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管學院 會計學系 婉溶 今 4 月初,從國際教育合作室得知到美國馬大學短期暑修,加此 活動,希望藉由學校的關係,讓自己可以出國學習,一方面加強自己的外語能; 一方面能學習美國的多元文化,感謝學校願意提供此機會,送學生到海外研習。 今 7 月暑假,我就到美國學習,從一開始搭飛機,對我就是個很重大 的學習,開始學習如何看機票、託運、看登機門。在日本往美國途中 時,遇到班機延誤,這也是一種機會教育,托帶隊師的帶下,大家順的 抵達美國馬州。 一到美國的馬大學,美的風景盡收眼底,看起比東海大學還要大, 設備也好很多,每間教室有一台大電腦控制教室內的一些設備(投影機、電 燈),學生的運動中心,面可以做任何運動,跑步、游泳、打壁球、籃球, 設備好到沒話;校內有三間圖書,圖書中有設置影音設備、個人或團體 書室,讓人覺得馬大學很重視學生的課後學習,是課業或活動。 在英文課中,師用網教學(wikispace),設置一個專屬於東海學習的 網站,將教材上傳在網站上,讓大家用網繳交作業,互相討,教學十分活 潑生動,之前沒碰到的學習方式,很有新鮮感。在史課中,師用投影片 上課,發放文章和圖片,讓我們課後預習且思考,在課堂時討。 師安排很充分的活動給大家與,大家用課後或假日的時間,到處去 看看,我們到過華盛頓 DC 觀白宮、國會山莊、肯紀、越戰紀、韓戰 紀、各個博物和藝術,從這學習美國史,看到美國人愛國的一種表 現 , 對於史 , 十分愛護 。 除逛華盛頓 DC 之外 , 還體驗美國街頭的壁畫(mural) 文化,一種街頭藝術,豐富的圖畫裝飾單調的牆壁,從壁畫中看出作畫者心中 想表達的意境,體驗美國多元文化。也安排訪 Marriot Hotel,這店的 員工是多元化,自同的國籍,在各國也有 Marriot Hotel,所以員工很多元。 加這次研修,收穫真的很多,就英文而言,我覺得聽進步很多,也同時 發現自己的英文能還有很大的進步空間,以前聽英文時只是聽過去而已,現 在我開始會刻意去仔細聽,試著聽懂。也解美國多元文化,在馬大校園, 就算是暑假,還是可以看到自各國的人,對於文化的差,感覺美國人很適 應,街道上免幾間中國餐廳、墨西哥,各式餐點也看的到。 三個拜很快就過去,從到開,感覺程十分地充實,讓我覺得有一 點點可惜的是好容習慣當地生活,就要回,多希望時間能在長一點,這 三個拜以,對我人生,是個小的激,開啟我喜歡出國的興趣,將 有機會,我一定要靠自己的出國,在去看看國外的多元社會,體驗同的風 情民俗。 The Significance of the Internationalization in College Education In recent years, science and technology progress, between country and country range attenuation. We are living in an internationalization time. People are more and more interdependent. Every day, we look through the newspaper or turn on the television, the international news are very few. We know news media performance is separating ourselves with the world. But this is the internationalization age, so we should establish internationalization society. Everyone hears economic globalization, floridisation, global warming, etc. Today, there is no country can come off internationalization. Internationalization is the process of planning and implementing projects so we can touch every culture in the world. The internationalization in brings the development opportunities to the university. The university and societys interaction relations become closer. The university no longer only is a school but is societys reprint. In some kind of significance, the course of the college education internationalization has already surmounted between the various countries aspect and so on politics, economy, culture and educational system difference. The university and societys interaction relation is closer. The market rule and the social demand have the more and more tremendous influence to universitys development. The university develops along with societys development change, and walked societys center from societys edge. The university recruits the massive foreign students. The internationalization is a present major tendency. Not only is the social internationalization, the internationalization of universities a present major tendency. So, what should we do in the internationalization age? I think we need to strengthen our language abilities. Not only English but also other countries, just like Japanese, Spanish, French, etc. Learning language is very important. Language is a tool that people can communicate even though they come from different countries. We can understand different cultures and we can exchange our viewpoints. This is the most important in internationalization. For example, when I came to University of Maryland, I saw there were many people that come from different countries, but we still can communicate with each other. I saw the people came from China, Japan, India, etc. That because we have the same language, English. If we come to the other country we will speak the other language. How to learn English well? I think we need to like English. I always listen to English songs. Then I will find the words meaning in the song. We also can read out English articles. By reading and speaking English, we can learn English well very soon. Dont be afraid speaking English. If we have a change to speak English we will need to be positive. We need to learn to tolerate the cultures from different places. There is different custom in each country. If we can tolerate and respect it we will learn much knowledge. Sometimes people always think the thing that is different from us is wrong. But we need to consider about it. Accepting each different things is important in our live. For example, even though a person believing in Jesus in America is main stream, there is a still person believing in Buddhism. Thus it can be seen, America is a country has diversity. When I study in Maryland we have diversity of opinions, people can respect each opinion and are happy hear different opinions. Diversity is a tendency of internationalization. Taiwan is a little country. We can not close down and we need to be internationalization. Then we will be stronger and stronger in the future. The people
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