray 表示,至少一项发现 是出人意料的。Chris Murray:“女性的人均寿命缩减的程度 超过男性,这真的出乎我们的意料。”在全国各地, 美国女性的人均寿命仍然比男 性长 5 至 8 年。但是她们的世界排名自 90 年代以来已经出现下滑。 Murray 表示, 女性 的健康面临的危险逐渐增加。VOA 慢速讲解 2011-6-23 第 714 期QIHUI 制作可可英语:www.kekenet.com3CHRIS MURRAY: “Women are now smoking more.The obesity epidemicin women is greater thaninmen. Progressin tackling blood pressureis much worsein women.“In other news, the first report on the number of American birthsintwenty-ten shows another decrease. Births have been decreasing sincean all-time high of morethan 4.3 millionintwo thousand seven. Federal officials say statehealth departments reported just over four million births last year.Chris Murray: “现在, 女性吸烟的频率增加。 女性中的肥胖现象比男性更加严重。 女性控 制血压方面取得的进展也更差。”在其他新闻方面,关于 2010 年美国出生率 的第一份报告显示出生率再次下降。 自 2007 年创历史最高纪录,430 万婴儿出生之后, 出生率持续下降。联邦官员表示,国家卫生 部门报告,去年新生婴儿数量刚刚超过 400 万。第二部分:词汇学习第二部分:词汇学习1.almost adv.几乎, 差不多, 差一点; 将近例句:In his blind haste healmost ran into theriver. 他匆匆忙忙地几乎跑到河里去了。In thehallitwasalmost dark. 大厅里几乎漆黑一片。almostalmostalmostalmost,nearlynearlynearlynearly,aboutaboutaboutabout,approximatelyapproximatelyapproximatelyapproximately,aroundaroundaroundaround,roughlyroughlyroughlyroughly 这些副词均有这些副词均有“ “ “ “大约,差不多大约,差不多” ” ” ”之意。之意。 almost 指在程度上相差很小,差不多。 nearly 与 almost 含义基本相同,侧重指数量、时间或空间上的接近。 about 常可分 almost 和 nearly 换用,但 about 用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可 能多也可能少。 approximately 多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。 around 多用于非正式场合,常见于美国英语。 roughly 指按精略估计,常代替 about。2.identify vt.
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