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淮 阴 工 学 院 毕 业 论 文 作作 者者: 胡丹 学学 号:号:10319314 系系 (院院): 外语系 专专 业业: 英语 T i t l e : On the Theme of Love of Emily Dickinsons Poems 题题 目目: 艾米莉狄金森诗歌之爱情主题探析 指导者:指导者: 吴良红 讲师 (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者:评阅者: 徐耀云讲师 (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2007 年 6 月 zycnzj.com/ www.zycnzj.comzycnzj.com/http:/www.zycnzj.com/毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要 Title On the Theme of Love of Emily Dickinsons Poems Abstract American poet Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) is the pioneer of the western modern poetry. She created about 1800 poems all her life. She was little known and indifferent to worldly desires before her death. She lived the life of a recluse. Though she never married and seemed quiet on the outside, she had rich, deep and passionate emotions. The style of her poetry is new and original. Her strange ideas and ingenious words are far better than that of some other poets. Her poems incarnated the special emotional thought, imaginative faculty and creative power. In her love poems she expresses the relationship between love and death, love and eternity, and love and religion. Her poems contain rich meanings, so her poetry is a scene of dazzling beauty. Many of Emily Dickinsons love poems express her views of love and her love experiences, and the theme of love is permeated with three aspects: expecting the arrival of love and the probable marriage, chance meeting and inevitable separation and raising of love to a higher level. This paper will mainly make an analysis of her love poems and help readers understand the poet herself and her love poems better. Keywords Dickinson, poems, love zycnzj.com/ www.zycnzj.comzycnzj.com/http:/www.zycnzj.com/毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘 要毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘 要 美国女诗人艾米利狄金森()是西方现代主义诗歌的先驱。她一生创作了约 1800 首诗。她生前恬淡,默默无闻,过着隐士般的生活。她终身未嫁,外表宁静,内心却隐藏着一个丰富,深邃,炽热的感情世界。她的诗歌风格独特新颖。新奇的念头,令人惊异的措辞和巧妙的文字搭配总是让人望尘莫及,体现了她的情感思维,想象力,独创力。她在描写爱情时,渗透了爱情与死亡的关系,与永恒的关系,以及与宗教的关系。她的爱情诗歌有着多重底蕴,因此显得美不胜收。 在狄金森很多爱情诗歌中表达了诗人自己的爱情观及其感情经历,并主要从三个方面体现出来:期盼爱情的到来和可能的婚姻,偶尔的幽会和必然的分离,以及爱情的升华。本文即从这三个方面分析其爱情诗,从而进一步了解诗人内心的感情世界及其爱情诗歌的美妙之处。 (空 2 行) 关键词 狄金森,诗歌,爱情 说明:说明: 1、 “关键词”关键词” 为小 4 号黑体。 2、关键词的个数为 38 个。关键词的排序,通常应按研究的对象、性质(问题) 和采取的手段排序,而不应任意排列。 3、 “关键词”关键词”后面不加冒号,关键词与关键词之间用全角逗号(, )隔开,最后一 个关键词后不加任何标点符号。 zycnzj.com/ www.zycnzj.comzycnzj.com/http:/www.zycnzj.com/淮阴工学院毕业论文淮阴工学院毕业论文 第 页 共 页 Contents 1 Introduction1 2 Three Important Aspects in Emily Dickinsons Love Poems3 2.1 Expecting The Arrival of Love and Probable Marriage3 2.2 Chance Meeting and Inevitable Separation6 2.3 Raising of Love to A Higher Level8 Conclusion10 Acknowledgements11 References12 zycnzj.com/ www.zycnzj.comzycnzj.com/http:/www.zycnzj.com/淮阴工学院毕业论文淮阴工学院毕业论文 第 1 页 共 12 页 1 Introduction Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), the American celebrated poet, was one of the premier writers that lived during the Victorian Age. Though she was not celebrated until after her death, Emily Dickinsons poems, as well as Walt Whitmans, were considered as a part of “American Renaissance”. They were regarded as pioneers of imagism. Being the daughter of a prominent politician, Emily had the benefit of a good education and attended the Amherst Academy. Then she spent a year at Mount Holyoke female Seminary. In 1848 she began her life of seclusion, traveled infrequently and never married. Throughout the year of 1885, Emily was confined to bed in her familys house where she had lived her entire life. Altogether, she wrote 1,775 poems, of which only seven had appeared during her lifetime. On May 15,1886 Emily, who was called “vestal of Amherst” , took her last breath at the age of 56. At that moment the world lost one of its most talented and insightful poets. Dickinsons poems are of subtle and roundabout brevity, yet her linguistic economy conveys complex ideas. Her images, taken from daily life, are vivid, distinct, and focused, conveying intensity of abstractness through their concreteness. The sharp images and direct and simple language show her vision with force. She utilizes fully and skillful trope such as symbolism, metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy, etc. Dickinsons major themes, love and death, are traditional religious subjects, which are extremely common. But expression in her verse is not common at all. Her expression is unique and original. Regarding love, Dickinson believed that the prismatic quality of love enabled energy that passed through the experience of love to reveal a spectrum of possibilities. Dickinson never defined a specific lover, but concentrated on passion as a whole. Concerning nature, Dickinson generally equated nature with heaven, hills, and flies. She also saw nature as a friend with whom she loved to commune. Dickinson most frequently compressed her poems into brief stanza forms, in a few differen
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