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VOA 慢速讲解 2011-6-27 第 717 期QIHUI 制作可可英语:www.kekenet.com1VOAVOAVOAVOA慢速讲解附字幕慢速讲解附字幕: : : :美国呼吁全世界网络自由美国呼吁全世界网络自由查看原文查看原文第一部分:原文中英对照第一部分:原文中英对照This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.We reported last week on projectsby the Obama administration to increaseInternet freedom around the world. Alec Ross, a senior adviser to Secretary of StateHillary Clinton, recently discussed theseeffortswith VOAs Persian NewsNetwork.ALEC ROSS: “Werenowina moment of time where its increasinglyincreasinglyincreasinglyincreasinglythe casethat the government is trying to stiflestiflestiflestiflewhat their people think, what their people say and what content they access. And so werespending this money so that values that are centuries old - that go to things like the freedom of expression, thefreedom of thepress and the freedom to organize - are availableinthe digital age.“TheNew York Times says theState Department expectsto have spent about seventy million dollars on these efforts by the end of this year.Alec Ross saysone project involves a so-called panic button. People could useitto quickly remove a list of contacts from aphone or computer.ALEC ROSS: “Whats happening right now is people arebeing arrested and they are being forced to handhandhandhandoveroveroverovertheir passwords, alotof the times, for their social media accounts. And with a panic button, whatitdoes,isitnot only protects theindividual,itprotects her or his community.“这里是 VOA 特别英语科技报道。上周, 我们报道了奥巴马政府增加全世界网 络自由的项目。 最近, 国务卿希拉里克林顿 的高级顾问Alec Ross在VOA波斯语新闻网 络中跟我们讨论了该项目所做的努力。Alec Ross:“我们现在处在这样的时刻,许 多政府越来越严厉地扼杀民众所想,所说, 以及他们所看到的内容。所以,我们花费了 这笔资金,这样的话,流传了几个世纪之久 的价值观言论自由, 媒体自由和集会自 由在数字化时代就可以得到实现。”纽约时报称, 国务院预期今年年底之前在该 项目上的花费将达到 7000 万美元。Alec Ross 表示,其中一个项目叫做“恐慌按 钮”。人们可以使用这个按钮快速删除电话 或电脑中的联系方式列表。Alec Ross:“现在,很多时候,人们被捕的 时候被迫交出社交网络账户的密码。 有了恐 慌按钮之后,不仅可以保护个人,还可以保 护她或他周围所有的联系人。”VOA 慢速讲解 2011-6-27 第 717 期QIHUI 制作可可英语:www.kekenet.com2Freedom House, an organizationin Washington, released a “Freedom on the Net“ reportinApril. Thegroup studied thirty-seven countries. It found that twenty-threeof them had arrested Internet users for content posted online. Nineteen of the countries at least partiallypartiallypartiallypartiallycontrolled international connections to the Internet.And at least twelve had interfered with networks, listenedinon peoples communications or takentakentakentakendowndowndowndown websites.Iran has one of the mostextensive systems of online censorship. The Iranian government controlsallInternet entry points into the country. Iran has also announced plans to build its own national Internet.But theWall Street Journal reported last month that few people think Iran could completely cut its links to the wider Internet. Thenewspaper said Iran could move toward a system of two Internetslike a few other countries.Ken Berman leads anti-censorship projects for the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the parent agency of VOA.KEN BERMAN: “China is considering the samething, of basicallybasicallybasicallybasically having a closed system that would be hard for outside information to getinon.“Alec Ross at the StateDepartment says “the global community should respond“whereverwhereverwhereverwherever freedom of expression is under attack.ALEC ROSS: “Sometimes that isincountries that have more closed information environments. But oftentimesoftentimesoftentimesoftentimes, frankly, itsincountries where the United States has friendly relationships with their governments,but where wehave differences of opinions about how open an information environment should be.“4 月份,华盛顿一家组织自由之家(Freedom House)发表了名为“互联网自由”的报告。该 组织对 37 个国家进行了研究。研究发现, 其中 23 个国家曾经因为互联网用户在网上 发布的内容而将他们逮捕。其中 19 个国家 曾经至少部分地控制国际互联网连接。 至少 12 个国家曾经干扰互联网, 拦截人们的通话 或者切断网络。伊朗拥有世界上最广泛的网络审查体系。 伊 朗政府控制着所有进入该国的网络接口。 伊 朗还宣布建立自己的全国互联网系统。但是华尔街时报上月报道称, 几乎没有人认 为伊朗可以完全切断与更广阔的互联网的 连接。该报称,伊朗可能会像其他一些国家 一样建立两种互联网并行的系统。Ken Berman 是VOA所属机构广播理事会反 审查项目负责人。Ken Berman:“”国务院顾问 Alec Ross 表示,在任何国家, 一旦言论自由受到袭击, 国际社会应该立即 做出回应。Alec Ross:“有的时候,这种情 况发生在网络环境更加封闭的国家。不过, 坦白的说, 通常情况下发生在与美国关系友 好的国家, 但是我们在信息环境的公开程度 方面有着不同的意见。”VOA 慢速讲解 2011-6-27 第 717 期QIHUI 制作可可英语:www.kekenet.com3第二部分:词汇学习第二部分:词汇学习1.increasingly adv.日益, 越来越多地, 不断增加地例句:I finditincreasingly difficult to live within my income. 我发现靠收入过日子越来越难了。2.stifle vt.镇压; 遏制; 压制; 扼杀; 阻止; 抑制例句:Therebellion was stifled. 叛乱被镇压了。3.partially adv.部份地;不完全地例句:Thedoor was partially concealed by thedrapes. 门有一部分被门帘遮住了。4.basically adv.大体上;基本上例句:Basically I agree with your plan. 我基本上同意你的计划。5.wherever conj.无论什么地方例句:I will find him wherever he may be. 无论他在哪儿, 我都要找到他。6.oftentimes adv.时常地第三部分:第三部分:内容解析内容解析1.And so werespending this money so that values that arecenturies old - that go to things like the freedom of expression, thefreedom of thepress and the freedom to organize - areavailablein the digital age.so that 目的状语从句so that 既可引导目的状语从句也可引导结果状语从句。那么,在实际使用过程中如何区别它 们呢?下面就语义关系和结构形式对这两种从句进行辨析说明。(1)目的是以观念形态存在的潜在的可能性和意欲,不是事实。这一潜在的可能性或意欲的 实现,则是结果。目的是主观意念,结果是客观现实。因此,从句若反映一种意欲、一种可 能性,则是目的从句;若是一种事实,就是结果从句。试比较:Im going
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