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Streaming Talk:g Science Stream9 May 20089 May 2008中學科教育的目標中學科教育的目標?訓未科學人才訓未科學人才( (Training of future scientists)scientists) ?為其他專業為其他專業( (醫學、工程等醫學、工程等) )作作準備準備 ( (Piffil ti i( (Preparing for professional training: medicine, engineering, etc.) gg)?提升科學認知提升科學認知( (Enhancing scientific literacy)literacy)科組的必修科目生物 (Bi l)?生物 (Biology)?化學 (Chemistry)?物 (Physics)Physics, Chemistry Core + extension: 40 %)(Core: 60%; Core + extension: 40 %)科組的選修科目?地(Geography)(gy)?經濟(Economics)()?附加學(Additional Maths)()?電腦與資訊科技 (Computer and Information 電腦與資訊科技 (Copute a doat o Technology)ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 附加學附加學 Additional topics on trigonometry and algebraAdditional topics on trigonometry and algebra(三角、代) Coordinate geometry (解析幾何) Vectors (向)() Differential Calculus (微分)Il C ll(積分) Integral Calculus (積分) COMPUTER AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 電腦及資訊科技 Core module (核心單元) 60% Elective module (選修單元) 20%(選修單元) CourseworkAssignment 20% CourseworkAssignment 20%Core module (核心單元)?Information processing & present (資訊處與資訊演示)?Computer system computer networks (電腦系統與電腦網絡)?The Internet and the World Wide Web (互網與萬維網) ?Computer programming (電腦程序編寫)?Issues and action (衍生問題與對應)Elective module (選修單元)Algorithm and Programming (算法與程序編寫)Organisation of Computer (電腦的組織)Data Communications and Networking (據通訊及建網)Multimedia Production and Web Authoring (多媒體製作網頁編寫)Interfacing to Interfacing to sixth-form study?4SD, 4SE ? Science stream: Biology group OR Science stream: Mathematics groupScience stream: Mathematics group?4SC ? Science stream: Biology group OR Arts streamArts streamScience Class SettingScience Class Setting 科班編排English Language4SE4SD4SCEnglish Language Chinese Language MathematicsCoreBiologyChemistry PhysicsMathematicsCoreEconomicsAdditional MathematicsElectives CITGeographyEconomicsInterfacing to Interfacing to University programmes4SD, 4SE ? Science, Medicine (+paramedical) and Engineeringand Engineering 4SC ? Science and Medicine (+paramedical)?Courses from the above faculties admitstudents from Science Stream ONLY:from Science Stream ONLY:?Programmes offered by Faculties of Social Science, Business and Education and most of theBusiness, and Education, and most of the programmes offered by Arts Faculty, admit students from BOTH Arts and Science streams.培養共通能(Gikill )科學科學探究能探究能 (S itifi iikill )培養共通能(Generic skills)?科學科學探究能探究能 (Scientific inquiry skills)創造與創新能創造與創新能 (Cti& Itikill )?創造與創新能創造與創新能 (Creative & Innovative skills)批判性思考能批判性思考能 (C i il hi kikill )?批判性思考能批判性思考能 (Critical thinking skills)?解決問題能解決問題能 (Problem solving skills)?態與價值觀 (態與價值觀 (Attitude & value) )
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